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                                  您現在的位置:首頁(yè) > 研究隊伍

                                姓名 呂厚遠 性別:
                                職稱(chēng) 研究員 學(xué)位 博士
                                電話(huà) 010-82998266 傳真: 010-62010846
                                Email: houyuanlu@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 郵編: 100029
                                地址 北京朝陽(yáng)區北土城西路19號,中科院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所

                                呂厚遠,男,1960年9月生于山東省嘉祥縣, 博士、博士生導師,研究員


                                • 1978-1982 上海同濟大學(xué)海洋地質(zhì)專(zhuān)業(yè), 理學(xué)學(xué)士
                                • 1982-1984 石油大學(xué)(原華東石油學(xué)院), 助教
                                • 1984-1987 上海同濟大學(xué),孢粉-藻類(lèi)專(zhuān)業(yè), 理學(xué)碩士
                                • 1987-1995 國家海洋局第一海洋研究所, 助研, 副研究員
                                • 1994-1995 國家海洋局科技司調查處,副處長(cháng)
                                • 1995-1998 中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)研究所, 古生物學(xué)與地層學(xué), 理學(xué)博士
                                • 1998-現今 中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所, 副研究員, 研究員
                                • 1997-1998 馬普基金資助在德國國家地球科學(xué)中心作研究
                                • 2000-2001 美國路易斯安那州立大學(xué) 博士后
                                • 2002.5-2002.10; 2004.5-2004.8; 2006.4-2006.6, 美國路易斯安那州立大學(xué)合作研究

                                曾任:中國古生物學(xué)會(huì )常務(wù)理事,中國人類(lèi)學(xué)民族學(xué)研究會(huì )常務(wù)理事,中國第四紀研究會(huì )副秘書(shū)長(cháng)、理事,環(huán)境考古學(xué)分會(huì )秘書(shū)長(cháng),INQUA-Sub-commission on Asian Quaternary Stratigraphy,Vice President 等.
                                現任:中國第四紀科學(xué)研究會(huì )常務(wù)理事,人類(lèi)演化與環(huán)境考古專(zhuān)業(yè)委員會(huì )主任,中國孢粉學(xué)會(huì )理事,新疆樓蘭學(xué)會(huì )常務(wù)理事,中國考古學(xué)會(huì )植物考古專(zhuān)業(yè)委員會(huì )副主任,中國考古學(xué)會(huì )環(huán)境考古專(zhuān)業(yè)委員會(huì )副主任 等.


                                1) 植硅體研究:通過(guò)對中國不同種類(lèi)現代植物植硅體分析,建立了我國植硅體分類(lèi)系統,建立了水稻、黍、粟等農作物以及野生-馴化植物植硅體鑒定標準;通過(guò)對中國不同氣候帶現代土壤植硅體分析,明確了中國不同氣候帶土壤植硅體組合特征;開(kāi)展了植硅體碳封存和植硅體碳-14測年研究等。奠定了我國植硅體學(xué)研究的基礎。
                                2) 古氣候定量:系統地開(kāi)展了我國陸相古氣候定量恢復研究工作。通過(guò)對中國不同氣候帶現代土壤植硅體、孢粉、土壤磁化率、有機碳同位素等多指標現代過(guò)程分析,建立了我國表土植硅體、孢粉組合等與氣候參數和植被類(lèi)型的定量轉換函數,建立土壤磁化率與氣候參數的函數關(guān)系,建立了我國現代土壤有機碳同位素空間分布與氣候的關(guān)系,在此基礎上系統開(kāi)展了中國第四紀不同時(shí)間尺度古氣候、古植被定量重建研究。
                                3) 孢粉學(xué)研究:在系統開(kāi)展我國現代表土和第四紀湖泊、海洋、黃土、青藏高原孢粉分析基礎上,明確了黃土高原地質(zhì)歷史時(shí)期基巖山地、溝谷和塬面古植被的差異;揭示了青藏高原那曲地區250萬(wàn)年來(lái)植被變化的孢粉學(xué)證據;明確了我國季風(fēng)區千年、百年、年代際周期性氣候變化過(guò)程,揭示了近百年氣候變暖疊加于500年自然周期暖相位的過(guò)程; 發(fā)現并解釋了我國東部冰消期海、陸氣候變化的不同步現象等。
                                4) 環(huán)境考古研究:利用植硅體、花粉、淀粉分析等手段,對我國陜西、河北、河南、長(cháng)江三角洲地區、西藏、新疆羅布泊等地區重點(diǎn)考古遺址,開(kāi)展了環(huán)境考古和農業(yè)考古研究。揭示了周期性氣候變化、4.2千年氣候事件等與文化文明演替的關(guān)系,開(kāi)展了海岸帶-大陸架環(huán)境考古研究;提出了BA-YD資源壓力-農業(yè)起源新機制,在上山文化、磁山文化、裴李崗文化等稻作、旱作農業(yè)考古方面取得了新認識。開(kāi)展了青海喇家遺址4000年前古代面條成分分析,鑒定了1800年前絲綢之路穿越青藏高原的茶葉證據。

                                社會(huì )任職:


                                1. 國家自然科學(xué)基金交叉科學(xué)部重大項目:海岸帶環(huán)境變遷與文化文明演替。批準號T2192950;執行期限2022.01-2026.12 (負責)
                                2. 國家自然科學(xué)基金重點(diǎn)項目:長(cháng)江流域稻作農業(yè)起源與環(huán)境變化關(guān)系的微體化石研究。批準號41830322;執行期限2019.01 - 2023.12 (負責)
                                3. 國家自然科學(xué)基金重點(diǎn)項目:黃河流域農業(yè)起源與環(huán)境變化關(guān)系的微體化石研究。批準號41230104;執行期限2013.01 - 2017.12 (負責)
                                4. 中國科學(xué)院戰略性先導科技專(zhuān)項(A類(lèi))“應對氣候變化的碳收支認證及相關(guān)問(wèn)題”。 負責第13項目: 氣候變化背景下人類(lèi)適應方式。批準號XDA05130000;執行期限 2011.01-2016.12 (負責)
                                5. 973項目:末次冰消期以來(lái)中國中東部極端氣候環(huán)境事件與農業(yè)起源發(fā)展和人類(lèi)適應研究,第一課題:長(cháng)江中下游稻作農業(yè)起源、發(fā)展與氣候環(huán)境變化關(guān)系研究。批準號2015CB953801;執行期限 2015.01-2019.12 (負責)
                                6. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目:青藏高原晚中新世以來(lái)特征時(shí)段古高度變化的孢粉學(xué)證據。批準號41271226;執行期限 2013.01 - 2016.12 (負責)
                                7. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目:兩千年來(lái)青藏高原湖泊年紋層孢粉記錄與古溫度估算。批準號41071131;執行期限 2011.01 - 2013.12 (負責)


                                1. 國家海洋局項目:“太平洋CC區多金屬結核勘探”,1994.04-11(負責管理)
                                2. 國家海洋局項目:“美濟礁前期工程勘察任務(wù)”, 1994-1995 (負責管理)
                                • 2020年 國家自然科學(xué)獎二等獎 (排名第一)
                                • 2016年 國務(wù)院特殊津貼專(zhuān)家
                                • 2008年 中國科學(xué)院人才計劃
                                • 2003年 國家自然科學(xué)基金委杰出青年基金
                                • 2001年 國家海洋局科技創(chuàng )新成果二等獎
                                • 2000年 第二屆中國第四紀研究青年科學(xué)家獎
                                • 1994年 第三屆山東省優(yōu)秀青年科技獎
                                • 1993年 國家海洋局杰出青年獎
                                • 1993年 中央國家機關(guān)優(yōu)秀青年獎
                                • 1993年 國家海洋局劉恩蘭海洋青年科技二等獎
                                • 1993年 山東省青島市優(yōu)秀青年專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)人才榮譽(yù)稱(chēng)號
                                • 1989年 國家海洋局劉恩蘭海洋青年科技二等獎



                                1. Cui A*., Wang M., Lu H*., Xu B., Xu D., & Li H. (2022). Seasonal climatic variations inferred from pollen in a laminated glacier in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Earth and Space Science, 9, e2022EA002581. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022EA002581.
                                2. Keyang He*, Houyuan Lu, Jianping Zhang, and CanWang. (2022). Holocene spatiotemporal millet agricultural patterns in northern China: a dataset of archaeobotanical macroremains. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14 (10): 4777–4791, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-14-4777-2022.
                                3. He K*, Yu X, Shen C and Lu H*. (2022). Coupled and decoupled legumes and cereals in prehistoric northern and southern China. Front. Plant Sci. 13:1013480. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1013480.
                                4. Keyang He*, Houyuan Lu*, Guiyun Jin, Can Wang, Hai Zhang, Jianping Zhang, Deke Xu, Caiming Shen, Naiqin Wu, Zhengtang Guo. (2022). Antipodal pattern of millet and rice demography in response to 4.2 ka climate event in China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 295(1), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107786.
                                5. Dong Y*., Wu N*., Li F., Zhang D., ZhangY., Shen C., Lu H. (2022). The Holocene temperature conundrum answered by mollusk records from East Asia. Nature Communications,13, 5153. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-32506-7.
                                6. Li F. *, Wu N. *, Zhang D., Rousseau D. D., Yang Y., Hao Q., D Y, Lu H. (2022). Glacial-interglacial evolution of seasonal cooling events documented by land-snail eggs from chinese loess. Quaternary Science Reviews, 284, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107506.
                                7. Xiujia Huan *, Zhenhua Deng *, Jinhui XiangHouyuan Lu. (2022). New evidence supports the continuous development of rice cultivation and early formation of mixed farming in the Middle Han River Valley, China. The Holocene,32(9): 924-934. https://doi.org/10.1177/09596836221101253.
                                8. Huan X., Wei X*., Zhang J., Li J., Zhang X., Shao K., Ge Y., Yang X., Lu H. (2022). Discovery of the Earliest Rice Paddy in the Mixed Rice–Millet Farming Area of China. Land, 11(6): 831. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/land11060831.
                                9. Huan X, Deng Z*, Zhou Z, Yan X, Hao X,Bu Q and Lu H. (2022). The Emergence of Rice and Millet Farming in the Zang- Yi Corridor of Southwest China Dates Back to 5000 Years Ago. Front. Earth Sci. 10:874649. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.874649.
                                10. Jianping Zhang, Xiujia Huan*, Houyuan Lü, Can Wang, Caiming Shen, Keyang He, Ying Lü, Naiqin Wu. (2022). Crossing of the Hu line by Neolithic population in response to seesaw precipitation changes in China. Science Bulletin, 67(8): 844-852 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2021.12.011.
                                11. He K*, Lu H*, Sun G, Wang Y, Zheng Y,Zheng H, Lei S, Li Y and Zhang J. (2022). Dynamic Interaction BetweenDeforestation and Rice CultivationDuring the Holocene in the Lower Yangtze River, China. Front. Earth Sci. 10: 849501.doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.849501.
                                12. Tang X*, Lu H*, Cao Z, Xie J. (2022). Morphological characteristics of homozygous wild rice phytoliths and their significance in the study of rice origins. Science China Earth Sciences, 65(1): 107–117, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-021-9835-
                                13. Ge Y*, Lu H*, Wang C, Deng Z, Huan X , Jiang H . (2022). Phytoliths in spikelets of selected oryzoideae species: new findings from in situ observation. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences,14(4). DOI 10.1007/s12520-022-01544-z
                                14. Huan X, Zhang J*, Zhuang Y, Fan C, Wang N , Ji X, Shao K, He K, Jin J, Zuo X, Lu H. (2022). Intensification of rice farming and its environmental consequences recorded in a liangzhu reservoir, china. Quaternary international, 619: 39-45.
                                15. 呂厚遠.(2022).周期性氣候變化與人類(lèi)適應. 人類(lèi)學(xué)學(xué)報,40 (4): 0731-748.
                                16. 曹冬蕾, 王燦, 顧萬(wàn)發(fā), 呂厚遠. (2022).中原仰韶文化中晚期農業(yè)組織模式初探.中國農史,41(3): 31-43.
                                17. 唐先干, 呂厚遠, 曹志斌, 謝金水. (2022). 純合系野生稻植硅體形態(tài)特征及其在水稻起源研究中的意義. 中國科學(xué): 地球科學(xué), 52(3): 486–496, doi: 10.1360/SSTe-2021-0058.
                                18. 范保碩, 李月叢, 呂厚遠, 許清海, 謝紅麗, 張蕓, 佘梓靖, 葛亞汶, 張振, 趙永杰. (2022).華北平原東北部小冰期干濕變化特征及其驅動(dòng)機制. 第四紀研究, 42(6):1586-1600.
                                19. 唐先干, 謝金水, 劉增兵, 孫剛, 袁福生, 呂厚遠(2022). 人工施肥對水稻扇型植硅體形態(tài)發(fā)育的影響及其意義.第四紀研究, 42 (6):1792-1085.
                                20. 王聰,張健平,呂厚遠. (2022). 麻類(lèi)作物植硅體形態(tài)研究. 第四紀研究, 42(6): 1775-1791.


                                1. Cui Anning*, Lu Houyuan*, Liu, Xingqi, Shen Caiming, Xu Dek, Xu Baiqing, Wu Naiqin. (2021). Tibetan Plateau precipitation modulated by the periodically coupled westerlies and Asian monsoon. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(7), e2020GL091543.
                                2. Dong Yajie*, Wu Naiqin*, Li Fengjiang, Huang Linpei, Lu Houyuan, Stenseth Nils. Chr. (2021). Paleorecords reveal the increased temporal instability of species diversity under biodiversity loss. Quaternary Science Reviews, 269, 107147.
                                3. Dong Yajie*, Wu Naiqin*, Li Fengjiang, Lu Houyuan. (2021). Coupled morphologic and demographic responses of Opeas striatissimum (Gastropoda: Subulinidae) to latest Pleistocene to early Holocene climate fluctuations. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 562. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110101.
                                4. Dong Yajie*, Wu Naiqin*, Li Fengjiagn, Lu Houyuan. (2021). Rapid northwestward extension of the East Asian summer monsoon since the Last Deglaciation: evidence from the mollusk record. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9: 1-11. 788738. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.788738
                                5. He Keyang*, Lu Houyuan*, Sun Guoping, Ji Xiang, Wang Yonglei, Yan Kaikai, Zuo Xinxin, Zhang Jianping, Liu Bing, Wang Ningyuan. (2021). Multi-proxy evidence of environmental change related to collapse of the Liangzhu Culture in the Yangtze Delta, China. Science China-Earth Sciences, 64(6): 890-905.
                                6. Huan Xiujia*, Lu Houyuan*, Jiang Leping, Zuo Xinxin, He Keyang, Zhang Jianping. (2021). Spatial and temporal pattern of rice domestication during the early Holocene in the lower Yangtze region, China. Holocene, 31(9): 1366-1375.
                                7. Li Fengjiang*, Wu Naiqin*, Dong Yajie, Zhang Dan, Zhang Yueting, Huang Linpei, Yang Yiquan, Xu Deke, Zhang Jianping, Lu Houyuan. (2021). Land-snail eggs as a proxy of abrupt climatic cooling events during the reproductive season. Science Bulletin, 66: 1274-1277.
                                8. Li Hao, Xu Deke*, Shen Caiming, Cui Anning, Zuo Xinxin, Dong Yajie, Wang Can, Jing Yingyu, Yu Yinghao, Wu Naiqin, Lu Houyuan*. (2021). Multi-centennial climate cycles and their impact on the Tubo Dynasty in the southern Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 578, 110584.
                                9. Shao Konglan, Zhang Jianping*, He Keyang, Wang Can, Lu Houyuan. (2021). Impacts of the wetland environment on demographic development during the Neolithic in the Lower Yangtze region—based on peat and archaeological dates. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 635640. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.635640.
                                10. Shao Konglan*, Zhang Jianping*, Lu Houyuan, Gu Zhaoyan, Xu Bing, Zheng Hongbo, Sun Guoping, Huan Xiujia, He Keyang, Zou Yafei, Wu Naiqin. (2021). Process of rice domestication in relation to Holocene environmental changes in the Ningshao plain, lower Yangtze. Geomorphology, 381, 107650.
                                11. Tang Lingyu, Shen Caiming*, Lu Houyuan, Li Chunhai, Ma Qingfeng. (2021). Fifty years of Quaternary palynology in the Tibetan Plateau. Science China-Earth Sciences, 64 (1): 1825-1843.
                                12. Tang Xiangan*, Lu Houyuan*, Cao Zhibin, Xie Jinshui. (2021). Morphological characteristics of homozygous wild rice phytoliths and their significance in the study of rice origins. Science China Earth Sciences, 65(1): 107–117. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-021-9835-6.
                                13. Zhang Dan, Wu Naiqin*, Li Fengjiang, Rousseau Denis-Didier, Chen Xiaoyun, Dong Yajie, Lu Houyuan. (2021). Climatic structures and intensities of the last two glacials documented by terrestrial molluscs from Chinese loess sequences. Boreas, 50: 308-320.
                                14. Zuo Xinxin*, Lu Houyuan*, Li Zhen, Song Bing. (2021). Phytolith reconstruction of early to mid-Holocene vegetation and climatic changes in the Lower Yangtze Valley. Catena, 207, 105586.
                                15. Zhang J*, Lv Y, Yu L*, Tang M, Huang M, Shao K, Huan X, Wen C, Dong Y, Jiang M, He K, Yan X, Ye M, Wu N and Lu H. (2021). Neolithic rice cultivationand consequent landscape changes at the Baodun Site, Southwestern China. Front. Earth Sci. 9: 807626.doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.807626.
                                16. Deke Xu*, Houyuan Lu*, Chunsheng Jin, Zhaoyan Gu, Xinxin Zuo, Yajie Dong, Can Wang, Luo Wang, Hao Li, Yinghao Yu, Yingyu Jin, Naiqin Wu. (2021). Application of multiple dating techniques to the Holocene sediments of Angrenjin Co in the southern Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Geochronology, 62, 101148, doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2020.101148.
                                17. 呂穎, 張健平, 唐淼, 楊占風(fēng),黃明,姜銘,閆雪,邵孔蘭,溫昌輝,葉茂林,呂厚遠. (2021).植硅體分析揭示成都平原先秦農業(yè)發(fā)展及其環(huán)境背景分析——以寶墩和三星村遺址為例. 第四紀研究, 41(5): 1475-1488.
                                18. 唐領(lǐng)余, 沈才明, 呂厚遠, 李春海, 馬慶峰. (2021).青藏高原第四紀孢粉研究五十年.中國科學(xué):地球科學(xué), 51(12): 2015–2034, doi: 10.1360/SSTe-2020-0361.
                                19. 賀可洋, 呂厚遠, 孫國平, 姬翔, 王永磊, 閆凱凱, 左昕昕張健平劉斌王寧遠. (2021). 長(cháng)江三角洲良渚文化衰亡的多指標環(huán)境證據. 中國科學(xué):地球科學(xué), 51(7): 1107–1122, doi: 10.1360/SSTe-2020-0327. 


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                                1. Wang Can*, Lu Houyuan*, Gu Wanfa, Wu Naiqin, Zhang Jianping, Zuo Xinxin, Li Fengjiang, Wang Daojing, Dong Yajie, Wang Songzhi, Liu Yanfeng, Bao Yingjian, Hu Yayi. The development of Yangshao agriculture and its interaction with social dynamics in the middle Yellow River region, China. The Holocene, 2019, 29(1), 173–180. doi: 10.1177/0959683618804640
                                2. Dong Yajie*, Wu Naiqin*, Li Fengjiang, Chen Xiaoyun, Zhang Dan, Zhang Yueting, Huang Linpei, Wu Bin, Lu Houyuan, Influence of monsoonal water-energy dynamics on terrestrial mollusk species-diversity gradients in northern China. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 676, 206-214, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.292.
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                                5. Zuo Xinxin*, Lu Houyuan*, Huan Xiujia, Jiang Leping, Wang Can. (2019). Influence of different extraction methods on prehistoric phytolith radiocarbon dating. Quaternary International, 528: 4-8.
                                6. Deke Xu*, Houyuan Lu*, Guoqiang Chu, Li Liu, Caiming Shen, Fengjiang Li, Can Wang, Naiqin Wu. (2019). Synchronous 500-year oscillations of monsoon climate and human activity in Northeast Asia. Nature Communications.10, 4105. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-12138-0.
                                7. Wang Can*, Lu Houyuan*, Zhang Jianping, Mao Limi, Ge Yong. (2019). Bulliform Phytolith Size of Rice and Its Correlation With Hydrothermal Environment: A Preliminary Morphological Study on Species in Southern China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:1037. DOI=10.3389/fpls.2019.01037.
                                8. 張健平*, 呂厚遠, 葛勇, 邵孔蘭. 粟類(lèi)作物稃片植硅體形態(tài)研究回顧與展望. 第四紀研究, 2019, 39(1): 1-11
                                9. 王燦*, 呂厚遠, 顧萬(wàn)發(fā), 吳乃琴, 張健平, 左昕昕, 李豐江, 汪道京, 董亞杰, 汪松枝, 劉彥鋒, 鮑穎建, 胡亞毅. 全新世中期鄭州地區古代農業(yè)的時(shí)空演變及其影響因素. 第四紀研究, 2019, 39(1): 108-122.
                                1. Zuo Xinxin*, Lu Houyuan*, Huan Xiujia, Jiang Leping, Wang Can. Influence of different extraction methods on prehistoric phytolith radiocarbon dating. Quaternary International, 2018, ISSN 1040-6182, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2018.12.002.
                                2. Zhang Jianping*, Lu Houyuan*, Liu Minxuan, Diao Xianmin, Shao Konglan Shao, Wu Naiqin. Phytolith analysis for differentiating between broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) and its weed/feral type (Panicum ruderale), Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 13022, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-31467-6
                                3. Huan Xiujia, Lu Houyuan*, Zhang Jianping, Wang Can. Phytolith assemblage analysis for the identification of rice paddy. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8:10932, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-29172-5
                                4. Wang Can*, Lu Houyuan*, Gu Wanfa, Zuo Xinxin, Zhang Jianping, Liu Yanfeng, Bao Yingjian, Hu Yayi. Temporal changes of mixed millet and rice agriculture in Neolithic-Bronze Age Central Plain, China: Archaeobotanical evidence from the Zhuzhai site. The Holocene, 2018, 28 (5), 738-754
                                5. He Keyang*, Lu Houyuan*, Zheng Yunfei, Zhang Jianping, Xu Deke, Huan Xiujia, Wang Jiehua, Lei Shao. Middle-Holocene sea-level fluctuations interrupted the developing Hemudu culture in the lower Yangtze River, China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018, 188, 90-103
                                6. Ge Yong*, Lu Houyuan*, Zhang Jianping, Wang Can, He Keyang, Huan Xiujia. Phytolith analysis for the identification of barnyard millet (Echinochloa sp.) and its implications. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 2018, 10(1), 61-73
                                7. Wen Changhui*, Lu Houyuan*, Zuo Xinxin, Ge Yong. Advance of research on modern soil phytolith. Science China Earth Sciences, 2018, 61: 1169–1182
                                8. Ma Yongchao, Yang Xiaoyan*, Huan Xiujia, Gao Yu, Wang Weiwei, Li Zhao, Ma Zhikun, Perry Linda, Sun Guoping, Jiang Leping, Jin Guiyun, Lu Houyuan. Multiple indicators of rice remains and the process of rice domestication: A case study in the lower Yangtze River region, China. PLOS ONE, 2018, 13(12): e0208104. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0208104
                                9. Deng Zhenhua*, Hung Hsiao-chun, Fan Xuechun, Huang Yunming, Lu Houyuan. The ancient dispersal of millets in southern China: New archaeological evidence. The Holocene, 2018, 28(1), 34–43, doi: 10.1177/0959683617714603
                                10. Deng Zhenhua*, Hung Hsiao-chun, Carson Mike T., Bellwood Peter, Yang Shu-ling, Lu Houyuan. The first discovery of Neolithic rice remains in eastern Taiwan: phytolith evidence from the Chaolaiqiao site. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2018, 10(6), 1477–1484, doi: 10.1007/s12520-017-0471-z
                                11. Zou Yafei, Wang Luo*, Zhang Lizhou, Liu Yuan, Li Peng, Peng Zhiyuan,Yan Yao, Zhang Jiaoyang, Lu Houyuan. Seasonal diatom variability of Yunlong Lake, southwest China – a case study based on sediment trap records, Diatom Research, 2018, 33(3), 381-396, doi: 10.1080/0269249X.2018.1541823
                                12. Li Kangkang, Qin Xiaoguang*, Zhang Lei, Gu Zhaoyan, Xu Bing, Jia Hongjuan*, Mu Guijin, Lin Yongchong, Wei Dong, Wang Chunxue, Wu Yong, Tian Xiaohong, Lu Houyuan, Wu Naiqin, Jiao Yinxin. Hydrological change and human activity during Yuan–Ming Dynasties in the Loulan area, northwestern China. The Holocene, 2018, 28(8), 1266–1275.
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                                1. Lu Houyuan*. New methods and progress in research on the origins and evolution of prehistoric agriculture in China. Science China Earth Sciences, 2017, 60(12), 2141-2159
                                2. Zuo Xinxin, Lu Houyuan*, Jiang Leping, Zhang Jianping*, Yang Xiaoyan, Huan Xiujia, He Keyang, Wang Can, Wu Naiqin. Dating rice remains through phytolith carbon-14 study reveals domestication at the beginning of the Holocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2017, 114(25), 6486-6491
                                3. Wang Can*, Lu Houyuan*, Gu Wanfa, Wu Naiqin, Zhang Jianping, Zuo Xinxin, Li Fengjiang, Wang Daojing, Dong Yajie, et al., The spatial pattern of farming and factors influencing it during the Peiligang culture period in the middle Yellow River valley, China. Science Bulletin, 2017, 62(23), 1565-1568
                                4. He Keyang*, Lu Houyuan*, Zhang Jianping, Wang Can, Huan Xiujia. Prehistoric evolution of the dualistic structure mixed rice and millet farming in China. The Holocene, 2017, 27(12), 1885-1898
                                5. Song Bing*, Zhen Li Zhen*, Lu Houyuan, Mao Limi, Saito Yoshiki, Yi Sangheon, Lim  Jaesoo, Lu Anqing, Sha Longbing, Zhou Rui, Zuo Xinxin, Pospelova Vera. Pollen record of the centennial climate changes during 9–7 cal ka BP in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Delta plain, China. Quaternary Research, 2017, 87 (2), 275-287
                                6. Zhang Jianping*, Lu Houyuan, Jia Peter Weiming, Flad Rowan, Wu Naiqin, Betts Alison.  Cultivation strategies at the ancient Luanzagangzi settlement on the easternmost Eurasian steppe during the late Bronze Age. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 2017, 26(5), 505-512


                                1. Zuo Xinxin*, Lu Houyuan*, Li Zhen, Song Bing, Xu Deke, Zou Yafei, Wang Can, Huan Xiujia, He Keyang. Phytolith and diatom evidence for rice exploitation and environmental changes during the early mid-Holocene in the Yangtze Delta. Quaternary Research, 201686, 304-315
                                2. Zuo Xinxin*, Lu Houyuan, Zhang Jianping, Wang Can, Sun Guoping, Zheng Yunfei. Radiocarbon dating of prehistoric phytoliths: a preliminary study of archaeological sites in China. Scientific reports, 2016, 6: 26769, doi: 10.1038/srep26769
                                3. Lu Houyuan*, Zhang Jianping, Yang Yimin, Yang Xiaoyan, Xu Baiqing, Yang Wuzhan, Tong Tao, Jin Shubo, Shen Caiming, Rao Huiyun, Li Xingguo, Lu Hongliang, Fuller Dorian Q., Wang Luo, Wang Can, Xu Deke, Wu Naiqin. Earliest tea as evidence for one branch of the Silk Road across the Tibetan Plateau. Scientific reports, 2016, 6, 18955, doi: 10.1038/srep18955
                                4. Wang Can*, Lu Houyuan*, Zhang Jianping, He Keyang, Huan Xiujia. Macro-Process of Past Plant Subsistence from the Upper Paleolithic to Middle Neolithic in China: A Quantitative Analysis of Multi-Archaeobotanical Data. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(2): e0148136, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148136
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                                6. Ma Yongchao, Yang Xiaoyan*, Huan Xiujia, Wang Weiwei, Ma Zhikun, Li Zhao, Sun Guoping, Jiang Leping, Zhuang Yijie, Lu Houyuan. Rice bulliform phytoliths reveal the process of rice domestication in the Neolithic Lower Yangtze River region, Quaternary International, 2016, 426, 126-132.
                                7. Li Quan*, Lu Houyuan, Shen Caiming, Zhao Yan, Ge Quansheng. Vegetation successions in response to Holocene climate changes in the central Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Arid Environments, 2016, 125:136-144
                                8. Zhang Jianping*, Lu Houyuan, Sun Guoping, Flad Rowan, Wu Naiqin, Huan Xiujia, He Keyang, Wang Yonglei. Phytoliths reveal the earliest fine reedy textile in China at the Tianluoshan site, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 18664, doi: 10.1038/srep18664
                                9. Li Jianyong, Ilvonen Liisa, Xu Qinghai*, Ni Jian, Jin Liya, Holmstr?m Lasse, Zheng Zhuo, Lu Houyuan, Luo Yunli, Li Yuecong, Li Chunhai, Zhang Xiaojian, Sepp? Heikki. East Asian summer monsoon precipitation variations in China over the last 9500?years: A comparison of pollen-based reconstructions and model simulations. The Holocene, 2016, 26(4): 592 - 602
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                                1. Xiujia Huan, Houyuan Lu*, Can Wang, Xiangan Tang, Xinxin Zuo, Yong Ge, Keyang He. Bulliform phytolith research in wild and domesticated rice paddy soil in south China. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(10), e014125. 
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                                1. Lu Houyuan*, Yang Yimin, Li YuMei, Zhang JianPing, Yang, XiaoYan, Ye, MaoLin, Li Quan, Wang Can, Wu NaiQing. Component and simulation of the 4,000-year-old noodles excavated from the archaeological site of Lajia in Qinghai, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59 (35), 5136–5152 
                                2. Wang Can, Lu Houyuan*, Zhang Jianping, Gu Zhaoyan, He Keyang, 2014. Prehistoric demographic fluctuations in China inferred from radiocarbon data and their linkage with climate change over the past 50,000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews 98, 45-59 
                                3. Xu DeKe, Lu Houyuan, Chu Guoqiang, Wu Naiqing, Shen Caiming, Wang Can, Mao Limi. 500-year climate cycles stacking of recent centennial warming documented in an East Asian pollen record. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 3611 
                                4. Zhang Jianping, Lu Houyuan, Huang Linpei. Calciphytoliths (calcium oxalate crystals) analysis for the identification of decayed tea plants (Camellia sinensis L.). Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 6703 
                                5. Zuo Xinxin, Lu Houyuan*, Gu Zhaoyan. Distribution of soil phytolith occluded carbon in Chinese Loess Plateau and its implications for carbon-silica cycles. Plant and Soil, 2014: 374(1-2): 223-232. 
                                6. Jianyong Li, Yan Zhao, Qinghai Xu, Zhuo Zheng, Houyuan Lu, Yunli Luo, Yuecong Li, Chunhai Li, Heikki Sepp?. Human influence as a potential source of bias in pollen-based quantitative climate reconstructions.Quaternary Science Reviews, 2014, 99:112-121 
                                7. Zhuo Zheng, Jinhui Wei, Kangyou Huang, Qinghai Xu, Houyuan Lu, Pavel Tarasov, Chuanxiu Luo, Celia Beaudouin, Yun Deng, Anding Pan, Yanwei Zheng, Yunli Luo, Takeshi Nakagawa, Chunhai Li, Shixiong Yang, Huanhuan Peng, Rachid Cheddadi. East Asian pollen database: modern pollen distribution and its quantitative relationship with vegetation and climate. Journal of Biogeography, 2014,41(10):1819-1832 
                                8. Cong Long, YunJiang Min, XiuXia Zhao, ChunLei Yany, Hang Sun, HouYuan Lu, LingYu Tang, ZhongZe Zhou. Origin area and migration route: Chloroplast DNA diversity in the arctic-alpine plant Koenigia islandica. Science China Earth Sciences, 2014, 57(8):1760-1770


                                1. Deke Xu, Houyuan Lu*, Naiqin Wu, Zhenxia Liu, Tiegang Li, Caiming Shen, and Luo Wang. (2013).Asynchronous marine-terrestrial signals of the last deglacial warming in East Asia associated with low- and high-latitude climate changes. PNAS, 110, 24: 9657–9662.  
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