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                        1.   研究隊伍
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                          姓名 彭澎 性別:
                          職稱(chēng) 研究員 學(xué)位 博士
                          電話(huà) 010-82998530 傳真: 010-62010846
                          Email: pengpengwj@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 郵編: 100029
                          地址 北京朝陽(yáng)區北土城西路19號,中科院地質(zhì)地球所

                            彭澎,男,湖南益陽(yáng)人,博士,博士生導師,研究員,中國科學(xué)院大學(xué)崗位教授。2000年畢業(yè)于北京大學(xué)地質(zhì)學(xué)系,獲構造地質(zhì)學(xué)學(xué)士學(xué)位;2005年畢業(yè)于中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所,獲礦物學(xué)巖石學(xué)礦床學(xué)博士學(xué)位。主要從事前寒武紀地質(zhì)學(xué)和巖石學(xué)領(lǐng)域的研究和教學(xué)工作。對早期大陸地殼形成與演化,前寒武紀構造體制及其淺層響應機制,早期地球環(huán)境,超大陸演化等研究方向感興趣。開(kāi)展《超大陸與全球演化》、《巖石學(xué)》、《大陸地殼演化》、《地球化學(xué)分析技術(shù)》、《野外地質(zhì)實(shí)習》等課程教學(xué)工作。擔任《巖石學(xué)報》(編委)、《大地構造與成礦》(編委)、Island Arc(AE)、JMPS(AE)、Precambrian Research(EBM)、EE(EBM)等期刊編委。獲國家自然科學(xué)二等獎(排名第三,2013)、“孫賢鉥獎”(2014)、“朱李月華優(yōu)秀教師獎”(2018)等;獲得國家優(yōu)秀青年基金、國家杰出青年科學(xué)基金、特支計劃等項目資助。

                          中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所前寒武紀地質(zhì)學(xué)/礦物學(xué)、巖石學(xué)、礦床學(xué)博士 (2000.7-2005.6)
                          北京大學(xué)構造地質(zhì)學(xué)學(xué)士 (1996.7-2000.7)

                          中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所博士后 (2005.6)、副研究員 (2007.12)、研究員 (2012.12)
                          加拿大地質(zhì)調查局訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者 (2009.3-2009.9)
                          西澳大學(xué)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)教授 (2013.9-2014.3)


                          • 前寒武紀地質(zhì)學(xué)
                          • 巖漿巖巖石學(xué)
                          • 巖墻群、火山巖系和大巖漿巖省
                          • 早期板塊構造的淺層響應機制
                          • 超大陸重建
                          • 華北克拉通重大地質(zhì)事件與成礦
                          社會(huì )任職:


                          定位:面向世界科技前沿,服務(wù)國家和中國科學(xué)院“一帶一路”科技合作,以中巴互補的地質(zhì)記錄為核心對象,以前寒武紀構造體制及其淺層響應機制為主攻方向,探索地球早期演化和宜居地球的形成,推動(dòng)“一帶一路”國際交流合作與科學(xué)社會(huì )發(fā)展。
                          聯(lián)合主任:Wilson Teixeira;Farid Chemale Junior
                          秘書(shū)長(cháng):Ross N Mitchell?

                          實(shí)驗室致力于發(fā)展基于熱電離質(zhì)譜技術(shù)(ID-TIMS)的微量-高精度同位素分析方法,拓展同位素分析技術(shù)應用領(lǐng)域,支撐地球早期過(guò)程、大陸形成演化與成礦、大陸/大洋巖石圈演化與殼幔相互作用、造山帶構造演化、表生環(huán)境演化、比較行星學(xué)等領(lǐng)域的學(xué)科發(fā)展與科技創(chuàng )新。









                          碩士論文:華北1800-1600 Ma基性巖墻群對比研究:以魯西為例

                          碩士論文:燕遼裂谷地球中年期(1.7~0.75 Ga)構造背景:來(lái)自冀東基性巖墻群的證據


                          答辯時(shí)間:2017年5月27日10:00(地6樓4層中廳會(huì )議室)

                          碩士論文:1780 Ma太行巖墻群和熊耳火山巖系的成因關(guān)系:以呂梁地區為例
                          答辯時(shí)間:2017年5月27日11:00(地6樓4層中廳會(huì )議室)


                          博士論文:945-900 Ma徐淮高鐵鈦巖床群的成因及其對華北克拉通東南緣裂谷演化的啟示

                          2016年7月入學(xué), 2018年7月轉博,2021年畢業(yè)
                          指導教師:彭澎研究員;副導師:馮連君高級工程師、Ross N Mitchell研究員




                          指導教師:彭澎研究員(一導)、Ross N Mitchell研究員



                          指導老師:Ross N Mitchell研究員(一導)、彭澎研究員

                          南京大學(xué) 地空學(xué)院:


                          成都理工大學(xué) 地球科學(xué)學(xué)院:



                          "孫賢鉥獎"(Shen-su Sun Award)(2014頒獎辭答謝辭
                          中國科學(xué)院"科教結合"教育創(chuàng )新項目教學(xué)貢獻獎(2011)
                          中國地質(zhì)學(xué)會(huì )第十二屆"青年地質(zhì)科技獎-銀錘獎"(2010)

                          中國科學(xué)院青年創(chuàng )新促進(jìn)會(huì )首批會(huì )員(2011)、首批優(yōu)秀會(huì )員(2015)



                          1. Liu, X., Peng, P.*, Mitchell, R. N.*, Wang, C., Kang, J., 2023. Circum-cratonic Triassic syenite province of North China craton reveals heterogeneous lithospheric mantle related to dual subduction. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128, e2023JB027084. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JB027084
                          2. Liou, P.*, Guo, J., Peng, P. & Zhai, M., 2023 Geological evolution of the North China Craton in the first billion years of Earth's history. Earth-Science Reviews https://doi.org:10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104608
                          3. Cho, D.-L.#, Peng, P.*#, Hwan Lee, S., Park, J.-Y., Seo, I., Sun, F., Li, Q., and Zhang, Y., 2023 Identify vestiges of large igneous provinces in deep time: A 0.9 Ga case from North China (Sino-Korean) craton. Precambrian Research 398: 107220 https://doi.org:10.1016/j.precamres.2023.107220
                          4. Chu, Z.*, Qiu, Y., Zhou, X., Yang, X., Peng, P., Zhao, T., Xu, J., 2023. Re-Os, Sr-Nd isotopic and PGE elemental constraints for the formation of mid-Proterozoic ironstones in North China Craton: Implications for the atmospheric oxygen level. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 621, 118367. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118367
                          5. Li, C.-F.*, Chu, Z.-Y., Peng, P., 2023. Low-cost and sensitive method for Pb isotope determination using a novel β-Si3N4 emitter by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. Talanta 257: 124390. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2023.124390
                          6. 王欣平,* 彭澎, 李小兵. 2023. 華北克拉通五臺山~2520 Ma輝長(cháng)巖侵入體的成因及其地質(zhì)意義[Petrogenesis and geological implications of the ca. 2520Ma gabbroic intrusions in Wutai Mountain of the North China Craton]. 巖石學(xué)報 39(3): 845-864.
                          7. Peng, P.*, Liu, X., Feng, L., Zhou, X., Kuang, H., Liu, Y., Kang, J., Wang, X., Wang, C., Dai, K., Wang, H., Li, J., Miao, P., Guo, J., Zhai, M., 2023. Rhyacian intermittent large igneous provinces sustained Great Oxidation Event: Evidence from North China craton. Earth-Science Reviews 238: 104352. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104352
                          8. 張拴宏*, 彭澎. 2023. 元古宙大火成巖省與超大陸重建及古環(huán)境. 科學(xué)通報 68: 2324–2340. Zhang S H, Peng P. 2023. Proterozoic large igneous provinces and implications for paleogeographic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions. China Science Bulletin 68: 2324–2340. (in Chinese with English abstract). https://doi.org/10.1360/TB-2021-1355


                          1. Peng P, Su X, Wang C & Liu X. 2022 Role of Large Igneous Provinces in Lithospheric Mantle Evolution: A Case Study in North China. Goldschmidt 2022 Abstract: https://doi.org/10.46427/gold2022.13025
                          2. Hu YY(胡悠揚), Zhao XX*, Peng P, Yang FL*, Yuan W, Chen WW, Xu MC. 2022. Paleogeography of Rodinia at 925 Ma: Constraints From New Paleomagnetic Results From Mafic Dykes in North China and Brazil. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JB025079
                          3. Su, X.*(蘇向東), Wang, G., Peng, P., and Tang, Y., 2022, Keel of the eastern North China craton weakened by Proterozoic large igneous provinces: International Geology Review https://doi.org/10.1080/00206814.2022.2059709
                          4. Peng, P.*, Mitchell, R. N.*, and Chen, Y., 2022, Earth's one-of-a-kind fault: The Tanlu fault. Terra Nova 34, 381-394: https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12611 https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12620
                          5. Zhang, Y.-B.*(張艷斌), Wan, B., Wu, F.-Y., Zhai, M.-G., Wang, T., Zhang, X.-H., Li, Q.-L., Peng, P. and Hou, Q.-L., 2022. Late Cretaceous-early Paleogene magmatism in the Gyeongsang basin, southeast Korea and its implications for middle Paleogene climate change. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 237, 105346. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2022.105346
                          6. Peng, P.*, Xu, H., Mitchell, R.N.*, Teixeira, W., Kirscher, U., Qin, Z., Oliveira, E.P., Girardi, V.A.V., Wang, C., Chemale, F., 2022. Earth's oldest hotspot track at ca.1.8 Ga advected by a global subduction system. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 585.117530 https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117530
                          7. Peng, P.*, Abu Anbar, M.M., He, X.-F., Liu, X., Qin, Z., 2022. Cryogenian accretion of the Northern Arabian-Nubian shield: Integrated evidence from central Eastern Desert Egypt. Precambrian Research 371,106599. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2022.106599
                          8. Liou, P.*(劉鵬), Guo, J., Peng, P., Mitchell, R. N., Jiang, N., Zhai, M., and Mao, M., 2022, Crustal growth of the north china craton at ca. 2.5 Ga: Science Bulletin 67(15): 1553-1555. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2022.06.002
                          9. Sun, F.(孫風(fēng)波), Peng, P., Zheng, D.*, Zuo, P., 2022. Reappraising the provenance of Early Neoproterozoic strata in the Southern-Southeastern North China Craton and its implication for paleogeographic reconstruction. Minerals 12, 510. https://doi.org/10.3390/min12050510
                          10. Wang, C.(王沖), Peng, P., Mitchell, R.N., & Liu,X. 2022. Casting a vote for shifting the Statherian: Petrogenesis of 1.70 and 1.62?Ga mafic dykes in the North China Craton. Lithos 414-415, 106631. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2022.106631
                          11. Wang, X. P., Peng, P., and Wang, C., 2022, A new 1.32 Ga Tianshui mafic sill in the Liaodong area and its relations to the Yanliao large igneous province in the northern North China Craton: Precambrian Research 369: 106535. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2021.106535
                          12. Peng P*, Xu HR, Wang C, Su XD, Sun FB, Wang XP, 2022. Spatiotemporal evolution of large igneous provinces and their related rifts in North China craton: Role in craton breakup and destruction. Geological Society, London, Special Publications. SP518: SP518-2021-45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1144/SP518-2021-45


                          1. Zhou XT(周小童), Peng P*, Zhang J, Wang C, 2021. In-situ chemistry of plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts of Mt. Lamington volcano in Papua New Guinea: Evidence for influence of Woodlark spreading ridge to Papuan arc. Lithos 396–397: 106242. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106242
                          2. Zhao L*, Zhai MG, Zhang XH, Zhang YB, Peng P, Li QL, 2021. A brief review of the Precambrian geology of the northern Korean Peninsula. Journal of the Geological Society of Korea 57(4): 437-466.
                          3. Zhang YB*, Zhai MG, Wu FY, Zhang XH, Li QL, Peng P, Zhao L, Zhou LG, 2021. Reviews on the Paleozoic-Mesozoic granitoids and sedimentary rocks in North Korea. Journal of the Geological Society of Korea 57(4): 523-544.
                          4. 王洛娟, 郭敬輝, 彭澎. 2021. 華北克拉通孔茲巖帶古元古代涼城石榴石花崗巖成因機制及其巖石學(xué)意義 [Petrogenesis of Paleoproterozoic Liangcheng garnet granitoids in the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton]. 巖石學(xué)報 37(2): 375-390. https://doi.org/10.18654/1000-0569/2021.02.04
                          5. Zhang Y-B, Zhai MG, Wu FY, Zhang XH, Li QL, Peng P, Zhao L, Zhou LG, 2021. In situ zircon U-Pb dating of Jurassic granitoids in North Korea and its tectonic implications. Lithos 398–399: 106346. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106346
                          6. Wang C(王沖), Mitchell R, Murphy JB, Peng P, Spencer CJ, 2021. The role of superblocks megacontinents in the supercontinent cycle. Geology, 49: https://doi.org/10.1130/G47988.1.
                          7. Zhai MG, Zhao L, Zhu XY, Peng P, Guo JH, Li QL, Zhao TP, Lu JS, Li XH, 2021. Late Neoarchean magmatic-metamorphic event and crustal stabilization in the North China craton. American Journal of Science 321: 206-234
                          8. 彭澎*, 胡波*, 張志越, 張艷斌, 郭敬輝, 翟明國. 2021. 朝鮮半島平南盆地地質(zhì)演化綜述[Review on geological evolution of the Pyongnam basin in Korean peninsula]. 巖石學(xué)報, 37(1): 129-142.
                          9. Zhang ZY(張志越), Peng P*, Feng LJ, Gong Z, Mitchell RN*, Li YL, 2021. Oldest-known Neoproterozoic carbon isotope excursion: Earlier onset of Neoproterozoic carbon cycle volatility. Gondwana Res 94 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2021.01.013.
                          10. 王芳*, 彭澎, 陳超, 胡洪飛, 黃冬琴, 陳福坤, 翟明國. 2021. 冀北獨石口古元古代變輝長(cháng)閃長(cháng)巖的成因及其地質(zhì)意義[Petrogenesis and geological significance of the Paleoproterozoic Dushikou metagabbro-diorite in northern Hebei province]. 巖石學(xué)報, 37(1): 269-183.
                          11. Su XD(蘇向東), Peng P*, Foley S, Teixeira W, Zhai M-G, 2021. Initiation of continental breakup documented in evolution of the magma plumbing system of the ca. 925?Ma Dashigou large igneous province, North China. Lithos 384–385, 105984. DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.105984
                          12. Zhang XH*, Yang ZL, Zhang YB, Zhai MG, Wu FY, Peng P, Li QL, Hou QL, 2021. Paleoproterozoic Orosirian tectono-thermal events in the Nangrim Massif, North Korea: Cratonic and supercontinental connection. Lithos 384–385, 105983. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.105983.


                          1. 林偉、彭澎、周錫強、郭敬輝、陳代釗 等著(zhù),華北克拉通形成與破壞野外地質(zhì)實(shí)習指南. 科學(xué)出版社 2020,ISBN 978-7-03-066222-4.
                          2. 朱日祥 等著(zhù). 2020. 華北克拉通破壞. 北京:科學(xué)出版社. 參與撰寫(xiě)
                          3. Wang XP, Oh CW, Peng P, Zhao L, Zhai MG, Lee SH, 2020. Petrogenesis of ~2.1?Ga mafic and granitic magmatism and tectonic implication of Jiaobei Terrane in North China Craton. Lithos 378-379: 105806. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105806
                          4. 劉博, 翟明國, 彭澎, 郭敬輝, 劉鵬. 2020. 大數據驅動(dòng)下變質(zhì)巖巖石學(xué)研究展望. 高校地質(zhì)學(xué)報 26(4): 411-423.
                          5. Xu HR(徐慧茹), Yang T, Dekkers MJ, Peng P, Li SH, Deng CL, Zhu RX, 2020. Magma flow pattern of the 1.78 Ga dyke swarm of the North China Craton during the initial assembly of the Supercontinent Nuna/Columbia: Constraints from rock magnetic and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility studies. Precambrian Research 345, 105773. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105773
                          6. Wang C(王沖), Peng P, Li ZX, Pisarevsky S, Denyszyn S, Liu YB, El Dien HG, Su XD, The 1.24–1.21 Ga Licheng Large Igneous Province in the North China Craton: Implications for Paleogeographic Reconstruction. JGR Solid Earth 125(4), e2019JB019005. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JB019005
                          7. Wang XP(王欣平), Oh CW, Peng P, Zhai MG, Wang XH, Lee BY, 2020. Distribution pattern of age and geochemistry of 2.18–2.14 Ga I- and A-type granites and their implication for the tectonics of the Liao-Ji belt in the North China Craton. Lithos 364-365: 105518. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105518
                          8. Zhai MG*, Peng P*, 2020. Origin of early continents and beginning of plate tectonics. Science Bulletin 5(2): 970-973 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2020.03.022
                          9. Mei QF(梅清風(fēng)), Yang JH, Wang YF, Wang H, Peng P, 2020. Tungsten isotopic constraints on homogenization of the Archean silicate Earth: Implications for the transition of tectonic regimes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 278: 51-64. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2019.07.050
                          10. Su XD (蘇向東), Peng P*, Zhu RZ, Mao YJ, Zhang ZY, Sun FB, 2020. Multi-stage evolution of the Xuhuai rift: Insights from the occurrence and compositional profiles of doleritic sills in the southeastern margin of the North China Craton. Gondwana Research 82:221-240. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2020.01.003
                          11. Sun FB, Peng P*, Zhou XQ, Magalhaes AJC, Guadagnin F, Zhou XT, Zhang ZY, Su XD, 2020. Provenance analysis of the late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic Xuhuai Basin in the southeast North China Craton: Implications for paleogeographic reconstruction. Precambrian Research 337: 105554. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2019.105554


                          1. Zhai MG*, Zhang XH, Zhang YB, Wu FY, Peng P, Li QL, Li Z, Guo JH, Li TS, Zhao L, Zhou LG, Zhu XY. 2019. The geology of North Korea: An overview. Earth Science Reviews, 194: 57-96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.04.025
                          2. Peng P*, Qin ZY, Sun FB, Zhou XT, Guo JH, Zhai MG, Ernst RE, 2019. Nature of charnockite and Closepet granite in the Dharwar Craton: Implications for the architecture of the Archean crust. Precambrian Research 334: 105478. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2019.105478
                          3. Peng P*, Ernst R, Soderlund U, Hamilton M, 2019. Dyke Swarms: Keys for Precambrian Paleogeographic Reconstruction – Proceedings of the Seventh International Dyke Conference. Precambrian Research 329, 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2019.01.002
                          4. Wang C*(王沖), Li ZX, Peng P, Pisarevsky S, Liu YB, Kirscher U, Nordsvan A, 2019. Long-lived connection between the North China and North Australian cratons in supercontinent Nuna: paleomagnetic and geological constraints. Science Bulletin 64: 873–876. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2019.04.028
                          5. Lee BY, Oh CW*, Cho DL, Zhai MG, Lee BC, Peng P, Yi K, 2019. The Devonian back-arc basin and Triassic arc-continent collision along the Imjingang belt in the Korean Peninsula and their tectonic meaning. Lithos 328-329: 276-296. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2019.01.011
                          6. Yang SY(楊書(shū)艷), Peng P*, Qin ZY, Wang XP, Wang C, Zhang J, Zhao TP, 2019. Genetic relationship between 1780 Ma dykes and coeval volcanics in the Lvliang area, North China. Precambrian Research, 329, 232-246.
                          7. Srivastava RK, Ernst R, Peng P, 2019. Dyke Swarms of the World: A Modern Perspective. Springer Singapore, 1-492. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1666-1


                          1. Wang LJ (王洛娟), Guo JH, Yin CQ, Peng P, Zhang J, Spencer CJ, Qian JH, 2018. High-temperature S-type granitoids (charnockites) in the Jining complex, North China Craton: Restite entrainment and hybridization with mafic magma. Lithos 320-321, 435-453. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2018.09.035
                          2. Su XD (蘇向東), Peng P*, Wang C, Sun FB, Zhang ZY, Zhou XT, 2018. Whole-rock and mineral chemical data from a profile of the ~900 Ma Niutishan Fe-Ti-rich sill in XuZhou, North China. Data in Brief 21: 727-735.
                          3. Zhang YB (張艷斌), Hu B, Zhai MG, Wu FY, Hou QL, Peng P, Zhang XH, Li QL, 2018. In situ U-Pb zircon dating of Devonian sandstones and Paleoproterozoic gneissic granites in the Imjingang Belt: Tectonic implications for the Korean Peninsula and North China. Lithos 316: 232-242. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2018.06.028
                          4. 翟明國, 張連昌, 陳斌等,2018. 華北克拉通前寒武紀重大地質(zhì)事件與成礦. 部分章節.
                          5. Su XD (蘇向東), Peng P*, Wang C, Sun FB, Zhang ZY, Zhou XT, 2018. Petrogenesis of a ~900?Ma mafic sill from Xuzhou, North China: Implications for the genesis of Fe-Ti-rich rocks. Lithos 318-319: 357-375.
                          6. 彭澎, 王欣平, 周小童, 王沖, 孫風(fēng)波, 蘇向東, 陳亮, 郭敬輝, 翟明國, 2018. 8.1億年千里山基性巖墻群的厘定及其對華北克拉通西部地質(zhì)演化的啟示(Identification of the ~810 Ma Qianlishan mafic dyke swarm and its implication for geological evolution of the western North China Craton). 巖石學(xué)報 34(4): 1191-1203.
                          7. 彭澎, 孫風(fēng)波, 王沖, 王欣平, 蘇向東, 張志越, 周小童, 2018. 華北和圣弗朗西斯科克拉通前寒武紀地質(zhì)對比(Comparing the Precambrian geology of the North China Craton and the S?o Francisco Craton). 地質(zhì)科學(xué) 53(2): 363-399.
                          8. 金明哲, 楊正赫, 彭澎, 張志越, 樸賢旭, 卞創(chuàng )男, 樸雄, 鄭哲壽, 翟明國. 2018. 朝鮮平南盆地寒武系黃州群和法洞群的碳同位素漂移事件. 地球科學(xué) 43(11): 4096-4108. Kim MC, Yang JH, Peng P, Zhang ZY, Park HU, Byon CN, Park U, Jong CS, Zhai MG, 2018. Carbon Isotope Excursions of Cambrian Hwangju and Bopdong Groups in Pyongnam Basin, Korean Peninsula. Ear Science 43(11): 4096-4108.


                          1. Wang LJ (王洛娟), Guo JH, Yin CQ, Peng P, 2017. Petrogenesis of ca. 1.95 Ga meta-leucogranites from the Jining Complex in the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton: Water-fluxed melting of metasedimentary rocks. Precambrian Research 303: 355~371. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2017.04.036
                          2. Wan YS(萬(wàn)渝生), Peng P, Liu SJ, Kroner A, Guo JH, Dong CY, Liu DY, 2017. Late Paleoproterozoic tectono-thermal event in the northwestern North China Craton: Evidence from U-Pb dating and O-Hf isotopic compositions of zircons from metasedimentary rocks north of Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia, Northern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 167: 152-164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2017.09.012
                          3. Peng P, Yang SY, Su XD, Wang XP, Zhang J, Wang C, 2017. Petrogenesis of the 2090 Ma Zanhuang ring and sill complexes in North China: A bimodal magmatism related to intra-continental process. Precambrian Research 303: 153-170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2017.03.015
                          4. Xu HR(徐慧茹), Yang ZY, Peng P, Ge KP, Jin ZM, Zhu RX, 2017. Magnetic fabrics and rock magnetism of the Xiong'er volcanic rocks and their implications for tectonic correlation of the North China Craton with other crustal blocks in the Nuna/Columbia supercontinent. Tectonophysics 712-713(21): 415-425.
                          5. Peng P, Zhai M, Su X, Zhao T, Zhou Y, 2017. Nature of the Late Carboniferous to Triassic magmatism along the northern margin of the North China block: link with the evolution of the Central Asian Orogen. Geodynamics & Tectonophysics 8(3): 531-532: doi: 10.5800/GT-2017-8-3-0282
                          6. Teixeira W, Oliveira EP, Peng P, Dantas EL, Hollanda MHBM, 2017. U-Pb geochronology of the 2.0 Ga Itapecerica graphite-rich supracrustal succession in the S?o Francisco Craton: Tectonic matches with the North China Craton and paleogeographic inferences. Precambrian Research 293: 91-111.
                          7. Wang XP(王欣平), Peng P*, Wang C, Yang SY, S?derlund U, Su XD, 2017. Nature of three episodes of Paleoproterozoic magmatism (2180 Ma, 2115 Ma and 1890 Ma) in the Liaoji belt, North China with implications for tectonic evolution. Precambrian Research 298: 252-267.
                          8. Peng P, Feng LJ, Sun FB, Yang SY, Su XD, Zhang ZY, Wang C, 2017. Dating the Gaofan and Hutuo Groups – Targets to investigate the Paleoproterozoic Great Oxidation Event in North China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 138: 535-547.
                          9. 肖文交, 秦克章, 郭敬輝, 彭澎. 2017. 序:大陸地殼的形成演化與成礦. 地質(zhì)科學(xué) 52(4): I-II.


                          1. Huang GY(黃光宇), Jiao SJ, Guo JH*, Peng P, Wang D, Liu Peng, 2016. P–T–t constraints of the Barrovian-type metamorphic series in the Khondalite belt of the North China Craton: Evidence from phase equilibria modeling and zircon U–Pb geochronology. Precambrian Research 283: 125-143.
                          2. Wang XP(王欣平), Peng P*, Wang C, Yang SY, 2016. Petrogenesis of the 2115 Ma Haicheng mafic sills from the Eastern North China craton: Implications for an intra-continental rifting. Gondwana Research 39: 347–364.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2016.01.009.
                          3. Peng P, Richard EE, Hou GT, Soderlund U, Zhang SH, Hamilton M, Xu YG, Denyszyn S, Mege D, Pisarevsky S, Srivastava, Kusky TM, 2016. Dyke swarms: keys to paleogeographic reconstructions. Science Bulletin 6(21): 1669-1671. doi:10.1007/s11434-016-1184-x
                          4. 彭澎, 楊書(shū)艷, 王欣平, 2016. 朝鮮半島中南部三疊紀巖漿巖的分布、系列與成因淺析. 巖石學(xué)報 32(10): 3083-3097.Peng P, Yang SY, Wang XP, 2016. A preliminary study on the distribution, magma series and petrogenesis of the Triassic igneous rocks in middle-southern Korean Peninsula. Acta Petrologica Sinica 32(10): 3083-3097.
                          5. 金明哲, 楊正赫, 彭澎*, 翟明國, 樸賢旭, 馮連君, 李忠日, 朱成赫. 2016. 朝鮮平南盆地埃迪卡拉系-下寒武統地層碳同位素特征. 巖石學(xué)報 32(10): 3180-3186. Kim MC, Yang JH, Peng P*, ZHai MG, Pak HU, Feng LJ, Ri CI, Ju SH, 2016. Characteristics of carbon isotope of the Ediacaran and Lower Cambrian strata in the Pyongnam basin, DPR Korea. Acta Petrologica Sinica 32(10): 3180-3186.
                          6. 楊正赫, 彭澎*, 鄭哲壽, 樸雄, 文正根, 金哲賢, 茍賢哲. 2016. 朝鮮平南盆地古元古界-下古生界沉積巖碎屑鋯石年齡譜對比及意義. 巖石學(xué)報 32(10): 3155-3179. Yang JH, Peng P*, Jong CS, Park U, Mun JG, Kim CH, Ku HC. 2016. Comparison on ages of detrital zircons from the Paleoproterozoic to Lower Paleozoic sedimenatry rocks in the Pyongnam Basin, Korea. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 32(10): 3155-3179.
                          7. 彭澎, 王沖, 楊正赫, 金正男. 2016. 朝鮮~19億年侵入巖的巖石類(lèi)型與構造背景初探. 巖石學(xué)報 32(10): 2993-3018. Peng P, Wang C, Yang JH, Kim JN, 2016. A preliminary study on the rock series and tectonic evnironment of the ~1.9 Ga plutonic rocks in DPR Korea. Acta Petrologica Sinica 32(10): 2993-3018.
                          8. 葛松勝, 翟明國*, 李鐵勝, 彭澎, 王浩錚, 崔夏紅. 冀北中低級變質(zhì)表殼巖的年代學(xué)特征及其對華北克拉通構造演化的約束. 巖石學(xué)報 32(2): 571-589. Ge SS, Zhai MG, Li TS, Peng P, Wang HZ, Cui XH, 2016. Geochronology of the medium- and low-grade metamorphosed supracrustal rocks from northern Hbei: Constraint on the Late Neoarchean tectonic evolution of the North China Craton. Acta Petrologica Sinica 32(2): 571-589.
                          9. 翟明國, 胡波, 彭澎, 趙太平. 2016. 華北元古宙的多期伸展與裂谷事件. 見(jiàn): 孫樞、王鐵冠主編, 中國東部中-新元古界地質(zhì)學(xué)與油氣資源, 北京: 科學(xué)出版社 245-286.
                          10. 彭澎, 2016. 華北陸塊前寒武紀巖墻群及相關(guān)巖漿巖地質(zhì)圖(1:250萬(wàn)地質(zhì)圖及說(shuō)明書(shū)). 北京: 科學(xué)出版社, 1-90. ISBN 978-7-03-048423-9; 發(fā)行號: P-3004.01; 審圖號: GS(2016) 2356號 (中文、英文雙語(yǔ)版) [Peng P, 2016. Map of Precambrian Dyke Swarms and Related Plutonic/Volcanic Units in the North China Block (1:2500 000). Beijing: Science Press: 1–90]
                          11. Wang C (王沖), Peng P*, Wang XP, Yang SY, 2016. Nature of three Proterozoic (1680 Ma, 1230 Ma and 775 Ma) mafic dyke swarms in North China: implications for tectonic evolution and paleogeographic reconstruction. Precambrian Research, 285: 109-126. Doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2016.09.015.
                          12. Zhai MG, Zhang YB, Zhang XH, Wu FY, Peng P, Li QL, Hou QL, Li TS, Zhao L, 2016. Renewed profile of the Mesozoic magmatism in Korean Peninsula: Regional correlation and broader implication for cratonic destruction in the North China Craton. Science China: Earth Sciences 59 (1): 2-35.
                          13. Peng P, Ernst R, 2016. Dyke swarms: Keys to Paleogeographic reconstructions, Preface for IDC7 2016. Acta Geologica Sinica 90(Supp 1): XII-XIV.
                          14. Peng P, 2016. 1:2500 000 Map of Precambrian Dyke Swarms and Related Units in North China. Acta Geologica Sinica 90(Supp 1): 16 (abstract).
                          15. Wang C, Peng P, Wang X, Yang S, 2016. Tectonic Environments of the Yan-Liao Rift during Earth’s Middle Age (1.7~0.75 Ga): Evidence from Mafic Dyke Swarms in Eastern Hebei, North China. Acta Geologica Sinica 90(Supp 1): 45-46(abstract).
                          16. Zhai M, Hu B, Zhao T, Peng P, Meng Q. 2016. Late Paleoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic Multi-rifting Events Accompanied by Four Stages of Magmatism in the North China Craton and Their Geological Significance.Acta Geologica Sinica 90(Supp 1): 48(abstract).
                          17. Peng P, Wang X, Wang C, Lai Y. 2016. Large-Scale Segregation of Immiscible Liquids in the 1780 Ma Taihang Dykes to Produce the Bimodal Xiong'er Volcanics (North China).Acta Geologica Sinica 90(Supp 1): 113(abstract).
                          18. Wang X, Peng P, Yang S, Wang C. 2016. Nature of Three Episodes of Magmatism (2181 Ma, 2115 Ma and 1891 Ma) in the Liaohe Rift of North China: Implications for Tectonic Evolution. Acta Geologica Sinica 90(Supp 1): 127(abstract).
                          19. Wang X, Peng P, Wang C, Yang S, 2016. Petrogenesis of the~2115 Ma Haicheng Mafic Sills in the Eastern North China Craton and Their Implications for An Intra-Continental Rifting.Acta Geologica Sinica 90(Supp 1): 128(abstract).
                          20. Yang S, Peng P, Qin Z, Wang X, Wang C, 2016. Genetic Relationship of the 1780-1760 Ma Dykes and the Coeval Volcanics in the Lvliang Area, North China. Acta Geologica Sinica 90(Supp 1): 133-134(abstract).
                          21. Xu H, Yang Z, Peng P, Ge K, Zhu R, 2016. Magnetic Fabric Studies of Xiong’er Volcanic Rocks in Southern Margin of the North China Craton and its Implications.Acta Geologica Sinica 90(Supp 1): 167(abstract).
                          22. 樸賢旭,翟明國,楊正赫, 彭澎*, 金正男, 張艷斌,金明哲, 樸雄,馮連君. 2016. 朝鮮平南盆地祥原超群的沉積時(shí)代與拉伸紀早期碳同位素負漂移. 巖石學(xué)報. 32(7): 2181-2195. [Park HU, Zhai MG, Yang JH, Peng P*, Kim JN, Zhang YB, Kim MC, Park U, Feng LJ, 2016. Deposition age of the Sangwon Supergroup in the Pyongnam basin (Korea) and the Early Tonian negative carbon isotope interval. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 32(7): 2181-2195. (in Chinese with English abstract)]


                          1. Peng P, 2016. Structural architecture and spatial-temporal distribution of the Archean domains in the Eastern North China craton. In: MG Zhai, Y Zhao, TP Zhao (eds.) Metallogeny and main tectonic events of the North China Craton. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 45-64.Doi: 10.10007/978-981-10-1064-4
                          2. 王沖, 彭澎*, 王欣平, 李秋立, 徐希陽(yáng), 楊書(shū)艷. 2016. 華北太行巖墻群斜鋯石生長(cháng)世代和U-Pb年齡及其對巖漿演化的啟示. 巖石學(xué)報, 32(3): 646-658.[Wang C, Peng P*, Wang XP, Li QL, Xu XY, Yang SY, 2016. The generations and U-Pb dating of baddeleyites from the Taihang dyke swarm in North China and their implications for magmatic evolution. Acta Petrologica Sinica 32(3): 646-658. (in Chinese with English abstract)]
                          3. Peng P, 2015. Large Igneous Provinces, Richard E. Ernst. Cambridge University Press (2014), (653 pp.) Gondwana Research, 28: 1585. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2015.07.002 (book review).
                          4. Peng P, Wang C, Wang X, Yang S. 2015. Qingyuan high-grade granite–greenstone terrain in the Eastern North China Craton: Root of a Neoarchaean arc. Tectonophsics, 662: 7-21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2015.04.013.
                          5. Peng P, Wang X, Lai Y, Wang C, Windley BF, 2015. Large-scale liquid immiscibility and fractional crystallization in the 1780 Ma Taihang dyke swarm: Implications for genesis fo the bimodal Xiong'er volcanic province. Lithos 136-137: 106-122. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2015.08.015.
                          6. Peng P, 2015. Late Paleoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic (1800-541 Ma) Mafic Dyke Swarms and Rifts in North China. In: MG Zhai (ed.) Precambiran Geology of China. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 171-204 (totally 390 pages). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-47885-1
                          7. Peng, P., 2015. Precambrian mafic dyke swarms in the North China Craton and their geological implications. Science China: Earth Sciences 58: 649-675. Link
                          8. Li Y(李云), Peng P*, Wang X, Wang H. 2015. Nature of 1800-1600 Ma mafic dyke swarms in the North China Craton: Implications for the rejuvenation of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle. Precambrian Research 257: 114-123.
                          9. Zhai, M.G. Hu, B., Zhao, T.-P., Peng P., Meng, Q.-R., 2015. Late Paleoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic multi-rifting events in the North China Craton and their geological significance: a review. Tectonophysics, 662: 153-166. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2015.01.019.
                          10. Guo, JH, Zhai, MG, Peng, P, Jiao, SJ, Zhao, L, Wang, HZ, 2015. Paleoproterozoic Granulites in the North China Craton and Their Geological Implications. In: MG Zhai (ed.) Precambiran Geology of China. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 137-170 (totally 390 pages). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-47885-1
                          11. Jiao, SJ(焦淑娟), Guo, JH, Wang, LJ, Peng P, 2015. Short-lived high-temperature prograde and retrograde metamorphism in Shaerqin sapphirine-bearing metapelites from the Daqingshan terrane, North China Craton. Precambrian Research 269: 31-57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.precames.2015.08.002.
                          12. Zhao L(趙磊), Li T, Peng P, Guo J, Wang W, Wang H, Santosh M, Zhai M, 2015. Anatomy of zircon growth in high pressure granulites: SIMS U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopes from the Jiaobei Terrane, eastern North China Craton. Gondwana Research, 28: 1373-1390. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2014.10.009.
                          13. Wang, LJ(王洛娟), Guo, JH, Peng P, Liu F, Windley BF, 2015. Lithological unitsat the boundaryzone between the Jining and Huai'an Complexes (central-northern margin of the North China Craton): APaleoproterozoic tectonic melange? Lithos 227: 205-224.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2015.04.006.
                          14. Ge SS(葛松勝), Zhai MG, Li TS, Peng P, Santosh M, Shan HX, Zuo PF, 2015. Zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of low-grade metamorphosed volcanic rocks from the Dantazi Complex: Implications for the evolution of the North China Craton, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 111: 948-965. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.08.021
                          15. 趙太平, 鄧小芹, 胡國輝, 周艷艷, 彭澎, 翟明國, 2015. 華北克拉通古/中元古代界線(xiàn)和相關(guān)地質(zhì)問(wèn)題討論(The Paleoproterozoic-Mesoproterozoic boundary of the North China Craton and the related geological issues: A review). 巖石學(xué)報. 31(6): 1495-1508.
                          16. 彭澎. 高級變質(zhì)花崗巖-綠巖地體的結構與成因:以華北為例. 礦物學(xué)報 增刊S1. 536.
                          17. 郭倩,張丹萍,郭巨杰,彭澎,2015. 從高嶺土尾礦中浮選鉛鋅,過(guò)程工程學(xué)報,15(06): 962-968.
                          18. Zhong Y(鐘焱), Zhai M, Peng P, Santosh M, Ma X, 2015. Detrital zircon U-Pb dating and whole-rock geochemistry from the clastic rocks in the northern marginal basin of the North China Craton: Constraints on depositional age and provenance of the Bayan Obo Group. Precambrian Research 258: 133-145


                          1. Zhai M, Wan Y, Peng P. 2014. Secular changes of mineralization linked with Precambrian major geological events in the North China Craton (Preface). Precambrian Research 255: 511-513.
                          2. Xu H(徐慧茹), Yang Z, Peng P, Meert JG, Zhu R, 2014. Paleo-position of the North China craton within the supercontinent Columbia: constraints from new paleomagnetic results. Precambrian Research 255, 276-293.
                          3. Mitchell RN, Bleeker W, Van Breemen O, Lecheminant TN, Peng P, Nilsson MKM, Evans DAD, 2014. Plate tectonics before 2.0 Ga: Evidence from paleomagnetism of cratons within supercontinent Nuna. American Journal of Science 314: 878-894.
                          4. Peng P, Wang X, Zhai M, Guo J. 2014. Liquid immiscibility and fractional crystallization in the 1780 Ma Taihang dykes: Implications for the genesis of the bimodal Xiong'er volcanics. Goldschmidt Abstracts: 1929.
                          5. Peng P, 2014. 1:2 000 000 map of Precambrian mafic magmatism in the North China Craton.LIP of the Month: 鏈接
                          6. Peng P, Wang X, Windley BF, Guo J, Zhai M, Li Y. 2014. Spatial distribution of ~ 1950–1800 Ma metamorphic events in the North China Craton: Implications for tectonic subdivision of the craton. Lithos 202-203: 250-266.
                          7. 翟明國, 胡波, 彭澎, 趙太平. 2014. 華北中—新元古代的巖漿作用與多期裂谷事件. 地學(xué)前緣 21(1): 100-119.  


                          1. Zhu, X., Zhai, M., Chen, F., Lv, B., Wang, W., Peng, P., Hu, B. 2013. ~2.7 Ga Crustal Growth in the North China Craton: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb Ages and Hf Isotopes of the Sushui Complex in the Zhongtiao Terrane. Journal of Geology, 121(3): 239-254.
                          2. 黃雄南, 張家聲, 彭澎, 李天斌. 2013. 賀蘭山北段古元古代結晶基底變形特征及其區域構造意義. 巖石學(xué)報, 29: 2353-2370.
                          3. Jiao, S., Guo, J., Harley, S., Peng P. 2013. Geochronology and trace element geochemistry of zircon, monazite and garnet from the garnetite and/or associated other high-grade rocks: Implications for Palaeoproterozoic tectonothermal evolution of the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 237: 78-100.
                          4. 胡波, 翟明國, 彭澎, 劉富, 第五春榮, 王浩錚, 張海東. 2013. 華北克拉通古元古代末-新元古代地質(zhì)事件——來(lái)自北京西山地區寒武系和侏羅系碎屑鋯石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代學(xué)的證據. 巖石學(xué)報, 29: 2508-2536 .  


                          1. Peng, P, Guo, J., Zhai, M., Windley, B., Li, T., Liu, F. 2012. Genesis of the Hengling magmatic belt in the North China Craton: Implications for Paleoproterozoic tectonics. Lithos, 148, 27-44
                          2. Peng P, Guo J, Windley BF, Liu F, Chu Z, Zhai M, 2012. Petrogenesis of Late Paleoproterozoic Liangcheng charnockites and S-type granites in the central-northern margin of the North China Craton: Implications for ridge subduction. Precambrian Research, 222-223, 107-123.
                          3. Peng P, Liu F, Zhai M, Guo J, 2012. Age of the Miyun dyke swarm: Constraints on the maximum depositional age of the Changcheng System. Chinese Sci Bull 57: 105-110. 彭澎, 劉富, 翟明國, 郭敬輝. 2011. 密云巖墻群的時(shí)代及其對長(cháng)城系底界年齡的制約. 科學(xué)通報, 56(35), 2975-2980.
                          4. 彭澎, 李云, 劉富, 王芳. 2012. 冀西北晚太古代巖石單元的地質(zhì)關(guān)系: 對早期陸殼形成的指示. 巖石學(xué)報, 28(11), 3531-3544.
                          5. Guo J, Peng P, Chen Y, Jiao S, Windley BF, 2012. UHT sapphirine granulite metamorphism at 1.93–1.92 Ga caused by gabbronorite intrusions: Implications for tectonic evolution of the northern margin of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research,222-223, 124-142.
                          6. Hu B, Zhai M, Li T, Li Z, Peng P, Guo J, Kusky T. 2012. Mesoproterozoic magmatic events in the eastern North China Craton and their tectonic implications: Geochronological evidence from detrital zircons in the Shandong Peninsula and North Korea. Gondwana Research,22(3–4), 828-842.
                          7. Liu, F., Guo, J., Peng, P., Qian, Q., 2012. Zircon U–Pb ages and geochemistry of the Huai'an TTG gneisses terrane Petrogenesis and implications for ~2.5 Ga crustal growth in the North China Craton. Precambrian Research 212-213, 225-244.
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                          1. Lv, B., Zhai, M., Li, T., Peng, P., 2011. Zircon U–Pb ages and geochemistry of the Qinglong volcano-sedimentary rock series in Eastern Hebei: Implication for ~2500 Ma intra-continental rifting in the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 208–211: 145-160
                          2. Peng P, Bleeker W, Ernst RE, S?derlund U, McNicoll V, 2011. U-Pb baddeleyite ages, distribution and geochemistry of 925 Ma mafic dykes and 900 Ma sills in the North China craton: Evidence for a Neoproterozoic mantle plume. Lithos 127: 210-221.
                          3. Peng P, Guo J, Windley BF, Li X, 2011. Halaqin volcano-sedimentary succession in the central-northern margin of the North China Craton: products of Late Paleoproterozoic ridge subduction. Precambrian Research 187, 165-180.
                          4. Peng P, Zhai M, Li Q, Wu F, Hou Q, Li Z, Li T, Zhang Y, 2011. Neoproterozoic (~ 900 Ma) Sariwon sills in North Korea: Geochronology, geochemistry and implications for the evolution of the south-eastern margin of the North China Craton. Gondwana Research 20: 243-254.
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                          6. 趙瑞幅, 郭敬輝, 彭澎, 劉富, 2011. 恒山地區古元古代2.1Ga地殼重熔事件: 鉀質(zhì)花崗巖鋯石U-Pb定年及Hf-Nd同位素研究. 巖石學(xué)報. 27(6): 1607-1623.
                          7. Wang F, Chen F, Siebel W, Li S, Peng P, Zhai M, 2011. Zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotopic composition of the Hongqiyingzi Complex, northern Hebei Province: new evidence for Paleoproterozoic and late Paleozoic evolution of the northernmargin of the North China Craton. Gondwana Research 20, 122–136.  


                          1. Peng P., Guo J.-H., Zhai M.-G., Bleeker W., 2010. Paleoproterozoic gabbronoritic and granitic magmatism in the northern margin of the North China craton: Evidence of crust-mantle interaction. Precambrian Research 183, 635-659.
                          2. Peng P., 2010. Reconstruction and interpretation of giant mafic dyke swarms: a case study of 1.78 Ga magmatism in the North China craton. Kusky, T, Zhai, M-G, Xiao, W-J. (eds). The Evolving Continents: Understanding Processes of Continental Growth. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 338, 163–178.
                          3. Li T, Zhai M, Peng P, Chen L, Guo J, 2010. Ca. 2.5 billion year old coeval ultramafic–mafic and syenitic dykes in Eastern Hebei: Implications for cratonization of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research 180: 143-155
                          4. Zhai MG, Li TS, Peng P, Hu B, Liu F, Zhang YB, 2010. Precambrian key tectonic events and evolution of the North China craton. Kusky, T, Zhai, M-G, Xiao, W-J. (eds). The Evolving Continents: Understanding Processes of Continental Growth. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 338, 235–262.
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                          3. Oh, C.-W., Choi, S.-G., Seo, J., Rajesh, V.J., Lee, J.-H., Zhai, M.-G., Peng, P., 2009. Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Hongseong area, southwestern Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea; implication for the tectonic evolution of Northeast Asia. Gondwana Research. 16, 272-284.
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                          1. Peng P, Zhai M-G, Guo J-H, Zhang H-F, Zhang Y-B, 2008. Petrogenesis of Triassic postorogenic syenite plutons in the Sino-Korean craton: an example from North Korea. Geological Magazine 145 (5): 637–647.
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                          1. Peng, P. Zhai, M.-G., Guo, J.-H., Kusky, T., Zhao, T.-P., 2007. Nature of mantle source contributions and crystal differentiation in the petrogenesis of the 1.78 Ga mafic dykes in the central North China craton. Gondwana Research, 12: 29-46.
                          2. Zhai MG, Guo JH, Peng P, 2007. U-Pb zircon age dating of a rapakivi granite batholith in Rangnim massif, North Korea. Geological Magazine, 144(3):547-552
                          3. Zhai MG, Guo JH, Li Z, Hou QL, Peng P, Fan QC, Li TS, 2007. Linking Sulu orogenic belt to Korean Peninsula: evidences of metamorphism, Precambrian basement and Paleozoic basins. Gondwana Research, 12:388-403
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                          1. Peng, P. Zhai, M.-G., Guo, J.-H., 2006. 1.80-1.75 Ga mafic dyke swarms in the central North China craton: implications for a plume-related break-up event. In: E. Hanski, S. Mertanen, T. R?m?, J. Vuollo (eds): Dyke Swarms - Time Markers of Crustal Evolution. London: Taylor & Francis: 99-112.
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                          1. Zhai, M.G., Shao, J.A., Hao, J., & Peng, P., 2003. Geological signature and possible position of the North China block in the Supercontinent Rodinia. Gondwana Research, 6, 171-183.
                          2. Zhai, M.G., Guo, J.H., Li, Y.G., Liu, W.J., Peng, P. & Shi, X., 2003. Two linear granite belts in the central-western North China Craton and their implication for Late Neoarchaean- Palaeoproterozoic continental evolution. Precambrian Research, 127, 267-283.  


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                          3. 彭澎, 等. 2002, 關(guān)于弧后擴張機制的新看法. 世界地質(zhì). 21(1): 1-7.

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