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                                姓名 翟明國 性別:
                                職稱(chēng) 研究員 學(xué)位 博士
                                電話(huà) 010-82998570 82998224 傳真: 010-62010846
                                Email: mgzhai@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 郵編: 100029
                                地址 北京朝陽(yáng)區北土城西路19號,中科院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所

                                  翟明國,前寒武紀與變質(zhì)地質(zhì)學(xué)家,巖石學(xué)家,中國科學(xué)院院士,第三世界科學(xué)院院士。現任中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所研究員、中國科學(xué)院大學(xué)資深講座教授,以及西北大學(xué)和浙江大學(xué)講座教授,中山大學(xué)、吉林大學(xué)、西南科技大學(xué)、中國科技大學(xué)、圣.路易斯大學(xué)和澳門(mén)科技大學(xué)兼職和客座教授。中國科學(xué)院礦產(chǎn)資源重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室學(xué)術(shù)委員會(huì )主任、內生金屬礦床成礦機制國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室(南京大學(xué))學(xué)術(shù)委員會(huì )主任,以及其它9個(gè)國家與部門(mén)重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室的學(xué)術(shù)委員會(huì )主任、副主任和委員。
                                    主要從事變質(zhì)巖石學(xué)、前寒武紀地質(zhì)和地球化學(xué)研究,以及火成巖巖石學(xué)的研究,是一位國內外有影響的科學(xué)家和學(xué)術(shù)帶頭人。多年來(lái),他針對早期陸殼的形成與增長(cháng)、早期大陸殼的結構與成分、前寒武紀與顯生宙變質(zhì)作用和大陸動(dòng)力學(xué)機制的異同等前沿核心科學(xué)問(wèn)題,并且研究大陸演化歷史與礦產(chǎn)資源的富集機理,集中研究華北陸塊以及相鄰地區,取得了系統的創(chuàng )造性成果。
                                    獲國家自然科學(xué)二等獎2項,中國科學(xué)院自然科學(xué)一等獎一項、二等獎兩項,國土資源部科技創(chuàng )新一等獎兩項,教育部自然科學(xué)一等獎1項,何梁何利科學(xué)技術(shù)(地球科學(xué))獎。截止2016年統計,發(fā)表SCI論文二百余篇,h-index指數64,SCI引用>10000次,專(zhuān)著(zhù)與論文集30部,科研報告十余部。
                                    在多個(gè)國際和全國學(xué)術(shù)組織和學(xué)術(shù)刊物任職。主要國內外任職有:國際榴輝巖委員會(huì )委員,國際岡瓦納研究會(huì )執行委員(中國委員會(huì )主席),中國地質(zhì)學(xué)會(huì )、中國礦物巖石地球化學(xué)學(xué)會(huì )、中國巖土工程學(xué)會(huì )副理事長(cháng)、理事或常務(wù)理事,北京市人才領(lǐng)導小組專(zhuān)家委員會(huì )副主任;巖石學(xué)報主編,Island Arc和礦物學(xué)報副主編,中國科學(xué)、Gondwana Research、地球化學(xué)等11個(gè)學(xué)術(shù)期刊編委。

                                社會(huì )任職:


                                1. 國家973項目“華北克拉通前寒武紀重大地質(zhì)事件與成礦”(2012CB4166006)
                                2. 國家基金委重點(diǎn)項目“華北克拉通早前寒武紀高壓和高溫兩類(lèi)麻粒巖的分布、成因及地質(zhì)意義“(41030316)
                                3. 國家基金委重大國際合作項目“華北與朝鮮半島變質(zhì)作用比較研究”(41210003)




















                                參加 (蘇魯)




























                                基金重大研究計劃項目(華北克拉通破壞) 朝鮮半島中生代巖漿巖特征及其對華北克拉通破壞時(shí)空分布的限制





                                基金創(chuàng )新群體項目:碰撞與俯沖的巖石學(xué)過(guò)程






























                                重大創(chuàng )新項目 KZCX-07





                                方向項目 0915908159





















                                中國社會(huì )科學(xué)院優(yōu)秀信息獎一項。



                                1. 翟明國 2012 華北克拉通的形成以及早期板塊構造Evolution of the North China Craton and Early Plate Tectonics. 地質(zhì)學(xué)報,Acta Geologica Sinica, 86,9, 1335-1349
                                2. 張靜倪志耀翟明國盧俊生嚴剛孔旭周新. 2012. 冀北赤城紅旗營(yíng)子群黑云斜長(cháng)片麻巖的巖石學(xué)、地球化學(xué)及原巖特征Petrology,geochemistry and protolith of the biotite plagiogneiss from Hongqiyingzi Group in Chicheng County,northern Hebei Province. 巖石礦物學(xué)雜志, Acta Petrologica Et Mineralogica. 31, 3: 307~ 322
                                3. 張靜, 倪志耀, 翟明國, 楊列坤, 盧俊生, 孔旭, 周新. 2012. 冀北赤城紅旗營(yíng)子群黑云斜長(cháng)片麻巖的黑云母40Ar/39Ar年齡及其地質(zhì)意義Biotite 40Ar/39Ar isotopic dating of the biotite plagiogneiss from Hongqiyingzi Group in Chicheng County,North Hebei, China and its geological implication. 成都理工大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版),Journal of Chengdou University of Technology), 39,3,290-295
                                4. Peng P J.H. Guo, B.F. Windley, F. Liu, Z. Chu, M.G. Zhai. 2012. Petrogenesis of Late Paleoproterozoic Liangcheng charnockites and S-type granites in the central-northern margin of the North China Craton:Implications for ridge subduction. Precambrian Research, 222– 223 (2012) 107– 123
                                5. Lianchang Zhang, Mingguo Zhai, Xiaojing Zhang, Peng Xiang, Yanpei Daia,Changle Wang, Franco Pirajno. 2012. Formation age and tectonic setting of the Shirengou Neoarchean banded iron deposit in eastern Hebei Province: Constraints from geochemistry and SIMS zircon U–Pb dating. Precambrian Research, 222– 223, 325– 338
                                6. Kusky TM, Zhai MG. 2012. The Neoarchean Ophiolite in the North China Craton:Early Precambrian Plate Tectonics and Scientific Debate. Journal of Earth Science. Vol. 23, No. 3, p. 277–284 
                                7. Bin Lv, Mingguo Zhai?, Tiesheng Li, Peng Peng. 2012. Ziron U–Pb ages and geochemistry of the Qinglong volcano-sedimentary rock series in Eastern Hebei: Implication for~2500 Ma intra-continental rifting in the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 208–211: 145– 160

                                8. Peng Peng , Jinghui Guo , Mingguo Zhai, Brian F. Windley , Tiesheng Li , Fu Liu . 2012. Genesis of the Hengling magmatic belt in the North China Craton: Implications for Paleoproterozoic tectonics. Lithos 148, 27–44
                                9. 彭澎, 劉富, 翟明國, 郭敬輝. 2011. 密云巖墻群的時(shí)代及其對長(cháng)城系底界年齡的制約. 科學(xué)通報.56, 35:2975 -2980
                                10. Hu B, Zhai MG, Li TS, Li Z, Peng P, Guo JH, Kusky TM. 2012. Mesoproterozoic magmatic events in the eastern North China Craton and their tectonic implications: Geochronological evidence from detrital zircons in the Shandong Peninsula and North Korea.Gondwana Reserch, 22,828-842
                                11. 翟明國  克拉通化與華北陸塊的形成. 中國科學(xué)(D),2011,41(8)1037-1046
                                  Zhai MG Cratonization and the Ancient North China Continent: A summary and review, Science China (Earth Science), 2011,54(8): 1110-1120
                                12. Zhang HF, Zhai MG, Santosh M, Li SR. 20111, Low-Al and high-Al trondhjimites in the Huai’an Complex, North China Craton: Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopes, and implicatiohns for Neozrchen crustal growth and remenlting. J Asia Earth Sci., 2011,doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2011.11.003
                                13. 孔旭 倪志耀 翟明國 石玉若 嚴剛 張靜,2011,冀北榴輝巖的時(shí)間序列:來(lái)自鋯石SHRIMP U-Pb年齡的證據. 礦物巖石,2011,31,15-22
                                14. Peng P, Liu F, Zhai MG, Guo JH. 2011 Age of the Miyun dyke swarm: Constraints on the maximum depositional ages of the Changcheng Systen. Chinese Science Bulletin, doi:10.1007/s1143-011-4771-x
                                15. 劉胤 倪志耀 翟明國 趙太平 盧俊生 嚴剛. 2011. 冀北異剝橄欖巖中的冰長(cháng)石的發(fā)現及地質(zhì)意義. 成都理工大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版),37,38-44
                                16. 劉胤 倪志耀 翟明國 石玉若 嚴剛 盧俊生, 2011,冀北赤城花崗巖的鋯石SHRIMP年齡及其地質(zhì)意義. 礦物巖石,30,38-44
                                17. Zhai, M.G., Santosh, M. 2011. The early Precambrian odyssey of North China Craton: A synoptic overview. Gondwana Research, 20,6-25 doi:10.1016/j.gr.2011.02.005
                                18. Zhai, M.G.,Sntosh, M., Zhang, L.C. 2011. Precambrian geology and tectonic evolution of the North China Craton. Gondwana Research,doi: 10.1016/j.gr.2011.04.004
                                19. Wang, F., Chen, F.K., Siebel, W., Li, S.Q., Peng, P., Zhai, M.G. 2011. Zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotopic composition of the Hongqiyingzi Complex, northern Hebei Province: New evidence for Paleoproterozoic and late Paleozoic evolution of the northern margin of the North China Craton. Gondwana Research, doi:10.1016/j.gr.2011.02.003
                                20. Peng, P., Zhai, M.G., Li, Q.L., Wu, F.Y., Hou, Q.L., Li, Z., Li, T.S., Zhang Y.B. 2011.  Neoproterozoic (~ 900 Ma) Sariwon sills in North Korea: Geochronology, geochemistry and implications for the evolution of the south-eastern margin of the North China Craton. Gondwana Research, doi:10.1016/j.gr.2010.12.011.
                                21. Zhu, X.Y., Chen, F.K., Li, S.Q., Yang, Y.Z., Nie, H., Siebel, W., Zhai, M.G. 2011. Crustal evolution of the North Qinling terrain of the Qinling Orogen, China: Evidence from detrital zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotopic composition. Gondwana Research, doi:10.1016/j.gr.2010.12.009.
                                22. Zhang, H.F., Zhai, Mi.G., Santosh, M., Diwu, C.R., Li S.R. 2011. Geochronology and the evolution of the North China Craton. Gondwana Research, doi:10.1016/j.gr.2011.01.009

                                23. Zhai MG, Li TS, Peng P, Hu B, Liu F, Zhang YB, Guo JH. Precambrian key tectonic events and evolution of the North China Craton. In: Kusky T, Zhai MG, Xiao WJ (Eds), The Evolving Continents. Geol Soc London, Spe Pub, 2010, Vo. 338, 235-262
                                24. 翟明國. 華北克拉通的形成演化與成礦作用. 2010,礦床地質(zhì),39,1: 24-36
                                25. Li TS, Zhai MG, Peng P, Chen L, Guo JH. Ca. 2.5 billion old coeval ultramafic-mafic and syenitic dykes in Eastern Hebei: Implications for cratonization of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 2010, 180:143-155
                                26. 范宏瑞,胡芳芳,王凱怡,翟明國. 內蒙白云鄂博地區基底巖石鋯石年代學(xué)及對構造背景的指示. 巖石學(xué)報,2010 , 26, 1342-1350
                                27. 張曉輝,翟明國. 華北北部古生代大陸地殼增生過(guò)程中的巖漿作用與成礦效應. 巖石學(xué)報,2010, 26, 1225-1238
                                28. 陳衍景,翟明國,蔣少涌. 華北大陸邊緣造山過(guò)程與成礦研究的重要進(jìn)展和問(wèn)題. 巖石學(xué)報,2010, 2695-2726
                                29. 劉胤,倪志耀,翟明國,石玉若,嚴剛,盧俊生. 冀北赤城花崗巖的鋯石SHRIMP年齡及其地質(zhì)意義. 礦物巖石,2010, 30,38-44

                                30. 曾慶棟,劉建明,張作倫,陳偉軍,覃峰,張瑞斌,于文斌,張曉輝,翟明國. 華北克拉通北緣西拉沐淪鉬多金屬成礦帶鉬礦化類(lèi)型、特征及地球動(dòng)力學(xué)背景. 巖石學(xué)報,2009, 25, 1225-1238
                                31. 盧俊生,倪志耀,翟明國,童英,王仁民,嚴剛,劉胤. 冀北赤城紅旗營(yíng)子變質(zhì)橄欖巖的巖石學(xué)與地球化學(xué)特征. 礦物巖石,2009, 29,91-99
                                32. 翟明國,華北克拉通兩類(lèi)早前寒武紀麻粒巖(HT-HP and HT-UHT)及其相關(guān)問(wèn)題. 巖石學(xué)報,2009, 25(8): 1553-1571
                                33. Zhai MG, Two kinds of granulites (HT-HP and HT-UHT) in North China Craton: Their genetic relation and geotectonic implications. Acta Petrologica Sinica 2009, 25(8): 1553-1571. (in Chinese with English abstract)
                                34. Zhang XH, S Wilde, Zhang HF, Tang YJ, Zhai MG, Geochemistry of hornblende gabbros from Sonizuoqi, Inner Mongolia, North China: Implications for magmatism during the final stage of the supra subduction-zone ophiolite formation. Inter Geol Rev, 2009. 51, 345-373
                                35. Zhang XH, Zhang HF,Zhai MG, S Wilde, Xie LW, Geochemistry of Middle Triassic from northern Liaoning, North China: origin and tectonic implications. Geol. Mag. , 2009, 146, 540-551
                                36. 李忠,彭守濤,許承武,韓銀學(xué),翟明國,韓國太白山盆地古生界砂巖碎屑鋯石U-Pb年代及其區域構造意義. 巖石學(xué)報,2009, 25(1): 182-192
                                37. Chang Whan Oh, Seon-Gyu Choi, Jieun Seo, V.J. Rajesh, Mingguo Zhai, Peng Peng (2009) The Neoproterozoic Tectonic evolution of the Hongseong Area, the Southwestern Part of Gyeonggi Massif in South Korea and its Meaning to theTectonic Evolution of Northeast Asia. Gondwana Research, V. 16, p. 272-284.
                                38. Li Z, Peng ST, Xu CW, Han YX, Zhai MG, U-Pb ages of the Paleozoic sandstone detrital zircons and ther tectonic implications in the Tabeaksan basin, Korea. Acta Petrologica Sinica 2009, 25(1): 182-192. (in Chinese with English abstract)
                                39. 胡波,翟明國,郭敬輝,彭彭,劉富,劉爽,華北克拉通北緣化德群中碎屑鋯石的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年齡及其構造意義. 巖石學(xué)報,2009, 25(1): 193-211
                                40. Hu, B, Zhai, MG, Guo, JH, Peng, P, Liu, F. Liu, S. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology of detrital zircons from the Huade Group in the northern margin of the North China craton and its tectonic significance. Acta Petrologica Sinica 2009, 25(1): 193-211. (in Chinese with English abstract)
                                41. 王芳,陳福坤,侯振輝,彭彭,翟明國,華北陸塊北緣崇禮-赤城地區晚古生代花崗巖類(lèi)的鋯石年齡和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素組成. 巖石學(xué)報,2009, 25(11): 3057-3074.
                                42. Wang, F, Chen F-K, Hou, Z-H, Peng, P, Zhai, MG. Zircon ages and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic composition of late Paleozoic granitoids in the Chongli-Chicheng area, northern margin of the North China block. Acta Petrologica Sinica 2009, 25(11): 3057-3074. (in Chinese with English abstract)

                                43. 翟明國,2008,華北克拉通中生代破壞前的巖石圈地幔與下地殼,巖石學(xué)報,24,2185-2604
                                44. 嚴剛, 倪志耀,翟明國, 盧俊生, 趙太平. 冀北異剝橄欖巖的巖石學(xué)、地球化學(xué)及鋯石SHRIMP年代學(xué)研究. 2008, 28, 21-30
                                45. Peng P, Zhai M-G, Guo J-H, Zhang H-F, Zhang Y-B, 2008. Petrogenesis of Triassic postorogenic syenite plutons in the Sino-Korean craton: an example from North Korea. Geological Magazine 145 (5): 637–647.
                                46. Zhang YB, Wu FY, Wilde SA, Zhai MG, Lu XP, Zhang HF. 2008. Geochronology and tectonic implications of the "Proterozoic" Sluohe Group at the northern margin of the North China Craton. International Geological Review. 50,135-153
                                47. 侯泉林,武昱東,吳福元,翟明國,郭敬輝,李忠,2008,大別-蘇魯造山帶在朝鮮半島可能的改造表現,地質(zhì)通報,27,1659-1666
                                48. 周新春,徐斌,翟明國,2008,陜西秦嶺駕鹿金礦區發(fā)現的含氧金礦物,礦物學(xué)報,28,196-206 

                                49. 翟明國,郭敬輝,李忠,侯泉林,彭澎,樊祺誠,李鐵勝,蘇魯造山帶在朝鮮半島的延伸:造山帶、前寒武紀基底以及古生代沉積盆地的證據與制約,高校地質(zhì)學(xué)報,2007,13:415-428
                                50. Zhai MG, Guo JH, Li Z, Hou QL, Peng P, Fan QC, Li TS. 2007. Linking Sulu orogenic belt to Korean Peninsula: evidences of metamorphism, Precambrian basement and Paleozoic basins. Gondwana Research 12:388–403.
                                51. Zhai MG, Fan QC, Zhang HF, Sui JL, Lower crustal processes leading to Mesozoic lithospheric thinning beneath Eastern North China: underplating, replacement and delamination. Lithos, 2007, 96:36–54.
                                52. Zhai MG, Guo JH, Peng P, Hu B., U–Pb zircon age dating of a rapakivi granite batholith in Rangnim massif, North Korea. Geol. Mag., 2007, 144(3): 547-552.
                                53. Peng, P. Zhai, M.-G., Guo, J.-H., Kusky, T., Zhao, T.-P., 2007. Nature of mantle source contributions and crystal differentiation in the petrogenesis of the 1.78 Ga mafic dykes in the central North China craton. Gondwana Research, 12: 29-46.
                                54. 翟明國, 彭澎. 2007. 華北克拉通古元古代構造事件. 巖石學(xué)報 23(11): 2665-2682.
                                55. 徐勇航, 趙太平, 彭澎, 翟明國, 漆亮, 羅彥. 2007. 山西呂梁地區古元古界小兩嶺組火山巖地球化學(xué)特征及其地質(zhì)意義. 巖石學(xué)報 23(5): 1123-1132.

                                56. 翟明國, 新太古代全球克拉通事件與太古宙–元古宙分界的地質(zhì)涵義, 大地構造與成礦, 2006, 30(4): 419–421.
                                57. Ni ZY, Zhai MG, Wang RM, Ting Y, Late Paleozoic retrograded eclogites from within the northern margin of the North China Craton: evidence for subduction of the Paleo-Asian ocean. Gondwana Res., 2006, 9: 209–224.
                                58. 張華峰,翟明國, 童英, 彭澎, 許保良, 郭敬輝, 膠東半島高Ba–Sr花崗巖成因, 地質(zhì)論評, 2006, 52: 44–53.
                                59. 張華峰,翟明國、彭澎, 華北克拉通桑干地區高壓麻粒巖的鋯石SHRIMP U–Pb年齡及其地質(zhì)含義, 地學(xué)前緣, 2006, 13: 190–199.
                                60. 張華鋒, 李勝榮, 翟明國, 郭敬輝, 膠東半島早白堊世地殼隆升剝蝕及其動(dòng)力學(xué)意義, 巖石學(xué)報, 2006, 22: 285–295. 

                                61. Zhai MG, Ni ZY and Oh CW et al. SHRIMP zircon age of a rapakikvi granite batholith in the Gyeoggi massif (South Korea) and its geological implications. Geol. Mag., 2005, 142: 23–30.
                                62. Zhai MG and Liu WJ, Tectonic division of the Sulu ultra–high pressure region and the nature of its boundary with the North China Block. Int. Geol. Rev., 2005, 47: 1074–1089.
                                63. Zhai Mingguo, Guo, Jinghui, Liu, Wenjun, Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic continental evolution and tectonic history of the North China craton. J. Asian Earth Sciences. 2005: 547–561.
                                64. Peng P, Zhai MG, Zhang HF, Guo JH, Geochronolical constraints on Paleoproterozoic evolution of the North China craton: SHRIMP zircon ages of different types of mafic dikes. Int. Geol. Rev., 2005, 47: 492–508.
                                65. 倪志耀, 翟明國, 趙太平, 周磊, 異剝鈣榴巖及其巖石成因意義, 地球科學(xué)進(jìn)展, 2005, 20: 407–413.
                                66. 張華峰, 葉青培, 翟明國, 巖漿綠簾石特征及其地質(zhì)意義研究進(jìn)展, 地球科學(xué)進(jìn)展, 2005, 20: 442–448.
                                67. 邵濟安, 翟明國, 張履橋, 李大明, 晉冀蒙交界地區五期巖墻群的界定及其構造意義,地質(zhì)學(xué)報, 2005, 79: 56–67.
                                68. 陳斌, 田偉, 翟明國, 荒川洋二, 太行山和華北其它地區中生代巖漿作用得鋯石年代學(xué)和地球化學(xué)特征及其巖漿成因和地球動(dòng)力學(xué)意義, 巖石學(xué)報, 2005, 21: 13–24.
                                69. Miao LC, Qiu YM, Fan WM, Zhang FQ, Zhai MG, Geology, Geochronology, and tectonic setting of the jiapigou gold deposits, southern Jilin Province, China. Ore Geol. Rev., 2005, 26: 137–165.
                                70. 胡芳芳, 范宏瑞, 楊進(jìn)輝, 翟明國, 金成偉, 謝烈文, 楊岳衡, 交代文登長(cháng)山南花崗閃長(cháng)巖體的巖漿混合成因: 閃長(cháng)質(zhì)包體及寄主巖石的地球化學(xué)、Sr–Nd同位素和鋯石Hf同位素證據, 巖石學(xué)報, 2005, 21: 569–586.
                                71. 范宏瑞, 胡芳芳, 楊進(jìn)輝, 沈昆, 翟明國, 膠東中生代構造體制轉折過(guò)程中流體演化和金的大規模成礦, 巖石學(xué)報, 2005, 21: 1317–1328.
                                72. 胡芳芳, 范宏瑞, 沈昆, 翟明國, 金成偉, 陳緒松,膠東乳山脈狀金礦床流體性質(zhì)與演化, 巖石學(xué)報, 2005, 21: 1329–1338.
                                73. 樊祺城, 張宏福, 隋建立, 翟明國等, 巖漿底侵作用與漢諾壩現今殼–幔邊界組成, 中國科學(xué)D, 2005, 35, 1–14.
                                74. Fan QC, Zhang HF, Sui JL, Zhai MG et al., Magma underplating and composition of crust–mantle boundary zone in Hannuoba, Science in China D 2005 48: 1089–1105.
                                75. Oh C–W, Kim S–W, Choi S–G, Zhai MG et al., First finding of eclogite facies metamorphic event in South Korea and its correlation with Dabie–Sulu collision belt in China. J Geology, 2005, 113: 226–232.
                                76. Guo JH, Sun M, Chen FK, Zhai MG, 2005, Sm–Nd and SHRIMP zircon U–Pb geochronology of high–pressure granulites in the Sanggan area, North China Craton: timing of Paleoproterozoic continental collision. J Asia Earth Sciences, 24, 5: 629–642.
                                77. 翟明國, 樊祺誠, 張宏福, 隋建立, 2005, 華北巖石圈減薄中的下地殼過(guò)程: 巖漿底侵、置換與拆沉作用, 巖石學(xué)報, 21: 1509–1522. 

                                78. 郝杰, 翟明國, 羅迪尼亞超大陸與晉寧運動(dòng)和震旦系, 地質(zhì)科學(xué), 2004, 39: 139–152.
                                79. 翟明國, 范宏瑞, 楊進(jìn)輝, 苗來(lái)成, 非造山帶型金礦–膠東型金礦成礦作用, 地學(xué)前緣, 2004, 11: 85–98.
                                80. Zhai Mingguo, Precambrian Geological Events in the North China Craton. In: Tectonic Evolution of China (Ed. Malpas), Geological Society Special Publication London, 2004, 226: 57–72.
                                81. 張華峰, 翟明國, 何中甫, 彭澎, 許保良, 膠東昆瑜山雜巖中高鍶花崗巖地球化學(xué)成因及其地質(zhì)意義, 巖石學(xué)報, 2004, 20: 269–380.
                                82. 彭澎, 翟明國, 趙太平, 倪志耀, 華北克拉通1.8 Ga鎂鐵質(zhì)巖墻群的地球化學(xué)特征及其地質(zhì)意義, 巖石學(xué)報, 2004, 20: 439–456.
                                83. 趙太平, 陳福坤, 翟明國, 夏斌, 河北大廟斜長(cháng)巖鋯石U–Pb年齡及其地質(zhì)意義, 巖石學(xué)報, 2004, 20: 685–690.
                                84. 翟明國 孟慶任 劉建明, 華北東部中生代構造體制轉折峰期的主要地質(zhì)效應和形成動(dòng)力學(xué)探討, 地學(xué)前緣, 2004, 11: 285–298.
                                85. 翟明國, 華北克拉通21–17億年地質(zhì)事件群的分解和構造意義探討, 巖石學(xué)報, 2004, 20: 1343–1354. 1.
                                86. Shao, J, Zhai, MG, Zhang, LQ, Li, DM, Identification of five stages of dike swarms in the Shanxi–Hebei–Inner Mongolia border area and its tectonic implications. Acta Geologica Sinica–English, 2004 78 (1): 320–330.
                                87. 倪志耀,翟明國, 王仁民, 童英, 舒桂明, 韓秀玲, 華北古陸塊北緣中段發(fā)現晚古生代退變榴輝巖, 科學(xué)通報. 2004, 6: 73–79.
                                88. Ni, ZY, Zhai, MG, Wang, RM, Tong, YN, Shu, GM, Han, XL , Discovery of Late Paleozoic retrograded eclogites from the middle part of the northern margin of North China Craton. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004, 49 (6): 600–606.
                                89. Chen, B, Jahn, BM, Arakawa, Y, Zhai, MG Petrogenesis of the Mesozoic intrusive complexes from the southern Taihang Orogen, North China Craton: elemental and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic constraints. Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2004, 148 (4): 489–501.
                                90. 胡芳芳, 范宏瑞, 楊進(jìn)輝, 萬(wàn)渝生, 劉敦一, 翟明國, 金成偉, 膠東乳山含金石英脈型金礦的成礦年齡:熱液鋯石SHRIMP法U–Pb測定. 科學(xué)通報, 2004, 49(12): 1191–1198.
                                91. Hu, FF, Fan, HR, Yang, JH, Wan, YS, Liu, DY, Zhai, MG, Jin, CW ,Mineralizing age of the Rushan lode gold deposit in the Jiaodong Peninsula: SHRIMP U–Pb dating on hydrothermal zircon. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004, 49 (15): 1629–1636.
                                92. 翟明國 達克巖及其下地殼重熔的花崗巖類(lèi), 巖石學(xué)報, 2004, 20: 193–19.
                                93. 張旗, 王焰, 錢(qián)青, 翟明國等, 晚太古代贊歧巖與地球早期演化, 巖石學(xué)報, 2004, 20: 1355–1362.
                                94. 張艷斌 吳福元 翟明國 路孝平, 和龍地塊的構造屬性與華北地臺北緣東段邊界, 中國科學(xué), 2004, 34: 795–806. 

                                95. 李永剛, 翟明國, 苗來(lái)成, 朱嘉偉, 薛良偉, 內蒙古安家營(yíng)子金礦與侵入巖的關(guān)系及其地球動(dòng)力學(xué)意義, 巖石學(xué)報, 2003, 19, 4: 808–816.
                                96. 李永剛, 翟明國,楊進(jìn)輝, 苗來(lái)成, 關(guān)鴻, 內蒙古安家營(yíng)子金礦成礦時(shí)代以及對華北中生代爆發(fā)成礦的意義, 中國科學(xué) D, 2003, 33, 10: 960–966.
                                97. Li YG, Zhai MG, Yang JH. et al. 2003. Gold mineralization age of the Anjiayingzi gold deposit in Chifeng County, Inner Mongolia, implications for Mesozoic metallogenic explosion in North China. Science in China D, 47(2):115–121.
                                98. 苗來(lái)成, 范蔚茗, 翟明國, Qiu, Y.M., McNaughton, N.J., Groves, D.I., 金廠(chǎng)溝梁–二道溝金礦田內花崗巖類(lèi)侵入巖體鋯石的離子探針U–Pb年代學(xué)及其意義, 巖石學(xué)報, 2003, 19(1): 71–80.
                                99. 范宏瑞, 謝奕漢, 翟明國, 金成偉, 豫陜小秦嶺脈狀金礦床三期流體運移成礦作用, 巖石學(xué)報, 2003, 19(2): 260–266.
                                100. 楊進(jìn)輝, 朱美妃, 劉偉,翟明國, 膠東地球郭家嶺花崗閃長(cháng)巖的地球化學(xué)特征及成因, 巖石學(xué)報, 2003, 19(4): 692–700.
                                101. 張勇, 陳斌, 邵濟安, 翟明國, 華北太行晚中生代煌斑巖地球化學(xué)特征及成因探討,巖石礦物學(xué)雜志, 2003, 22(1): 29–33.
                                102. Fan, HR, Zhai, MG, Xie, YH, Yang, JH, Ore–forming fluids associated with granite–hosted gold mineralization at the Sanshandao deposit, Jiaodong gold province, China. Mineralium Deposita, 2003, 38(6): 739–750.
                                103. Chen B and Zhai MG, Geochemistry of late Mesozoic lamprophyre dykes from the Taihang Mountains, north China, and implications for the sub–continental lithospheric mantle. Geol. Mag. 2003, 140(1): 87–93.
                                104. Miao, LC, Qiu, YM, McNaughton, N, Fan, WM, Groves, DI, Zhai, MG. SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages of granitoids in the Wulashan gold deposit, inner Mongolia, China: Timing of mineralization and tectonic implications . International Geological Review, 2003,45 (6): 548–562.
                                105. Liu, HT, Liu, JM, Sun, SH, Zhai, MG. Shear–hosted mesothermal vein system in the Jiapigou Goldfield, Northeast China: Implication for subsequent exploration. Resource Geology, 2003, 53 (1): 1–10 2003
                                106. Zhai MG, Liu, WJ, Paleoproterozoic tectonic history of the North China craton: a review. Precambrian Research, 2003, 122: 183–199.
                                107. Zhai MG, Shao JA, Hao J., Peng P., Geological signature and possible position of the North China block in the Supercontinent Rodinia. Gondwana Research, 2003, 6: 171–183.
                                108. Zhai MG, JH Guo, YG Li, WJ Liu, P Peng and X Shi, Two linear granite belts in the central–western North China Craton and their implication for Late Neoarchaean–Palaeoproterozoic continental evolution, Precambrian Research, 2003, 127: 267–283.
                                109. 翟明國, 朱日祥, 劉建民等, 華北中生代構造體制轉折的關(guān)鍵時(shí)限, 中國科學(xué) D, 2003, 33, 10, 913–920
                                  Zhai MG, Zhu RX, Liu JM et al., Time range of Mesozoic tectonic regime inversion in eastern North China Block. Science in China (D), 2004, 47: 151–159.
                                110. Xiao WJ., Windley B.F., Hao J and Zhai MG, Accretion leading to collision and the Permian Soloker suture, Inner Mongolia, China: Termination of the central Asian orogenic belt. Tectonics, 2003, 22, 8: 1–20.
                                111. 翟明國, 樊祺誠.華北克拉通下地殼置換: 非造山過(guò)程的殼幔交換. 巖石學(xué)報, 2002, 18(1): 1–9.
                                112. 樊棋誠, 隋建立, 張宏福, 翟明國, 謝鴻森, 漢諾壩地區下地殼與殼–幔過(guò)渡帶巖石波速實(shí)驗研究,自然科學(xué)進(jìn)展 2002, 12(10): 1094–1097.
                                113. 彭澎, 翟明國, 關(guān)于弧后擴張機制的新看法, 世界地質(zhì), 2002, 21(1): 1–7.
                                114. 劉洪濤, 孫世華, 劉建明, 翟明國, 華北克拉通北緣中生代高鍶花崗巖類(lèi): 地球化學(xué)與源區性質(zhì), 巖石學(xué)報, 2002, 18, 257–274.
                                115. 劉洪濤, 翟明國, 劉建明, 孫世華, 華北克拉通北緣中生代花崗巖: 從碰撞后到非造山, 巖石學(xué)報, 2002, 18: 433–449.
                                116. 彭澎, 翟明國等, 華北陸塊對Rodinia超大陸的響應及其特征, 巖石礦物學(xué)雜志, 2002, 21: 343–355.
                                117. 張希道, 翟明國, 宋明春, 李洪奎, 劉朋瑞, 張華鋒, 深層次構造巖中礦物多晶條帶的塑性流動(dòng)及對大陸巖石圈的構造意義, 礦物巖石 2002, 22(1): 25–30.
                                118. 郭敬輝, 翟明國, 葉凱, 劉文軍, 從柏林, 膠東海陽(yáng)所高壓變質(zhì)基性巖的巖石化學(xué)和地球化學(xué),中國科學(xué) D, 2002, 32(5): 394–404
                                  Guo, JH, Zhai, MG, Ye, K, Liu, WJ, Cong, BL. Petrochemistry and geochemistry of HP metabasites from Haiyangsuo in Sulu UHP belt of eastern China. Science in China D, 45 (1): 21–33.
                                119. Zhai MG, Zhao GC, Zhang Q, Is the Dongwanzi complex an Archaean ophiolite? Science, 2002, 295: 923a.
                                120. Zhai M. G., Where is the North China–South China block boundary in eastern China? Comment and Reply. Geology, 2002, 30: 667–668.
                                121. Zhai MG, Yang JH, Fan HR, Miao LC and Li YG, A large–scale cluster of gold deposits and metallogenesis in the Eastern North China craton. Inter. Geol. Rev., 2002, 44, 5: 458–476.
                                122. Zhao TP, Zhou MF, Zhai MG, Xia B , Paleoproterozoic rift–related volcanism of the Xiong’er Group North China craton: implication for the breakup of Columbia. Inter. Geol. Rev., 2002, 44, 4: 336–351.
                                123. Guo, JH, O’brien, P.J., Zhai, MG, High–pressure granulite in the Sanggan area, North China craton: metamorphic evolution, P–T paths and geotectonic significance. J. Metamorphic Geol., 2002, 20: 741–756.
                                124. Miao LC, Qiu YM, McNaughton N, Luo AK, Grove D, Zhai, YS, Fan WM, Zhai MG, Guan K., SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology of granitoids from Dongping area, Hebei province, China: constraints on tectonic evolution and geodynamic setting for gold metallogeny. Ore Geol. Rev., 2002, 19, 187–204.
                                125. 翟明國, 范蔚茗, 劉建民, 我國固體資源現狀與相關(guān)科學(xué)問(wèn)題思考, 中國科學(xué)基金, 2002, 16, 6: 333–337.
                                126. 彭澎, 翟明國, 華北陸塊前寒武紀兩次重大地質(zhì)事件的特征和性質(zhì), 地球科學(xué)進(jìn)展, 2002, 17(6): 818–825.
                                127. 陳斌, 翟明國, 邵濟安, 北太行山北段中生代巖基的成因和意義: 主要和微量元素地球化學(xué)證據. 中國科學(xué) D輯 2002, 32, 11, 896–907.
                                  Chen, B, Zhai, MG, Shao, J Petrogenesis and significance of the Mesozoic North Taihang complex: Major and trace element evidence. Science in China D, 2003, 46 (9): 941–953.
                                128. Chen B. and Zhai MG, Geochemistry of late Mesozoic lamprophyre dykes from the Taihang Mountains, north China, and implications for the sub–continental lithospheric mantle. Geol. Mag. 2002, 139 (6): 1–7.
                                129. Zhang, HF, Sun, M, Zhou, XH, Fan, WM, Zhai, MG, Yin, JF, Mesozoic lithosphere destruction beneath the North China Craton: evidence from major–, trace–element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope studies of Fangcheng basalts. Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2002, 144 (2): 241–253.
                                130. 翟明國、郭敬輝、趙太平, 新太古–古元古代華北陸塊的構造演化的研究進(jìn)展, 前寒武紀研究進(jìn)展, 2001, 24(1): 17–26.
                                131. 翟明國, 劉文軍, 麻粒巖的形成及其對大陸地殼演化的貢獻, 巖石學(xué)報, 2001, 17, 1: 28–37.
                                132. Guan H. et al. and Zhai M., SHRIMP U–Pb zircon geochronology of the Fuping complex: implications for formation and assembly of the North China craton. Precambrian Res., 2002, 113, 1-18

                                133. 翟明國、郭敬輝、趙太平, 新太古–古元古代華北陸塊的構造演化的研究進(jìn)展, 前寒武紀研究進(jìn)展, 2001, 24(1): 17–26.
                                134. 翟明國, 劉文軍, 麻粒巖的形成及其對大陸地殼演化的貢獻, 巖石學(xué)報, 2001, 17, 1: 28–37.
                                135. Guan H. et al. and Zhai M., SHRIMP U–Pb zircon geochronology of the Fuping complex: implications for formation and assembly of the North China craton. Precambrian Res., 2002, 113, 1-18
                                136. Zhai MG, Guo JH, Liu WJ, An oblique cross–section of Precambrian lower crust in the North China craton. Physic. Chem. Earth (A), 2001, 26: 781–792.
                                137. Cong BL, Wang QC, Zhai MG. New data regarding hotly debated topics concerning UHP metamorphism of the Dabie–Sulu belt, east–central China. International Geological Review, 2001, 41 (9): 827–835.
                                138. 郭敬輝, 王松山, 翟明國, 變斑晶石榴石40Ar–39Ar年齡的含義與變質(zhì)作用年代, 巖石學(xué)報, 2001, 17: 436–442.
                                139. 翟明國, 楊進(jìn)輝, 劉文軍, 膠東大型礦集區及大規模成礦作用, 中國科學(xué) D, 2001, 31, 7, 545–552.
                                  Zhai MG et al, Large Clusters of Gold Deposits and Large–scale Metallogenesis in the Eastern North China Block. Science in China D, 2001, 44: 758–768.
                                140. 范宏瑞, 謝奕漢, 翟明國, 冀西北東坪金礦成礦流體及成礦作用, 2001, 中國科學(xué), D, 31, 7, 537–544.
                                  Fan, H.R., Xie, Y.H., Zhai, M.G., Ore–forming fluids in the Dongping gold district, northwest Hebei province. Science in China, D, 2001, 44, 8, 748–757.
                                141. 楊進(jìn)輝, 翟明國, 周新華, 膠東牟平金礦礦石、硫化物釹同位素組成及地質(zhì)意義, 礦床地質(zhì), 2001, 20, 3: 279–284.
                                142. Zhai M.G., Signature of North China block in Supercontinent Rodinia. Gongdwana Res., 2001, 4, 4: 838–839.
                                143. 郭敬輝, 翟明國, 許榮華, 華北桑干地區大規模麻粒巖相變質(zhì)作用的時(shí)代: 鋯石U–Pb年代學(xué), 中國科學(xué) D, 2002, 32(1): 10–18 
                                  Guo J.H., Zhai M.G. and Xu R.H., 2001, Timing of the granulite facies metamorphism in the Sanggan area, North China craton: zircon U–Pb geochronology. Science in China D, 44(11): 1010–1018.
                                144. 翟明國, 卞愛(ài)國, 華北克拉通新太古代末超大陸拼合及古元古代末–中元古代裂解, 中國科學(xué)D, 2000, 增刊, 129–137.
                                  Zhai, et al., Amalgamation of the supercontinental of the North China craton and its break up during late–middle Proterozoic. Science in China D, 2001, 43: 219–232.
                                145. Zhai Mingguo, Cong Boling, Guo Jinghui et al., Sm–Nd geochronology and petrography of garnet pyroxene granulites in the northern Sulu region of China and their geotectonic implication. Lithos, 2000, 52: 23–33.
                                146. 翟明國, 郭敬輝, 王清晨, 從柏林,蘇魯變質(zhì)帶北部的巖石構造單元及結晶塊體推覆構造, 地質(zhì)科學(xué), 2000, 35, 1: 1–15.
                                147. 郭敬輝, 翟明國, 華北克拉通地區高壓麻粒巖變質(zhì)作用的Sm–Nd年代學(xué), 科學(xué)通報, 2000, 45, 19: 2055–2061
                                  Guo J.H. and Zhai M.G., Sm–Nd age dating of high-pressure granulites and amphibolites from Sanggan area, North China craton. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2001, 46, 2: 105–110. 

                                148. Liu WJ, Zhai MG, Li, YG, The metamorphism of high–pressure basic granulite in Laixi district, East Shandong, China. Jour. Geosci. Res. NE Asia, 1999, 2, 1: 41–49.
                                149. Li YG, Zhai MG et al., The Sm–Nd geochronology of the high–pressure basic granulites in Laixi, eastern Shandong. Jour. Geosci. Res. NE Asia. 1999, 2, 1: 34–40.
                                150. 李永剛, 郭敬輝, 翟明國等, 膠東地區基底長(cháng)英質(zhì)片麻巖的地區化學(xué)特征及其構造歸屬, 巖石學(xué)報, 1999, 15, 4: 557–563.
                                151. 翟明國, 從柏林等, 蘇魯造山帶東北端石榴輝石麻粒巖的Sm–Nd同位素年代學(xué)及其大地構造意義, 地質(zhì)科學(xué), 1999, 34, 3: 301–310.
                                152. 翟明國, 江來(lái)利等, 關(guān)于在大別山超高壓帶內發(fā)現淺變質(zhì)巖片的討論, 科學(xué)通報, 1999, 44(14): 1560–1568.
                                  Zhai MG, Jiang LL et al., Call in question and discussion: Are there sandwiched low–grade metamorphic slabs within UHP metamorphic rocks in the Dabieshan terrane? Chinese Science Bulletin, 2000, 45(2): 180–189.
                                153. 郭敬輝, 翟明國等, 恒山西段石榴石角閃巖和麻粒巖的變質(zhì)作用、PT軌跡及構造意義, 地質(zhì)科學(xué), 1999, 34, 3: 311–325.
                                154. 郭敬輝, 石昕等, 翟明國等, 桑干地區早元古代花崗閃長(cháng)巖Pb同位素組成和U–Pb年齡: 變質(zhì)與地殼熔融作用與構造–熱事件, 巖石學(xué)報, 1999, 15(2): 199–207.
                                155. 鄭祥身, 金成偉, 翟明國等, 北大別灰色片麻巖的巖石化學(xué)特征及其大地構造背景, 巖石學(xué)報, 1999, 15(3): 350–358.
                                156. 劉文軍, 翟明國等, 膠東萊西地區高壓基性麻粒巖的變質(zhì)作用, 巖石學(xué)報, 1998, 14(4): 449–459.
                                157. 郭敬輝, 翟明國等, 華北太古宙高壓基性麻粒巖的兩類(lèi)PT軌跡及其構造意義: 礦物化學(xué)和變質(zhì)作用研究, 巖石學(xué)報, 1998, 14(4): 430–448.
                                158. Zhai MG, Guo JH, Li YG, Yan YH and Liu WJ, Eclogite–high–pressure granulite belt in northern edge of the Archaean North China craton. J. China Uni. Geosciences. 1998, 9(1): 6–13.
                                159. 李江海, 翟明國, 錢(qián)祥麟等, 華北中部晚太古代高壓麻粒巖的地質(zhì)產(chǎn)狀及其出露的區域構造背景, 巖石學(xué)報, 1998, 14(2): 176–189.
                                160. Zhai MG and Liu WJ, The boundary between Sino–Korea craton and Yangtze craton and its extension to the Korea Peninsula. Jour. Petrol. Soc. Korea, 1998, 7(1): 15–26.
                                161. 李江海, 翟明國, 李永剛等, 冀北灤平–承德一帶晚太古代高壓麻粒巖的發(fā)現及其構造地質(zhì)意義, 巖石學(xué)報, 1998, 14(1): 34–41.
                                162. 翟明國, 中國三條高溫高壓變質(zhì)帶及其地質(zhì)意義, 巖石學(xué)報, 1998, 13(3): 411–423.
                                163. Carswell, D.A., Wilson,R., and Zhai MG, Comparative thermobarometry of eclogites and encompassing gneisses in the UHP metamorphic terrane of Dabieshan, China. Terra Nova, 1997, 9(1): 6.
                                164. Zhai MG, Recent advances in the study of granulites from the North China craton, International Geological Review, 1997, 39: 325–341.
                                165. Carswell, D.A., O'brien, P.J., Wilson, R.N., Zhai Mingguo, Thermobarometry of phengite–bearing eclogites in the Dabie Mountains of central China. J. Metamorphic Geol., 1997, 15: 239–252.
                                166. Zhai Mg, Retrograded eclogites in the Archaean north China craton and their geological implication. Terra Nova, 1997, 9: 42–43.
                                167. Wallis, SR, Ishiwatari, A, Hirajima, T, Ye, K, Guo, J, Nakamura, D, Kato, T, Zhai, M, Enami, M, Cong, B, Banno, S. Occurrence and field relationships of ultrahigh–pressure metagranitoid and coesite eclogite in the Su–Lu terrane, eastern China. JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1997, 154: 45–54.
                                168. Kato, T., Enami, M. and Zhai, M., Ultra–high–pressure (UHP) marble and eclogite in the Su–Lu UHP terrane, eastern China. J. metamorphic Geol., 1997, 15: 169–182.
                                169. 李永剛, 翟明國, 劉文軍, 郭敬輝, 膠東萊西地區高壓麻粒巖的Sm–Nd同位素年代學(xué), 地質(zhì)科學(xué), 1997, 32(3): 283–290.
                                170. 李江海, 錢(qián)祥麟, 翟明國, 華北北部麻粒巖相帶的構造區劃與早期構造演化, 地質(zhì)科學(xué), 1997, 32(3): 254–266.
                                171. Zhai MG, Guo JH et al, Retrograded eclogites in the Archaean North China craton and their geological implication. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1996, 41(4): 315–326.
                                172. 葉凱, 平島崇男, 郭敬輝, 翟明國, 青島仰口榴輝巖中粒間柯石英的發(fā)現及其意義, 科學(xué)通報, 1996, 41(15): 1407–1408.
                                173. Carswell, D.A., Wilson, R.N., Zhai, MG, Ultra–high–pressure aluminous titanites in carbonate–bearing eclogites at Shuanghe in Dabieshan, central China. Mineralogical Magazine, 1996, 60: 461–467.
                                174. 翟明國, 從柏林, 蘇魯–大別山變質(zhì)帶巖石大地構造學(xué), 中國科學(xué) D, 1996,  26(3): 258–264.
                                  Zhai MG and Cong BL, Petrotectonics of Sulu–Dabie metamorphic belt, Central and east China. Science in China D, 1996, 39(3): 319–328.
                                175. 翟明國, 郭敬輝等, 太古宙克拉通型下地殼剖面: 華北懷安–豐鎮–尚義的麻粒巖系–角閃巖系, 巖石學(xué)報, 1996, 12(2): 222–238.
                                176. 翟明國, 李永剛等, 晉冀內蒙交界地區麻粒巖地體中兩條花崗巖帶及其對早前寒武紀地殼生長(cháng)的意義, 巖石學(xué)報, 1996, 12(2): 299–314.
                                177. 郭敬輝, 翟明國等, 華北克拉通早前寒武紀桑干構造帶的巖石組合特征和構造意義, 巖石學(xué)報, 1996, 12(2): 193–207.
                                178. 李江海, 錢(qián)祥麟, 翟明國, 郭敬輝, 華北中北部高級變質(zhì)巖區的構造區劃及其晚太古代構造演化, 巖石學(xué)報, 1996, 12, 2, 179–192
                                179. Cong BL, Zhai MG, et al., Petrogenesis of ultrahigh– pressure rocks and their country rocks at Shuanghe in Dabieshan, central China. Eur. J. Mineral., 1995, 7, 119–138.
                                180. Zhai MG and Cong BL, Susong metamorphic complex in Dabieshan, central China: a mobilized sedimentary cover of the Yangtze southern continental margin. Chinese Science Bulletin. 1995, 40 Supplement: 163–164.
                                181. Zhai MG, Cong BL et al, North Dable metamorphic terrain: a possible Andean type arc. International Geol. Review 1995, 36(9): 867–883.
                                182. 陳晶, 王清晨, 翟明國, 葉凱, 榴輝巖中石榴石的塑性形變特征, 中國科學(xué) D, 1995, 25, 10(B), 1115–1120.
                                  Chen, J, Wang, QC, Zhai, MG, Ye, K. Plastic deformation of garnet in eclogite. Science in China D 1996, 39 (1): 18–25.
                                183. Zhai Mingguo et al., Petrological and tectonic units in coesite–bearing metamorphic terrain in Dabie Mountains, central China and their tectonic implication. J. Geol. Eastsouthern Asian, 1995, 1: 1–12.
                                184. 翟明國等, 大別山變質(zhì)巖中的藍晶石的多種變質(zhì)反應和變質(zhì)動(dòng)力學(xué)過(guò)程, 巖石學(xué)報, 1995, 3, 257–272
                                185. 翟明國等, 太古宙退變榴輝巖的發(fā)現及其地質(zhì)意義, 科學(xué)通報, 1995, 17, 1590–1594.
                                  Zhai, MG, Guo, JH, Li, JH, Li, YG, Yan, YH, Zhang, WH. Retrograded eclogites in the Archaean North China Craton and their geological implication. Chinese Science Bulletin 1996, 41 (4): 315–320.
                                186. 李永剛, 郭敬輝, 翟明國等, 晉冀內蒙太古代花崗巖帶的巖石地球化學(xué), 華北地質(zhì)科技, 1995, 3: 223–235.
                                187. Zhai MG, Cong BL et al, North Dabie metamorphic terrain: a possible Andean type arc. International Geol. Review 1995, 36(9): 867–883. 

                                188. Harijama, Wallis S.R., Zhai Mingguo, Ye Kai, The discovery of high–pressure metamorphic mineral assemblage in granitic gneiss in Yangkou, eastern Shandong, China. Proceeding of the Japan Academy, series B 69, 1994, 10: 249–254.
                                189. Cong BL, Wang QC, Zhai MG, Zhang RY, Zhao ZY and Ye K, Ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks in the Dabie–Su–Lu region, China: their formation and exhumation. The Island Arc, 1994,3: 135–150.
                                190. Carswell, T.D., Wells, R. and Zhai Mingguo et al., Areal extent of the ultra–high pressure metamorphism of the eclogites and gneisses in Dabieshan, central China. TERRA, 1993, 5(4): 5–6.
                                191. Harijama,et al. and Zhai, MG et al, Petrologic reconnaissance of the whole Su–Lu region, eastern China. TERRA, 1993, 5(4): 13–14.
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                                193. Wang, QC, Ishiwatari, K., Zhao, ZY, Hirajama, T., Hiramatsu, N., Enami, M., Zhai, MG, Li, JJ and Cong, BL, Coesite–bearing granulite retrograded from eclogite in Weihai, eastern China. Eur. J. Mineral., 1993, 5: 141–152.
                                194. 翟明國, 從柏林, 滇西南點(diǎn)蒼山和石鼓變質(zhì)帶的區域劃分意見(jiàn), 巖石學(xué)報, 1993, 3: 226–239.
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                                216. Zhai Mingguo, Windley B.F., The Archaean and early Proterozoic banded iron formations of North China: Their characteristics geotectonic relations chemistry and implications for crustal growth. Precambrian Research 1990, 48: 267–286.
                                217. 張弛,翟明國, 西準蛇綠巖劃分及演化, 新疆地質(zhì), 1990, 2: 1–23.
                                218. 翟明國, 東北、華北幾個(gè)典型太古宙地體的地球化學(xué)特征—中朝準地臺早期地殼演化的特殊性 西北大學(xué)學(xué)報1990,1: 95–103.
                                219. Zhai Mingguo, Windley, B.F. and Sills, J.D., Archaean gneisses amphibolites, banded iron-formation from Anshan area of Liaoning, NE China: their geochemistry, metamorphism and petrogenesis. Precambrian Research 1990, 46 195–216.
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                                  Timothy M. Kusky, Mingguo Zhai and Wenjiao Xiao
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                                6. Cong BL (ed), Ultrahigh–Pressure Metamorphic Rocks in the Dabieshan–Sulu Region of China. Science Press, Beijing, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1996, Dordrecht/Boston/London, two chapters
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                                8. Zhai MG, The 1.8Ga thermal event in the North China craton: a record of early upwelling mantle plumes. In : Crustal Evolution in Northeast Asian (Editors Lee B–J, Lee S–K, Kim J and Lee H–Y), KIGMM, 1999, Taejon, 2–3
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