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                        1.   研究隊伍
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                          姓名 龐忠和 性別:
                          職稱(chēng) 研究員 學(xué)位 博士
                          電話(huà) +86-10-82998611/8613/8566 傳真: +86-10-62010846
                          Email: z.pang@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 郵編: 100029
                          地址 北京朝陽(yáng)區北土城西路19號,中科院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所

                            1. Pang Zhonghe, Kong Yanlong, Froehlich Klaus, Huang Tianming, Yuan Lijuan, Li Zhongqin, Wang Feiteng. Processes affecting isotopes in precipitation of an arid region. Tellus B 63 (2011) 352-359.
                            2. Pang Zhonghe and Mark Reed,Theoretical Geothermometry for Geothermal Waters: Problems and Methods, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta1998
                            1. "Analytical procedures and quality assurance for geothermal water chemistry"United Nations University),2006
                          "Radiotracer Applications in Industry-A Guidebook"IAEA),2004 


                          • 1985.03 – 1988.02  中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)研究所 構造地質(zhì)學(xué)(地熱)  博士 
                          • 1978.09 – 1984.02  南京大學(xué) 水文地質(zhì)與工程地質(zhì)  學(xué)士、碩士 
                          • 1995.03 – 1995.09  美國俄勒岡大學(xué)地質(zhì)系高級訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者 
                          • 1994.01 – 1995.05  法國南巴黎大學(xué)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者 
                          • 1991.08 – 1991.11  新西蘭奧克蘭大學(xué) 訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者 
                          • 1999.04 – 1988.10 聯(lián)合國大學(xué)冰島地熱培訓部訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者 


                          • 1988.03 – 1999.06 中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)研究所歷任助研(1988)、副研(1992)、研究員(1995)、地熱與數學(xué)地質(zhì)研究室主任 
                          • 1999.06 – 至今 中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所研究員、地熱資源研究中心主任(2014 
                          • 其間:1997.04-1998.04, 2000.04-2005.04 國際原子能機構(IAEA,維也納), 同位素水文學(xué)家/地熱項目技術(shù)主管 


                            龐忠和長(cháng)期從事水文地質(zhì)與地熱地質(zhì)研究,以地下水系統,地熱系統及深部咸水層為主要研究對象,研究地下水循環(huán)及水巖氣相互作用過(guò)程,以及這些過(guò)程的環(huán)境與資源效應。主要成果有:1)提出地熱資源成因理論與可持續開(kāi)發(fā)利用關(guān)鍵技術(shù),揭示大型巖溶地熱儲形成機制與巨大潛力并提出可持續高效開(kāi)發(fā)方向。2)創(chuàng )建了水同位素與水化學(xué)理論模型及技術(shù)標準,創(chuàng )建了依據氘盈余確定大氣降水形成、地表水鹽分溯源的定量化模型。制定了地熱水化學(xué)測試國際技術(shù)標準。3)在我國率先開(kāi)展廢棄油氣田型咸水層二氧化碳地質(zhì)封存理論、實(shí)驗裝置與現場(chǎng)試驗研究。 


                            國際原子能機構(IAEA)水文與地熱專(zhuān)家,IAEA水資源計劃中國協(xié)調員。國際水文科學(xué)協(xié)會(huì )(IAHS)同位素水文學(xué)委員會(huì )副主席和中國委員會(huì )主席;中國地球物理學(xué)會(huì )理事和地熱專(zhuān)業(yè)委員會(huì )主任。國際地熱協(xié)會(huì )(IGA)教育委員會(huì )委員。曾任IGA主席團成員(2010-2016)和科研委員會(huì )主席;曾任國際地球化學(xué)協(xié)會(huì )(IAGC)理事(2008-2012)。先后任Hydrogeology JournalGreenhouse Gases: Science and TechnologyGeothermicsGeothermal Energy,地質(zhì)學(xué)報(英文)等期刊編委或副主編。

                          1. 水文同位素與水循環(huán)研究:地下水的補給、循環(huán)的多尺度示蹤與定年
                          2. 水文地球化學(xué)與水巖相互作用的研究:水-巖-氣相互作用的實(shí)驗與數學(xué)模擬
                          3. 水文地熱學(xué)與水熱耦合過(guò)程研究:場(chǎng)地尺度地溫場(chǎng)測試與模擬
                          社會(huì )任職:
                          1. 國家自然科學(xué)基金重點(diǎn)項目(41430319):喜馬拉雅東構造結高溫地熱系統成因; 
                          2. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目(41372257):牛駝鎮地熱田對規模化開(kāi)采與尾水回灌的響應機理研究
                          3. 中石化合作項目:我國典型地熱田成因分析、資源評價(jià)與優(yōu)化開(kāi)采研究 
                          4. 國家863“十一五高技術(shù)重點(diǎn)項目課題(2008AA062303):二氧化碳的封存技術(shù) 
                          5. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目(40872162):包氣帶硝酸鹽運移的環(huán)境同位素示蹤 
                          6. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目(40672171):天山山前典型流域水循環(huán)研究
                          • 1993   國務(wù)院“政府特殊津貼”專(zhuān)家, 
                          • 1993   中國地質(zhì)學(xué)會(huì )“青年地質(zhì)科技獎-金錘獎” 
                          • 1993   中國科學(xué)院自然科學(xué)三等獎 
                          • 1994  “中國青年科技獎” 
                          • 2005   獲諾貝爾和平獎集體獎獲團隊——國際原子能機構(IAEA)成員 
                          • 2007   國際地球化學(xué)協(xié)會(huì )(IAGC)“水巖相互作用之友”獎
                          1. Kong Yanlong, Pang Zhonghe*. A positive altitude gradient of isotopes in the precipitation over the TianshanMountains: Effects of moisture recycling and sub-cloud evaporation. Journal of Hydrology (542) (2016), 222–230
                          2. Kong Yanlong, Pang Zhonghe*. What is the primary factor controlling trend of Glacier No. 1 runoff in the Tianshan Mountains: temperature or precipitation change? Hydrology Research (2016), DOI: 10.2166/nh.2016.190 
                          3. Huang Tianming, Pang Zhonghe*, Liu Jilai, Yin Lihe, Edmunds W Mike. Groundwater recharge in an arid grassland as indicated by soil chloride profile and multiple tracers. Hydrological Processes (2016) doi: 10.1002/hyp.11089. 
                          4. Huang Tianming, Pang Zhonghe* Li Jie, Guo Qi, Xiang Yong, Zhao Zhijiang. Mapping groundwater renewability using age data in the Baiyang alluvial fan, NW China. Hydrogeology Journal (2016), accepted 
                          5. Li Yiman, Pang Zhonghe*. Capacity and suitability assessment of deep saline aquifers for CO2 sequestration in the Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Environmental Earth Sciences (2016) 75(5) DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5269-2 
                          6. Li Yiman, Pang Zhonghe*. Yang FengTian, Jin Chao. Geochemical responses of a saline aquifer to CO2 injection: Experimental study on Guantao formation of Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 6(1) (2016). DOI: 10.1002/ghg.1556 
                          7. Li Yiman, Pang Zhonghe*. 2016.Hydrogeochemical characteristics of deep saline aquifers in sedimentary basins in China and implications for CO2 geological storage with emphasis on total dissolved solids (TDS) and water type. Greenhouse gases: Sciences and Technology, online, DOI: 10.1002/ghg.1645. 
                          8. Li Yiman, Huang Tianming, Pang Zhonghe*, Wang Yingchun, Jin Chao. Geochemical characteristics of shallow groundwater in Jiaoshiba shale gas production area: implications for environmental concerns. Water (2016), accepted 
                          9. Pang Zhonghe*, Lv Lianghua,Li Jie, Yuan Lijuan, Kong Yanlong, Luo Lu, Huang Tianming. Is groundwater sufficient to support sustainable irrigation agriculture in a reclaimed wetland region? Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions (2016) DOI: 10.5194/hess-2016-155 
                          10. Yang FengTian, Pang Zhonghe, Duan Zhongfeng. Distinguishing between faults and coal collapse columns based on sediment dating: a case study of the Huainan coal field, China. Environmental Earth Sciences (2016) 75(11) DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5761-8 
                          11. Philipp Hein, Zhu Ke, Anke Bucher, Olaf Kolditz, Pang Zhonghe, Shao Haibing. Quantification of exploitable shallow geothermal energy by using Borehole Heat Exchanger coupled Ground Source Heat Pump systems. Energy Conversion and Management (2016) 127:80-89 
                          12. Zheng Tianyuan, Shao Haibing, Sophie Schelenz, Philipp Hein, Thomas Vienken, Pang Zhonghe, Olaf Kolditz, Thomas Nagel. Efficiency and Economic Analysis of Utilizing Latent Heat from Groundwater Freezing in the context of Borehole Heat Exchanger coupled Ground Source Heat Pump Systems. Applied Thermal Engineering 105 (2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.05.158 
                          13. Tian Baoqing, Xu Peifen, Ling Suqun,Xu Xueqiu, Du Jianguo, Pang Zhonghe. Application of the initial model feature of microtremor to investigate a part of the geothermal field of Jiangsu region in China. Environmental Earth Sciences (2016) 75: 1298. doi:10.1007/s12665-016-5940-7 
                          14. 姜廣政, 高鵬, 饒松, 張林有, 唐曉音, 黃方, 趙平, 龐忠和, 何麗娟, 胡圣標, 汪集旸. 中國大陸地區大地熱流數據匯編(第四版). 地球物理學(xué)報 (2016) 59(8):2892-2910 
                          15. 李捷, 龐忠和, 古麗波斯坦·吐遜江, 孔彥龍, 黃天明, 白國營(yíng), 趙泓漪, 周東, 楊忠山. 北疆大氣降水水汽源識別及其對地下水補給的指示意義. 科技導報 (2016) 34(18): 118-124 
                          16. Li Jie, Pang Zhonghe*, Tao Tao, Tan Ming, Kong Yanlong, Duan Wuhui, Zhang Yu Wei. Identification of different moisture sources through isotopic monitoring during a storm event. Journal of Hydrometeorology 16 (2015): 1918-1927. 
                          17. Li Jie, Pang Zhonghe*. Environmental isotopes in CO2 geological sequestration. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 5(4) (2015): 374–388 
                          18. Li Jie, Pang Zhonghe*, Froehlich Klaus, Huang Tianming, Kong Yanlong, Song Wenhui. Paleo-environment from isotopes and hydrochemistry of groundwater in East Junggar Basin, Northwest China. Journal of Hydrology 529 (2015): 650-661 
                          19. Li Yiman, Pang Zhonghe*. Quantitative assessment of CO2 storage capacity by using of hydrogeochemical and isotope data for deep saline aquifers. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 5(5) (2015): 592-602. 
                          20. 羅璐, 龐忠和, 楊峰田. 蘇北盆地建湖隆起碳酸鹽巖儲層中的硫酸鹽型熱礦水成因. 地學(xué)前緣2015 22(2):263-270 
                          21. Kong Yanlong, Pang Zhonghe*. Statistical analysis of stream discharge in response to climate change for Urumqi river catchment, Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia. Quaternary International 336 (2014) 44-51. 
                          22. Kong Yanlong, Pang Zhonghe, Wu Chunyong, Jing Miao. A comparative study of single factor method and multivariate statistical methods for surface water quality assessment. Water Policy 16(1) (2014) 157 - 167. 
                          23. Kong Yanlong, Pang Zhonghe*, Li Jie, Huang Tianming. Seasonal variations of water isotopes in the Kumalak River catchments, Western Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 23(1) (2014) 169-174. 
                          24. Li Jie, Pang Zhonghe *, Kong Yanlong, Zhou Mengzi, Huang Tianming. Contrasting seasonal distribution of stable isotopes and deuterium excess in precipitation over china. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 23(9) (2014) 2074-2085. 
                          25. 龐忠和. 新疆水循環(huán)變化機理與水資源調蓄. 第四紀研究34(5) (2014) 907-917. 
                          26. 龐忠和, 黃少鵬, 胡圣標, 趙平, 何麗娟. 中國地熱研究的進(jìn)展與展望(1995-2014) 地質(zhì)科學(xué) 49(3) (2014) 719-727. 
                          27. 龐菊梅,龐忠和,孔彥龍,羅璐,王迎春,王樹(shù)芳. 巖溶熱儲井間連通性的示蹤研究. 地質(zhì)科學(xué). 49(3) (2014) 915-923. 
                          28. 羅璐, 龐忠和, 羅霽, 李義曼, 孔彥龍, 龐菊梅, 王迎春. 惰性氣體同位素確定地熱流體循環(huán)深度. 地質(zhì)科學(xué)     49(3) (2014) 888-898. 
                          29. Huang Tianming, Pang Zhonghe*, Edmunds W Mike. Soil profile evolution following land-use change: implications for groundwater quantity and quality. Hydrological Processes 27 (2013) 1238-1252. 
                          30. Huang Tianming, Pang Zhonghe*, Yuan Lijuan. Nitrate in groundwater and the unsaturated zone in (semi)arid northern China: baseline and factors controlling its transport and fate. Environmental Earth Sciences 70 (2013) 145-156. 
                          31. Huang Tianming, Pang Zhonghe*, Chen Yaning, Kong Yanlong. Groundwater circulation relative to water quality and vegetation in an arid transitional zone linking oasis, desert and river. Chinese Science Bulletin 58 (2013) 3088-3097. 
                          32. Pang Zhonghe*, Yuan Lijuan, Huang Tianming, Kong Yanlong, Liu Jilai, Li Yiman. Impacts of human activities on the occurrence of groundwater nitrate in an alluvial plain: a multiple isotopic tracers approach. Journal of Earth Science 24(1) (2013) 111-124. 
                          33. Yang Fengtian, Pang Zhonghe*, Lin Li, Zhang Fengna, Duan Zhongfeng, Zong Zhenhai. Hydrogeochemical and isotopic evidence for trans-formational flow in a sedimentary basin: Implications for CO2 storage. Applied Geochemistry 30 (2013) 4-15. 
                          34. Kong Yanlong, Pang Zhonghe*, Froehlich Klaus. Quantifying recycled moisture fraction in precipitation of an arid region using deuterium excess. Tellus B 65 (2013), 19251, doi: 10.3402/tellusb.v65i0.19251. 
                          35. Wang Shufang, Pang Zhonghe, Liu Jiurong, Lin Pei, Liu Sida, Yin Ming. Origin and Evolution Characteristics of Geothermal Water in the Niutuozhen Geothermal Field, North China Plain. Journal of Earth Science  24(6) (2013) 891-902 
                          36. Montanari A, Young G, Savenije HHG, Hughes D, Wagener T, Ren LL, Koutsoyiannis D, Cudennec C, Toth E, Grimaldi S, Bl?schl G, Sivapalan M, Beven K, Gupta H, Hipsey M, Schaefli B, Arheimer B, Boegh E, Schymanski SJ, Di Baldassarre G, Yu B, Hubert P, Huang Y, Schumann A, Post D, Srinivasan V, Harman C, Thompson S, Rogger M, Viglione A, McMillan H, Characklis G, Pang Z, Belyaev V. “Panta Rhei - Everything Flows”: Change in hydrology and society - The IAHS Scientific Decade 2013-2022. Hydrological Sciences Journal 58(6) 2013 1256-1275. 
                          37. Pang Zhonghe, Kong Yanlong, Li Yiman, Li Jie. Water-rock Interaction in the CO2 sequestration in a continental saline aquifer based on a pilot field test. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 7(2013) 656-659. 
                          38. Huang Tianming, Pang Zhonghe. Groundwater recharge and dynamics in northern China: implications for sustainable utilization of groundwater. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 7(2013) 369-372. 
                          39. Li Jie, Liu Jilai, Pang Zhonghe, Wang X. Characteristics of chemistry and stable isotopes in groundwater of Chaobai River Catchment, Beijing. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 7(2013) 487-490. 
                          40. 李義曼, 龐忠和, 楊峰田. 北塘凹陷新近系館陶組的CO2 - EATER實(shí)驗研究. 科技導報 31 (27) (2013) 15-20. 
                          41. Pang Zhonghe*, Li Yiman, Yang Fengtian, Duan Zhongfeng. Geochemistry of a continental saline aquifer for CO2 sequestration: The Guantao formation in the Bohai Bay Basin, North China. Applied Geochemistry 27 (2012) 1821-1828. 
                          42. Yuan Lijuan, Pang Zhonghe*, Huang Tianming. Integrated assessment on groundwater nitrate by unsaturated zone probing and aquifer sampling with environmental tracers. Environmental Pollution 171 (2012) 226-233. 
                          43. Kong Yanlong, Pang Zhonghe*. Evaluating the sensitivity of glacier rivers to climate change based on hydrograph separation of discharge. Journal of Hydrology 434-435 (2012) 121-129. 
                          44. Huang Tianming, Pang Zhonghe*. The role of deuterium excess in determining the water salinisation mechanism: a case study of the arid Tarim River Basin, NW China. Applied Geochemistry 27 (2012) 2382-2388. 
                          45. Wang Shufang, Arnaldsson Andri, Axelsson Gudni, Pang Zhonghe, Liu Jiurong. Modelling of the response of the Niutuozhen low-enthalpy geothermal system in Hebei province, China. Advanced Materials Research 512-515 (2012) 842-863. 
                          46. 龐忠和*, 胡圣標, 汪集旸. 中國地熱能發(fā)展路線(xiàn)圖. 科技導報 30 (32) (2012) 18-24. 
                          47. 汪集旸, 胡圣標, 龐忠和, 何麗娟, 趙平, 朱傳慶, 饒松, 唐曉音, 孔彥龍, 羅璐, 李衛衛. 中國大陸干熱巖地熱資源潛力評估. 科技導報 30 (32) (2012) 25-31. 
                          48. 楊峰田, 龐忠和*, 王彩會(huì ), 段忠豐, 羅璐, 李義曼. 蘇北盆地老子山地熱田成因模式. 吉林大學(xué)學(xué)報(地球科學(xué)版) 42(2) (2012) 468-475. 
                          49. 袁利娟, 龐忠和*. 包氣帶硝酸鹽分布的差異性及其形成機理:以正定、欒城為例. 水文地質(zhì)工程地質(zhì)      39(1) (2012) 75-80. 
                          50. 李義曼, 龐忠和*. 二氧化碳地質(zhì)封存中的水-巖反應動(dòng)力學(xué)模擬:進(jìn)展及問(wèn)題. 吉林大學(xué)學(xué)報(地球科學(xué)版) 42(S2) (2012) 352-360 
                          51. 李義曼, 龐忠和*, 李捷, 孔彥龍. 二氧化碳咸水層封存和利用. 科技導報30 (19) (2012) 70-79. 
                          52. Pang Zhonghe*, Kong Yanlong, Froehlich Klaus, Huang Tianming, Yuan Lijuan, Li Zhongqin, Wang Feiteng. Processes affecting isotopes in precipitation of an arid region. Tellus B 63 (2011) 352-359. 
                          53. Duan Zhongfeng, Pang Zhonghe*, Wang Xinyi. Sustainability evaluation of limestone geothermal reservoirs with extended production histories in Beijing and Tianjin, China. Geothermics 40 (2011) 125-135. 
                          54. Huang Tianming, Pang Zhonghe*. Estimating groundwater recharge following land-use change using chloride mass balance of soil profiles: a case study at Guyuan and Xifeng in the Loess Plateau of China. Hydrogeology Journal 19 (2011) 177-186. 
                          55. 龐忠和*, 楊峰田, 袁利娟, 李義曼. 新疆塔縣盆地地熱顯示與熱儲溫度預測. 地質(zhì)論評    57(1) (2011) 86-88. 
                          56. Luo Pan, Peng Ping’an, Gleixner G, Zheng Z, Pang Zhonghe, Ding Zhongli. Empirical relationship between leaf wax n-alkane δD and altitude in the Wuyi, Shennongjia and Tianshan Mountains, China: Implications for paleoaltimetry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 301 (2011) 285–296. 
                          57. Kong Yanlong, Pang Zhonghe. Isotope hydrograph separation in alpine catchments: a review. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions 3(1) (2011) 00860091. 
                          58. Wang Ju, Pang Zhonghe. Comparison between Geological Disposal of Carbon Dioxide and Radioactive Waste in China. In: F. L. Toth (ed.), Geological Disposal of Carbon Dioxide and Radioactive Waste: A Comparative Assessment, Advances in Global Change Research 44, doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-8712-6_17, International Atomic Energy Agency. 
                          59. Huang Tianming and Pang Zhonghe. A combined conceptual model (V&P model) to correct groundwater radiocarbon age. In: Proceeding of International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection (IEEE press), (2011) 28-30. 
                          60. Pang Zhonghe*, Huang Tianming, Chen Yaning. Diminished groundwater recharge and circulation relative to degrading riparian vegetation in the middle Tarim River. Hydrological Processes 24 (2010) 147-159. 
                          61. Huang Tianming, Pang Zhonghe*. Changes in groundwater induced by water diversion in the Lower Tarim River, Xinjiang Uygur, NW China: evidence from environmental isotopes and water chemistry. Journal of Hydrology 387 (2010) 188-201. 
                          62. Pang Zhonghe, Yang Fengtian, Duan Zhongfeng, Li Yiman. Integrated Geological sequestration and geothermal development: Saline aquifers in Beitang Depression, Tianjin, North China Basin. In: Proceeding of the 13th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2010, 31-36. 
                          63. Li Yiman, Pang Zhonghe, Duan Zhongfeng, Yang Fengtian. Modeling the geochemical response of CO2 injection into the Guantao Formation, North China Basin, In: Proceeding the 13th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2010, 875-878. 
                          64. 劉記來(lái), 龐忠和, 王素芬, 孔彥龍, 周俊. 30年來(lái)降水量變化和人類(lèi)活動(dòng)對北京潮白河沖洪積扇地下水動(dòng)態(tài)的影響. 第四紀研究 30(1) (2010) 138-144 
                          65. 孔彥龍, 龐忠和. 高寒流域同位素徑流分割研究進(jìn)展. 冰川凍土 32(3) (2010) 619-625. 
                          66. 袁利娟, 龐忠和. 地下水硝酸鹽污染的同位素研究進(jìn)展. 水文地質(zhì)工程地質(zhì) 37 (2010) 108-113. 
                          67. 龐忠和, 汪集旸. 中國地熱科學(xué)的若干新進(jìn)展. 見(jiàn): 李四光倡導中國地熱能開(kāi)發(fā)利用40周年紀念大會(huì )暨中國地熱發(fā)展研討會(huì )論文集. 北京: 地質(zhì)出版社. 2010 
                          68. 龐忠和. 理論地熱溫標在地熱研究中的應用. 見(jiàn): 李四光倡導中國地熱能開(kāi)發(fā)利用40周年紀念大會(huì )暨中國地熱發(fā)展研討會(huì )論文集. 北京: 地質(zhì)出版社. 2010 
                          69. Yang Yuncheng, Shen Zhaoli, Weng Dongguang, Hou Guangcai, Zhao Zhenhong, Wang Dong, Pang Zhonghe. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of waters in the Ordos Basin, China: implications for recharge of groundwater in the north of cretaceous groundwater basin. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition 83 (2009)103-113. 
                          70. 龐忠和. 世界地熱能發(fā)展概況. 地熱能  5 (2009) 15-25. 
                          71. Chen Yaning, Pang Zhonghe*, Hao Xingming, Xu Changchun, Chen Yapeng. Periodical changes of surface runoff in the last 40 years in Tarim River Basin, Hydrological Processes 16 (2008) 1371-1379. 
                          72. Chen Yaning, Pang Zhonghe*, Chen Yapeng, Li Weihong, Xu Changchun, Hao Xingming, Huang Xiang, Huang Tianming, Ye Zhaoxia. Response of riparian vegetation to water-table changes in the lower reaches of Tarim River, Xinjiang Uygur, China. Hydrogeology Journal 16 (2008) 1371-1379. 
                          73. Gates John, Edmunds Mike, Darling George, Ma Jinzhu, Pang Zhonghe, Young Adam. Conceptual model of recharge to southeastern Badain Jaran Desert groundwater and lakes from environmental tracers. Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 3519-3534. 
                          74. Chen Yaning, Xu Changchun, Chen Yapeng, Li Zhongqin, Pang Zhonghe. Response of snow cover to climate change in the periphery mountains of Tarim river basin, China, over the past four decades. Annals of Glaciology 49 (2008) 166-172. 
                          75. 龐忠和, 郭永海, 蘇銳, 秦大軍, 許冰. 北山花崗巖裂隙地下水循環(huán)屬性試驗研究, 巖石力學(xué)與工程學(xué)報 26(S2) (2007) 3954-3958. 
                          76. 黃天明, 龐忠和. 應用環(huán)境示蹤劑探討巴丹吉林沙漠及古日乃綠洲地下水補給. 現代地質(zhì). 21(4) (2007) 624-631. 
                          77. 楊鄖城, 文冬光, 侯光才, 張茂省, 龐忠和, 王冬. 鄂爾多斯白堊系自流水盆地地下水鍶同位素特征及其水文學(xué)意義. 地質(zhì)學(xué)報 81(2007) 405-412. 
                          78. Pang Zhonghe*. pH dependant isotope variations in arc-type geothermal waters: New insights into their origins. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 89 (2006) 306-308. 
                          79. 錢(qián)云平, 秦大軍, 龐忠和. 黑河下游額濟納盆地深層地下水來(lái)源的探討. 水文地質(zhì)工程地質(zhì) 3 (2006) 25-29. 
                          80. Pang Zhonghe. Origin of sulfur compounds and application of isotope geothermometry in selected geothermal systems of China. In: Pang Zhonghe  (ed.) Use of isotopes to trace the origin of acidic fluids in geothermal systems, Technical Documents of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 270 pp (2005) 
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                          82. Qin Dajun, Turner Jeffrey, Pang Zhonghe. Hydrogeochemistry and groundwater circulation in the Xi’an geothermal field, China. Geothermics 34 (2005) 471-494. 
                          83. Aguilera Eduardo, Cioni Roberto, Gherardi Fabrizio, Magro Gabriella, Marini Luigi, Pang Zhonghe. Chemical and isotope characteristics of the Chachimbiro geothermal fluids, Ecuador. Geothermics 34 (2005) 495-517. 
                          84. Bahati Godfrey, Pang Zhonghe*, Armannsson Halldor, Isabirye Edward, Kato Vicent. Hydrology and reservoir characteristics of three geothermal systems in western Uganda. Geothermics 34 (2005) 568–591. 
                          85. 秦大軍, 龐忠和, Turner Jeffrey. 西安地區地熱水和渭北巖溶水同位素特征及相互關(guān)系. 巖石學(xué)報 21(5) (2005) 1489-1500. 
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                          87. Han Liangfeng, Pang Zhonghe, Manfred Greoning. Study of groundwater mixing using CFC data. Science in China E 44(S1) (2011) 21-28 
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                          90. Pang Zhonghe*, Reed Mark. Theoretical chemical thermometry on geothermal waters: Problems and methods. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62 (1998) 1083-1091. 
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                          94. Pang Zhonghe, Wang Jiyang, Zhao Ping, and Jin Jian. Saline thermal waters from geothermal systems in the granite terrain (Zhangzhou Geothermal system and surroundings, southeast of China)-- 1. Origin and recharge of the thermal water traced by oxygen and hydrogen isotopes. Geothermal Science & Technology 4(4) (1996) 273-286. 
                          95. Pang Zhonghe, Wang Jiyang, Michelot, JL. Reservoir temperatures of geothermal fields and residence time of thermal waters derived from isotope data on dissolved sulfate. In: Water-Rock Interaction. Kharaka YK and Chudaev OV (eds.) Vladivostok, Russia, 1995, 215-218. (ISTP) 
                          96. Wang Jiyang and Pang Zhonghe. Application of isotope and geochemical techniques to geothermal exploration in southeast of China - A review. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) TECDOC 788 (1995) 9-20. 
                          97. Tole Mwakio, ármannsson Halldór, Pang Zhonghe, Arnórsson Stefán. Fluid/mineral equilibrium calculations for geothermal fluids and chemical geothermometry. Geothermics 22(1) (1993) 17-37. 
                          98. 龐忠和. 美國黃石公園的水熱活動(dòng)與自然保護. 科技導報. (10) (1993) 35. 
                          99. 龐忠和, 鄔倫, 胡圣標, 林松祥. GIS 方法研究南方花崗巖地區的新構造.  第四紀研究 (2) (1993) 188-195. 
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                          101. Pang Zhonghe. Theoretical calibration of chemical geothermometers and its application to the granitic geothermal areas of SE China. In: Water-Rock Interaction. Kharaka YK & Maest AS (eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam, 1992, 1463-1466. 
                          102. Wang Jiyang, Chen MX, Xiong Liangping, Pang Zhonghe. Geothermal systems in continental area of China. In: Water-Rock Interaction. Kharaka YK & Maest AS (eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam, 1992, 1371-1374. 
                          103. Pang Zhonghe, Wang Jiyang, Jin Jian, Chen S, and Jiang Z. Geothermal potential evaluation of the Zhangpu-Yunxiao area. In: Advances in Geosciences (Wang S., ed.) China Ocean Press, 1992, 373-378. 
                          104. Pang Zhonghe. Calibration of chemical geothermometers and their application to the southeast China geothermal belt. Scientia Geologica Sinica (1) (1992) 237-248. 
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                          106. Pang Zhonghe and Wang Jiyang. A Conceptual model for groundwater circulation and flow pattern in Zhangzhou Basin as determined by geochemical and isotope data, In: Modelling in groundwater resources, eds. Xue Yuqun and Bear Jacob, Nanjing University Press, 1991, 408-413. 
                          107. Pang Zhonghe. Calibration of chemical geothermometers based on fluid-mineral equilibrium calculations with application to the hot spring areas in the south of Fujian Province, China. Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 15 (1991) 273-278. 
                          108. Pang Zhonghe, and Wang Jiyang. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope study on Zhangzhou Basin Hydrothermal System, Southeast of China. Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 14 (1990) 945-951. 
                          109. Pang Zhonghe, Wang Jiyang, Fan Zhicheng. Calculation of reservoir temperature using a SiO2 mixing model, Zhangzhou geothermal-field, SE China. Chinese Science Bulletin 35(16) (1990) 1360-1363. 
                          110. Wang Jiyang, Xiong Lianping, Pang Zhonghe. Determination of the thermal water circulation depth using data from geothermal investigation - case-history in Zhangzhou geothermal-field, SE China. Chinese Science Bulletin 35(20) (1990) 1719-1723. 
                          111. 龐忠和,樊志成,汪集旸. 利用 SiO2混合模型計算漳州地熱田熱儲溫度. 科學(xué)通報 (1) (1990) 57-59. 
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                          1. 龐忠和, 胡圣標, 王社教, 徐佩芬, 王光杰, 楊峰田. 地熱系統與地熱資源. 見(jiàn): 汪集旸等主編. 地熱學(xué)及其應用. 科學(xué)出版社. 北京, 548頁(yè), 2015 
                          2. 龐忠和, 孫占學(xué), 段忠豐. 礦山地熱. 見(jiàn): 汪集旸等主編. 地熱學(xué)及其應用. 科學(xué)出版社. 北京, 548頁(yè), 2015 
                          3. 龐忠和, 楊峰田, 羅璐. 地熱田儲層溫度的確定方法. 見(jiàn): 丁仲禮(主編). 固體地球科學(xué)研究方法. 北京: 科學(xué)出版社210-243, 2013. 
                          4. 龐忠和. 地熱水的同位素. 見(jiàn): 顧慰祖和龐忠和等主編. 同位素水文學(xué). 科學(xué)出版社. 北京, 1113頁(yè), 2011 
                          5. 龐忠和, 汪集旸. 地熱電力資源. 見(jiàn): 中國電氣工程大典,第七卷第二章,北京: 中國電力出版社. 587-594. 2010 
                          6. 段忠豐, 楊峰田, 龐忠和. 深部煤礦地溫場(chǎng)的形成機理與預測方法研究,見(jiàn):虎維岳、何滿(mǎn)朝主編,深部煤炭資源及開(kāi)發(fā)地質(zhì)條件:研究現狀與發(fā)展趨勢. 北京: 煤炭工業(yè)出版社. 189-203 (2008) 
                          7. Pang Zhonghe, Armmannson Halldór. Analytical Procedures and Quality Assurance of Geothermal Water Chemistry. Report of the United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme, 2006, Reykjavik 
                          8. Pang Zhonghe. Use of isotopes to trace the origin of acidic fluids in geothermal systems. Technical Documents of the International Atomic Energy Agency, 2005, Vienna. 
                          9. Thereska Jovan, Pang Zhonghe. Radiotracer Applications in Industry - A Guidebook. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna Technical Report (priced), 2004, Vienna. 
                          10. Pang Zhonghe, Zhang Jindong, Sun Jianhong. Advances in Solid Earth Sciences. Science Press, 1996, Beijing. 
                          11. 汪集旸, 熊亮萍, 龐忠和. 中低溫對流型地熱系統. 科學(xué)出版社, 1993, 北京. 
                          12. 龐忠和. 地熱系統地質(zhì)構造-新構造分析. 見(jiàn): 汪集旸, 熊亮萍, 龐忠和. 中低溫對流型地熱系統, 北京: 科學(xué)出版社, 1993, 第二章. 
                          13. 龐忠和. 1993. 地熱系統地球化學(xué). 見(jiàn): 汪集旸, 熊亮萍, 龐忠和. 中低溫對流型地熱系統, 北京: 科學(xué)出版社, 1993, 第三章. 

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