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                          姓名 焦淑娟 性別:
                          職稱(chēng) 研究員 學(xué)位 博士
                          電話(huà) 010-82998538 傳真: 010-62010846
                          Email: jiaoshujuan[a]mail.iggcas.ac.cn 郵編: 100029
                          地址 北京朝陽(yáng)區北土城西路19號,中科院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所

                          English】? 巖石圈演化國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室? 前寒武紀地質(zhì)學(xué)學(xué)科組



                          1. 前寒武紀變質(zhì)作用?
                          2. 高溫-超高溫變質(zhì)作用和深熔作用?
                          3. 原位獨居石和鋯石定年?
                          社會(huì )任職:
                          1. 國家自然科學(xué)基金重大項目,早期板塊構造的變質(zhì)-巖漿作用特征與動(dòng)力學(xué)機制,41890832,2019.1-2023.12(研究骨干,在研)
                          2. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目,華北孔茲巖帶古元古代高溫-超高溫變質(zhì)演化歷史的限定:原位獨居石定年和相平衡模擬,41672189,2017.1-2020.12(項目負責人,已結題)
                          3. 國家自然科學(xué)青年基金項目,鋯石、獨居石和金紅石微量元素和同位素研究與華北古元古代超高溫變質(zhì)事件的P-T-t演化重建,41402168,2015.1-2017.12(項目負責人,已結題)
                          4. 博士后科學(xué)基金面上項目(一等),華北克拉通孔茲巖帶早元古代超高溫變質(zhì)作用研究,2013M540137,2013.1-2015.12(項目負責人,已結題)
                          1. 入選為2018年度中科院青促會(huì )會(huì )員
                          2. 榮獲2015年度博士后交流計劃派出項目?
                          3. 榮獲2013年度中國科學(xué)院院長(cháng)優(yōu)秀獎


                          1. Jiao, S.J*, Brown, M., Mitchell, R.N., Chowdhury, P., Clark, C., Chen, L., Chen, Y., Korhonen, F., Huang, G. and Guo, J., 2023. Mechanisms to generate ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. 10.1038/s43017-023-00403-2
                          2. Jiao SJ*, Evans NJ, Guo JH, Fitzsimons ICW, Zi JW, McDonald BJ (2021) Establishing the P-T path of UHT granulites by geochemically distinguishing peritectic from retrograde garnet. American Mineralogist doi.org/10.2138/am-2021-7681
                          3. Jiao SJ*, Guo JH, Evans NJ, Mcdonald BJ, Liu P, Ouyang DJ, Fitzsimons ICW, Zi JW. 2020. The timing and duration of high-temperature to ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism constrained by zircon U-Pb-Hf and trace element signatures in the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 175: 66.?
                          4. ?Jiao SJ*, Guo JH. 2020. Paleoproterozoic UHT metamorphism with isobaric cooling (IBC) followed by decompression-heating in the Khondalite Belt (North China Craton): New evidence from two sapphirine formation processes. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 38: 357-378.
                          5. Jiao SJ*, Fitzsimons ICW, Zi JW, Evans NJ, Mcdonald BJ, Guo JH. 2020. Texturally controlled U-Th-Pb monazite geochronology reveals Paleoproterozoic UHT metamorphic evolution in the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton. Journal of Petrology, 61 (1): egaa023.
                          6. 焦淑娟, 郭敬輝, (2019) 假藍寶石(Sapphirine)的礦物學(xué)特征及其在超高溫變質(zhì)作用研究中的應用. 巖石學(xué)報 35(1), 16-30.
                          7. Jiao, S*., Fitzsimons, I.C.W., Guo, J., 2017. Paleoproterozoic UHT metamorphism in the Daqingshan Terrane, North China Craton: New constraints from phase equilibria modeling and SIMS U–Pb zircon dating. Precambrian Research 303, 208-227.
                          8. Jiao, S.J., Guo, J.H., Wang, L.J., Peng, P. (2015a). Short-lived high-temperature prograde and retrograde metamorphism in Shaerqin sapphirine-bearing metapelites from the Daqingshan terrane, North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 269, 31-57.?
                          9. Jiao, S.J., Li, X.H., Huang, H.Q., Deng, X.G. (2015b). Metasedimentary melting in the formation of charnockite: Petrological and zircon U-Pb-Hf-O isotope evidence from the Darongshan S-type granitic complex in southern China. Lithos, 239, 217-233.?
                          10. Jiao, S.J, Guo, J.H, Harley, S.L., Windley, B.F. (2013a). New constraints from garnetite on the P–T path of the Khondalite Belt: implications for the tectonic evolution of the North China Craton. Journal of Petrology, 54(9), 1725-1758.?
                          11. Jiao, S.J, Guo, J.H, Harley, S.L., Peng, P. (2013b). Geochronology and trace element geochemistry of zircon, monazite and garnet from the garnetite and/or associated other high-grade rocks: Implications for Palaeoproterozoic tectonothermal evolution of the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 237, 78-100.
                          12. 焦淑娟, 郭敬輝, 彭松柏, (2013) 華南大容山-十萬(wàn)大山花崗巖體中石榴石成因以及麻粒巖包體變質(zhì)作用研究. 巖石學(xué)報, 29(5), 1740-1758.?
                          13. Jiao, S.J, Guo, J.H, Mao, Q, Zhao, R.F. (2011). Application of Zr-in-rutile thermometry: a case study from ultrahigh-temperature granulites of the Khondalite belt, North China Craton. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 162(2), 379-393.?
                          14. Jiao, S.J, Guo, J.H. (2011). Application of the two-feldspar geothermometer to ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) rocks in the Khondalite belt, North China craton and its implications. American Mineralogist, 96(2-3), 250-260.?
                          15. Wang, Y.Q., Zhai, M.G*., He, H.L*., George, P.M., Sajeev, K., Jiao, S.J., Liu, B., Guo, J.H., 2021, Incipient charnockite formation in the Trivandrum Block, southern India: Evidence from melt-related reaction textures and phase equilibria modelling Lithos 380-381, 105825
                          16. 翟明國*, 趙磊, 祝禧艷, 焦淑娟, 周艷艷, 周李崗, 2020, 早期大陸與板塊構造啟動(dòng)——前沿熱點(diǎn)介紹與展望 巖石學(xué)報, 36(8), 2249-2275.
                          17. 韓慶森, 彭松柏*, 焦淑娟, 2020. 揚子克拉通古元古代冷俯沖低溫-高壓榴輝巖相變泥質(zhì)巖的發(fā)現及其大地構造意義 地球科學(xué), 45(6),1986-1998.
                          18. Huang, G.Y*., Guo, J.H., Jiao, S.J., Palin, R., 2019. What Drives the Continental Crust To Be Extremely Hot So Quickly? Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 124, 11218-11231.
                          19. Huang, G, Jiao, S., Guo, J., Peng, P., Wang, D., Liu, P., 2016. P–T–t constraints of the Barrovian-type metamorphic series in the Khondalite belt of the North China Craton: Evidence from phase equilibria modeling and zircon U–Pb geochronology. Precambrian Research 283, 125-143.?
                          20. Li, Y., Yang, Y.H, Jiao, S.J, Wu, F.Y, Yang, J.H, Xie, L.W, Huang, C. (2015). In situ determination of hafnium isotopes from rutile using LA-MC-ICP-MS. Science China Earth Sciences, 58(12), 2134-2144.?
                          21. Miao, L.C*, Zhang, F.C, Jiao, S.J. (2015). Age, protoliths and tectonic implications of the Toudaoqiao blueschist, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 105, 360-373.
                          22. Guo, J.H, Peng, P., Chen, Y., Jiao, S.J, Windley, B.F. (2012). UHT sapphirine granulite metamorphism at 1.93–1.92 Ga caused by gabbronorite intrusions: implications for tectonic evolution of the northern margin of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 222, 124-142.
                          23. 王艷玲, 錢(qián)青, 焦淑娟, (2011) 純橄巖捕虜體在閃長(cháng)質(zhì)巖漿中的存留時(shí)間尺度: Mg-Fe擴散剖面模擬巖漿. 巖石學(xué)報, 27(6), 1688-1698.

                          地址:北京市朝陽(yáng)區北土城西路19號 郵 編:100029 電話(huà):010-82998001 傳真:010-62010846
                          版權所有© 2009 中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所 備案序號:京ICP備05029136號
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