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                              姓名 胡連歡 性別:
                              職稱(chēng) 高級工程師 學(xué)歷 博士
                              電話(huà) 010-82998361 傳真: 010-62010846
                              Email: hulh[a]mail.iggcas.ac.cn 郵編: 100029
                              地址 北京朝陽(yáng)區北土城西路19號,中科院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所



                              • 2000.09-2004.07,武漢大學(xué),電子信息工程,學(xué)士 
                              • 2004.09-2007.06,中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所,空間物理學(xué),碩士 
                              • 2010.09-2014.12,中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所,空間物理學(xué),博士 
                              • 2007.07-至今,中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所,空間環(huán)境探測實(shí)驗室
                              社會(huì )任職:
                              1. Hu L., B. Ning, L. Liu, B. Zhao, Y. Chen and G. Li (2014), Comparison between ionospheric peak parameters retrieved from COSMIC measurement and ionosonde observation over Sanya, Adv. Space Res., 54: 929-938, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2014.05.012. 
                              2. Hu L., B. Ning, L. Liu, B. Zhao, G. Li, B. Wu, Z. Huang, X. Hao, S. Chang and Z. Wu (2014), Validation of COSMIC ionospheric peak parameters by the measurements of ionosonde chain in China, Ann. Geophys., 32, 1311-1319, doi: 10.5194/angeo-32-1311-2014.  
                              3. 胡連歡,寧百齊,李國主,李明(2014), 基于三亞VHF雷達的場(chǎng)向不規則體觀(guān)測研究: 4. 太陽(yáng)活動(dòng)低年夏季F區回波, 地球物理學(xué)報, 57(1): 1-9, doi: 10.6038/cjg20140101. 
                              4. 胡連歡,寧百齊,李國主,趙必強,吳寶元,郝喜慶(2013), 暴時(shí)低緯電離層不規則體響應特征的多手段觀(guān)測地球物理學(xué)報, 56(2): 365-373, doi: 10.6038/cjg20130201. 
                              5. 胡連歡,寧百齊,李國主 (2007),海南地區電離層閃爍觀(guān)測與GISM模式預測的比較分析,空間科學(xué)學(xué)報27 (5): 384-390 
                              6. Kangkang Liu, Guozhu Li, Baiqi Ning, Lianhuan Hu, Hongke Li, (2015), Statistical characteristics of low-latitude ionospheric scintillation over China, Adv. Space Res., 55(5), 1356–1365, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2014.12.001  
                              7. Li, G., B. Ning, and L. Hu (2014), Interferometry observations of low-latitude E-region irregularity patches using the Sanya VHF radar, Sci. China – Tech. Sci., 57: 1552-1561, doi: 10.1007/s11431-014-5592-3.  
                              8. 寧百齊,李國主,胡連歡,李明 (2013), 基于三亞VHF雷達的場(chǎng)向不規則體觀(guān)測研究:  1.電離層E區連續性回波, 地球物理學(xué)報, 56(3): 719-730, doi: 10.6038/cjg20130301. 
                              9. 李國主,寧百齊,胡連歡,李明 (2013), 基于三亞 VHF雷達的場(chǎng)向不規則體觀(guān)測研究:2.東亞低緯電離層E區準周期回波,  地球物理學(xué)報567): 2141-2151doi: 10.6038/cjg20130701. 
                              10. Li, G., B. Ning, L. Hu, Y.-H. Chu, I. M. Reid, and B. K. Dolman (2012), A comparison of lower thermospheric winds derived from range spread and specular meteor trail echoes, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A03310, doi:10.1029/2011JA016847. 
                              11. Li, G., B. Ning, Y. - H. Chu, I. M. Reid, L. Hu, B. K. Dolman, J. Xiong, G. Jiang, G. Yang and C. Yan (2014), Structural evolution of long-duration meteor trail irregularities driven by neutral wind, J. Geophys. Res. doi: 10.1002/2014JA020116. 
                              12. 解海永,寧百齊,劉立波,余濤,胡連歡,吳寶元,鄭建昌,常首民(2014),北京地區電離層Chapman標高的統計分析,地球物理學(xué)報, 57(11): 3523-3531, doi: 10.6038/cjg20141104. 
                              13. 熊波,萬(wàn)衛星,寧百齊,胡連歡,丁鋒,趙必強,李建勇(2014),基于北斗、GLONASSGPS系統的中低緯電離層特性聯(lián)合探測,地球物理學(xué)報, 57(11): 3586-3599, doi: 10.6038/cjg20141112.    
                              14. Li, G., B. Ning, W. Wan, I. M. Reid, L. Hu, X. Yue, J. P. Younger and B. K. Dolman (2014), Observational evidence of high altitude meteor trail from radar interferometer, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, DOI: 10.1002/2014GL061478. 
                              15. Xiong, B., W. Wan, B. Ning, F. Ding, L. Hu, and Y. Yu (2014), A statistic study of ionospheric solar flare activity indicator, Space Weather, doi:10.1002/2013SW001000. 
                              16. 李明,李國主,寧百齊,胡連歡 (2013), 基于三亞VHF雷達的場(chǎng)向不規則體觀(guān)測研究: 3. 距離擴展流星尾跡回波, 地球物理學(xué)報, 56(12): 3969-3979, doi: 10.6038/cjg20131203. 
                              17. 劉穎真諸云強羅侃寧百齊趙秀寬胡連歡 (2013), 電離層數據庫管理共享系統設計與實(shí)現, 地球物理學(xué)進(jìn)展28(5)2221-2228. 
                              18. Liu, L., Y. Chen, H. Le, B. Ning,W.Wan, J. Liu, and L. Hu (2013), A case study of postmidnight enhancement in F-layer electron density over Sanya of China, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 4640–4648, doi: 10.1002/jgra.50422. 
                              19. Ding, F., W. Wan, B. Ning, B. Zhao, Q. Li, Y. Wang, L. Hu, R. Zhang, and B. Xiong (2013),  Observations of poleward-propagating large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances in southern ChinaAnn. Geophys.,  31, 377-385, doi:10.5194/angeo-31-377-2013 
                              20. Yu, Y., W. Wan, B. Ning, L. Liu, Z. Wang, L. Hu, and Z. Ren (2013), Tidal wind mapping from observations of a meteor radar chain in December 2011, J. Geophys. Res., 118, doi:10.1029/2012JA017976. 
                              21. Li, G., B.Ning, A.K. Patra, M. A. Abdu, J. Chen, L. Liu, and L.Hu (2013), On the linkage of daytime 150 kmechoes and abnormal intermediate layer traces over Sanya, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 7262–7267, doi:10.1002/2013JA019462. 
                              22. Ning, B., L. Hu, G. Li, L. Liu, and W. Wan (2012),  The first time observations of low-latitude ionospheric irregularities by VHF radar in HainanSci. China- Tech. Sci., 55(5): 1189-1197, doi: 10.1007/s11431-012-4800-2. 
                              23. Li, G., B. Ning, M. A. Abdu, W. Wan, and L. Hu (2012), Precursor signatures and evolution of post-sunset equatorial spread-F observed over Sanya, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A08321, doi:10.1029/2012JA017820. 
                              24. Li, G., B. Ning, L. Liu, W. Wan, L. Hu, B. Zhao, and A. Patra (2012),  Equinoctial and June solstitial F-region irregularities over SanyaIndian Journal of Radio & Space Physics, 41(2): 184-198,  
                              25. Xiong, J., W. Wan, B. Ning, L. Liu, B. Wu, L. Hu, and T. Xu (2012),  Seasonal variations of night mesopause temperature in Beijing observed by SATI4Sci. China- Tech. Sci., 55(5): 1295–1301, doi: 10.1007/s11431-012-4779-8 
                              26. Jiang, G., J. Xu, W. Yuan, B. Ning, W. Wan, and L. Hu (2012), A comparison of mesospheric winds measured by FPI and meteor radar located at 40N,  Sci. China- Tech. Sci.,  55(5): 1245–1250, doi: 10.1007/s11431-012-4773-1.   
                              27. Liu, J., L. Liu, B. Zhao, Y. Wei, L. Hu, and B. Xiong (2012), High-speed stream impacts on the equatorial ionization anomaly region during the deep solar minimum year 2008, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A10304, doi: 10.1029/2012JA018015. 
                              28. 沈金成,寧百齊,萬(wàn)衛星,胡連歡 (2012), 全天空流星雷達相位差監測分析方法研究, 空間科學(xué)學(xué)報32 (1): 75-84. 
                              29. Li, G., B. Ning, M. A. Abdu, X. Yue, L. Liu, W. Wan, and L. Hu (2011), On the occurrence of postmidnight equatorial F region irregularities during the June solstice, J. Geophys. Res., 116, A04318, doi:10.1029/2010JA016056.  
                              30. Li, G., B. Ning, A. K. Patra, W. Wan, and L. Hu (2011), Investigation of low - latitude E and valley region irregularities: Their relationship to equatorial plasma bubble bifurcation, J. Geophys. Res., 116, A11319, doi:10.1029/2011JA016895. 
                              31. Le, H., L. Liu, F. Ding, Z. Ren, Y. Chen, W. Wan, B. Ning, G. Xu, M. Wang, G. Li, B. Xiong and L. Hu. (2010), Observations and modeling of the ionospheric behaviors over the east Asia zone during the 22 July 2009 solar eclipse, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A10313, doi: 10.1029/2010JA015609. 
                              32. Ding, F., W. Wan, B. Ning, L. Liu, H. Le, G. Xu, M. Wang, G. Li, Y. Chen, Z. Ren, B. Xiong, L. Hu, X. Yue, B. Zhao, F. Li, M. Yang (2010), GPS TEC response to the 22 July 2009 total solar eclipse in East Asia, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A07308, doi:10.1029/2009JA015113. 
                              33. Guozhu Li , Baiqi Ning, Zhipeng Ren and Lianhuan Hu (2010). Statistics of GPS ionospheric scintillation and irregularities over polar regions at solar minimum. GPS Solut., doi 10.1007/s10291-009-0156-x. 
                              34. 洪文佳,寧百齊,胡連歡,萬(wàn)衛星,劉立波(2010),電離層膠片頻高圖數字化轉換分析,地球物理學(xué)進(jìn)展,251):169-178

                              地址:北京市朝陽(yáng)區北土城西路19號 郵 編:100029 電話(huà):010-82998001 傳真:010-62010846
                              版權所有© 2009 中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所 備案序號:京ICP備05029136號