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                          姓名 錢(qián)青 性別:
                          職稱(chēng) 研究員 學(xué)位 博士
                          電話(huà) 86-10-82998248 傳真: 010-62010846
                          Email: qianqing@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 郵編: 100029
                          地址 北京朝陽(yáng)區北土城西路19號,中科院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所
                          • 1992年北京大學(xué)地質(zhì)系畢業(yè),獲學(xué)士學(xué)位
                          • 1996年北京大學(xué)地質(zhì)系畢業(yè),獲碩士學(xué)位
                          • 1999年中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)研究所畢業(yè),獲博士學(xué)位
                          • 2001年赴國立臺灣大學(xué)、臺灣師范大學(xué)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)研究
                          • 2004年起任中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所副研究員
                          • 2007-2008年為澳大利亞國立大學(xué)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者
                          • 2012年赴日本海洋研究開(kāi)發(fā)機構合作研究
                          1. 華北、日本高鎂安山質(zhì)巖石成因 
                          2. 元素在巖漿過(guò)程中的擴散、分配系數 
                          3. adakite形成的溫壓條件 
                          4. 北祁連山蛇綠巖和花崗巖、西藏班公湖-怒江縫合帶蛇綠巖以及相關(guān)造山帶的演化 
                          社會(huì )任職:
                          1. 東北饒河鎂鐵-超鎂鐵巖:一個(gè)中生代剖面(2001-2003年);
                          2. 華北燕山期邯邢侵入雜巖的巖石地球化學(xué)和成因研究(2005-2007年);
                          3. 新疆那拉提山北緣早古生代Terskey洋演化的巖漿巖記錄(2009-2011年);
                          4. 日本Setouchi島高鎂安山巖的巖石成因(2012-2015年);
                          5. 北祁連造山帶西段釘合巖體與早古生代蛇綠巖仰沖增生時(shí)限(2015-2018年)
                          1. Qian Q, Hermann J, Wang YL, Guo JH, Liu F, Wang LJ. 2015. Variations of clinopyroxene/melt element partitioning during assimilation of olivine/peridotite by low-Mg diorite magma. Chemical Geology, 419: 36-54
                          2. Qian Q and Hermann J. 2013. Partial melting of lower crust at 10-15 kbar: constraints on adakite and TTG formation. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 165: 1195-1224
                          3. Qian Q and Hermann J. 2010. Formation of high-Mg diorites through assimilation of peridotite by monzodiorite magma at crustal depths. Journal of Petrology, 51: 1381-1416
                          4. Qian Q, O’Neill HStC, Hermann J. 2010. Comparative diffusion coefficients of major and trace elements in olivine at ~950 from a xenocryst included in dioritic magma. Geology, 38: 331-334
                          5. Qian Q, Gao J, Klemd R, He GQ, Xiong XM, Long LL, Song B, Liu DY and Xu RH. 2009. Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Chinese South Tianshan Orogen: constraints from SHRIMP zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of basaltic and dioritic rocks from Xiate, NW China. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98: 551-569
                          6. Wang D, Guo JH, Qian Q, Fu B. 2018. Late Archean high-δ18O, high-Mg diorites: crustal-derived melts hybridized by mafic cumulates. Journal of Petrology (in press)
                          7. 孫寶璐,錢(qián)青,張建新. 2017. 甘肅大佛寺、金佛寺花崗巖體的鋯石U-Pb年齡、Hf-O同位素和全巖地球化學(xué)特征及地質(zhì)意義. 巖石學(xué)報,33: 3091-3108
                          8. Jollands MC, Burnham AD, O’Neill, HStC, Hermann J, Qian Q. 2016. Beryllium diffusion in olivine: A new tool to investigate timescales of magmatic processes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 450: 71-82
                          9. 林靚,錢(qián)青,王艷玲,高俊,江拓,劉新. 2015. 西天山北部大哈拉軍山組火山巖中輝長(cháng)巖體的形成時(shí)代、地球化學(xué)特征及地質(zhì)意義. 巖石學(xué)報,31:1749-1760
                          10. 王岳明,錢(qián)青,張建新. 2015. 北祁連扁馬溝粉砂巖碎屑鋯石U-Pb年齡及Hf同位素特征. 地質(zhì)科學(xué),50: 756-772
                          11. Gao J, Wang XS, Klemd R, Jiang T, Qian Q, Mu LX, Ma YZ. 2015. Record of assembly and breakup of Rodinia in the Southwestern Altaids: Evidence from Neoproterozoic magmatism in the Chinese Western Tianshan Orogen. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113: 173-193
                          12. Jiang T, Gao J, Klemd R, Qian Q, Zhang X, Wang XS, Tan Z, Zhu ZX. 2015. Genetically and geochronologically contrasting plagiogranites in South Centran Tianshan ophiolitic mélange: Implications for the breakup of of Rodinia and subduction zone processes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113: 266-281
                          13. Zhang X, Klemd R, Gao J,Dong LH, Wang XS, Haase K, Jiang T, Qian Q. 2015. Metallogenesis of the Zhibo and Chagangnuoer volcanic iron oxide deposits in the Awulale iron metallogenic belt, western Tianshan orogen, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113: 151-172
                          14. Jiang T, Gao J, Klemd R, Qian Q, Zhang X, Xiong XM, Wang XS, Tan Z, Chen BX. 2014. Paleozoic ophiolitic mélanges from the South Tianshan Orogen, NW China: Geological, geochemical and geochronological implications for the geodynamic setting. Tectonophysics, 612-613: 106-127
                          15. Ma XD, Guo JH, Liu F, Qian Q, Fan HR. 2013. Zircon U-Pb ages, trace elements and Nd-Hf isotopic geochemistry of Guyang sanukitoids and related rocks: Implications for the Archean crustal evolution of the Yinshan Block, North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 230: 61-78
                          16. Liu F, Guo JH, Peng P, Qian Q. 2012. Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemistry of the Huai’an TTG gneisses terrane: Petrogenesis and implications for ~2.5 Ga crustal growth in the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 212-213: 225-244
                          17. Lee HY, Chung SL, Ji JQ, Qian Q, Gallet S, Lo CH, Lee TY, Zhang Q. 2012. Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic constraints on the genesis of the Cenozoic Linzizong volcanic successions, southern Tibet. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 53: 96-114
                          18. Zhang X, Tian JQ, Gao J, Klemd R, Dong LH, Fan JJ, Jiang T, Hu CJ, Qian Q. 2012. Geochronology and geochemistry of granitoid rocks from the Zhibo syngenetic volcanogenic iron ore deposit in the Western Tianshan Mountains (NW-China): Constraints on the age of mineralization and tectonic setting. Gondwana Research, 22: 585-596
                          19. 劉新,錢(qián)青,蘇文,李繼磊. 2012. 西天山阿吾拉勒西段木汗巴斯陶侵入巖體的地球化學(xué)特征、時(shí)代及地質(zhì)意義. 巖石學(xué)報,8: 2401-2413,
                          20. 張喜,范俊佳,高俊,董連慧,江拓,錢(qián)青. 2012. 西天山喬霍特銅礦成礦背景與礦床成因探討. 巖石學(xué)報,7: 2057-2073
                          21. Gao J, Klemd R, Qian Q, Zhang X, Li JL, Jiang T, Yang YQ. 2011. The collision between the Yili and Tarim blocks of the Southwestern Altaids: Geochemical and age constraints of a leucogranite dike crosscutting the HP-LT metamorphic belt in the Chinese Tianshan Orogen. Tectonophysics, 499: 118-131
                          22. Long LL, Gao J, Klemd R, Beier C, Qian Q, Zhang X, Wang JB, Jiang T. 2011. Geochemical and geochronological studies of granitoid rocks from the Western Tianshan Orogen: Implications for continental growth in the southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Lithos, 126: 321-340
                          23. 王艷玲,錢(qián)青,焦淑娟. 2011. 純橄巖捕虜體在閃長(cháng)質(zhì)巖漿中的存留時(shí)間尺度:Mg-Fe擴散剖面模擬研究. 巖石學(xué)報,27: 1688-1698
                          24. 張喜,高俊,董連慧,李繼磊,江拓,錢(qián)青,蘇文. 2011. 新疆中天山喬霍特銅礦區I型花崗巖鋯石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年齡及其地質(zhì)意義. 巖石學(xué)報,27: 1637-1648
                          25. 張喜,高俊,董連慧,李繼磊,劉新,錢(qián)青,江拓. 2011. 伊什基里克山切特木斯銅礦區火山巖地球化學(xué)特征與成礦背景探討. 新疆地質(zhì),29:7-12
                          26. 李繼磊,錢(qián)青,高俊,蘇文,張喜,劉新,江拓. 2010. 西天山昭蘇東南部阿登套地區大哈拉軍山組火山巖及花崗巖侵入體的地球化學(xué)特征、時(shí)代和構造環(huán)境. 巖石學(xué)報,10: 2913-2924
                          27. Wang, Y.L., Qian, Q., Gao, J., Xiong, X.M., He, G.Q., Klemd, R., 2009. Ordovician adakites from the northern part of the Nalati Mountains, Xinjiang (NW China). 2009年全國巖石學(xué)與地球動(dòng)力學(xué)研討會(huì ),p. 290-291 (論文摘要)
                          28. Gao, J., Long, L.L., Klemd, R., Qian, Q., Liu, D.Y., Xiong, X.M., Su, W., Liu, W., Wang, Y.T., Yang, F.Q. 2009. Tectonic evolution of the South Tianshan Orogen, NW China: geochemical and age constraints of granitoid rocks. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98: 1221-1238
                          29. Gao J, Klemd R, Long LL, Xiong XM, Qian Q. 2009. Adakitic signature formed by fractional crystallization: An interpretation for the Neo-Proterozoic meta-plagiogranites of the NE Jiangxi ophiolitic mélange belt, South China. Lithos, 110: 277-293
                          30. Lee HY, Chung SL, Lo CH, Ji JQ, Lee TY, Qian Q, Zhang Q. 2009. Eocene Neotethyan slab breakoff in southern Tibet inferred from the Linzizong volcanic record. Tectonophysics, 477: 20-35
                          31. 高俊,錢(qián)青,龍靈利,張喜,李繼磊,蘇文. 2009. 西天山的增生造山過(guò)程. 地質(zhì)通報,28: 1804-1816
                          32. Zhang Q, Wang CY, Liu DY, Jian P, Qian Q, Zhou GQ, Robinson PT. 2008. A brief review of ophiolites in China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 32: 308-324
                          33. 龍靈利,高俊,錢(qián)青,熊賢明,王京彬,王玉往,高立明. 2008. 西天山伊犁地區石炭紀火山巖地球化學(xué)特征及構造環(huán)境. 巖石學(xué)報,24: 699-710
                          34. 錢(qián)青,徐守禮,何國琦,Klemd, R., 熊賢明,龍靈利,高俊. 2007. 那拉提山北緣寒武紀玄武巖的元素地球化學(xué)特征及構造意義. 巖石學(xué)報,231708-1720
                          35. 錢(qián)青,高俊,熊賢明,龍靈利,黃德志. 2006.西天山昭蘇北部石炭紀火山巖的巖石地球化學(xué)特征、成因及形成環(huán)境.巖石學(xué)報,221307-1323
                          36. 龍靈利,高俊,熊賢明,錢(qián)青. 2007. 新疆中天山南緣比開(kāi)(地區)花崗巖地球化學(xué)特征及年代學(xué)研究. 巖石學(xué)報,23: 719-732
                          37. 高俊,龍靈利,錢(qián)青,黃德志,蘇文,Reiner Klemd. 2006. 南天山:晚古生代還是三疊紀碰撞造山帶?巖石學(xué)報,221049-1061
                          38. 龍靈利,高俊,熊賢明,錢(qián)青. 2006. 南天山庫勒湖蛇綠巖地球化學(xué)特征及其年齡. 巖石學(xué)報,2265-73.
                          39. Wang Y, Zhang Q, Qian Q, Zhou MF. 2005. Geochemistry of the Early Paleozoic Baiyin volcanic rocks (NW China): Implications for the tectonic evolution of the North Qilian Orogenic Belt. Journal of Geology, 113: 83-94
                          40. 簡(jiǎn)平,張旗,劉敦一,金維浚,賈秀勤,錢(qián)青. 2005. 內蒙古固陽(yáng)晚太古代贊岐巖(sanukite-角閃花崗巖的SHRIMP定年及其意義. 巖石學(xué)報,21:151-157
                          41. 張旗,錢(qián)青,翟明國,金維浚,王焰,簡(jiǎn)平,王元龍. 2005. Sanukite(贊岐巖)的地球化學(xué)特征、成因及其地球動(dòng)力學(xué)意義. 巖石礦物學(xué)雜志,24117-125
                          42. 張旗,王焰,錢(qián)青,翟明國,金惟浚,王元龍,簡(jiǎn)平,2004. 晚太古代Sanukite(贊歧巖)與地球早期演化. 巖石學(xué)報,2013551362
                          43. Zhang Q, Wang Y, Zhou GQ, Qian Q, Robinson PT. 2004. Ophiolites in China: their distribution, ages and tectonic settings. In: Dilek Y & Robinson PT (eds). Ophiolites in Earth History. Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 218, 541-566
                          44. Qian Q, Chung SL, Lee TY, and Wen DJ. 2003. Mesozoic high Ba-Sr granitoids from North China: Geochemical characteristics and geological implications. Terra Nova, 15: 272-278
                          45. Qian Q, Chu MF, Chung SL, Lee TY, Xiong XM. 2003. Was Triassic continental subduction solely responsible for the generation of Mesozoic mafic magmas and mantle source enrichment in the Dabie-Sulu orogen? International Geology Review, 45: 659-670
                          46. Chung SL, Liu DY, Ji JQ, Chu MF, Lee HY, Wen DJ, Lo CH, Lee TY, Qian Q, Zhang Q. 2003. Adakites from continental collision zones: melting of thickened lower crust beneath southern Tibet. Geology, 31: 1021-1024
                          47. 張旗,簡(jiǎn)平,劉敦一,王元龍,錢(qián)青,王焰,薛懷民. 2003. 寧蕪火山巖的鋯石SHRIMP定年及其意義. 中國科學(xué)(D輯),33309-314
                          48. 錢(qián)青,鐘孫霖,李通藝,溫大任. 2002. 八達嶺基性巖和高Ba-Sr花崗巖地球化學(xué)特征及成因探討:華北和大別-蘇魯造山帶中生代巖漿巖的對比. 巖石學(xué)報,18275-292.
                          49. 劉文斌,錢(qián)青,岳國利,李秋生,張旗,周美夫. 2002. 西藏丁青弧前蛇綠巖的地球化學(xué)特征. 巖石學(xué)報,18392-400
                          50. Qian Q and Zhang Q. 2001. Geochemical characteristics and tectonic setting of the Laohushan basalts, North Qilian Mountains. Acta Geologica Sinica, 75: 452-457.
                          51. Qian Q, Zhang Q, and Wang Y. 2001. Early Palaeozoic North Qilian Oceanic Basin, an Analogue to Modern West Pacific: Evidence from Geochemical Characteristics of Ophiolites. InterRidge News, 10: 28-31
                          52. 錢(qián)青. 2001. Adakite的地球化學(xué)特征和成因. 巖石地球化學(xué), 20 (3): 297-306.
                          53. 錢(qián)青,張旗,孫曉猛. 2001. 北祁連九個(gè)泉玄武巖的形成環(huán)境及地幔源區特征:微量元素和Nd同位素地球化學(xué)制約. 巖石學(xué)報,17: 385-394.
                          54. 錢(qián)青,張旗,孫曉猛,王岳明. 2001. 北祁連老虎山玄武巖和硅巖的地球化學(xué)特征及形成環(huán)境. 地質(zhì)科學(xué), 36: 444-453
                          55. 張旗,錢(qián)青,王二七,王焰,趙太平,郝杰,郭光軍,2001,燕山中晚期的中國東部高原: 埃達克巖的啟示. 地質(zhì)科學(xué),36: 248-255.
                          56. 張旗,王焰,錢(qián)青,楊進(jìn)輝,王元龍,趙太平,郭光軍,2001. 中國東部燕山期埃達克巖的特征及其構造-成礦意義. 巖石學(xué)報,17: 236-244.
                          57. 王焰,張旗,許榮華,錢(qián)青. 2001. 北祁連白銀礦田火山成因塊狀硫化物礦床成礦金屬來(lái)源討論. 地質(zhì)科技情報. 2046-50
                          58. 錢(qián)青,張旗. 2000. 北祁連老虎山地區玄武巖的地球化學(xué)特征和形成環(huán)境. 海峽兩岸第二次地學(xué)研討會(huì ), 80-83
                          59. Wang Y, Qian Q, Zhang Q. 2000. Geochemistry of an early Paleozoic bimodal volcanic suite at Bianmagou area, North Qilian Mountain, NW China. Scientia Geologica Sinica, 9: 195-203.
                          60. 韓松,賈秀琴,錢(qián)青,張旗,王焰. 2000. 北祁連大岔大坂兩類(lèi)輝長(cháng)巖的地質(zhì)地球化學(xué)特征及其構造環(huán)境. 巖石礦物學(xué)雜志,19106-112
                          61. 王焰,張旗,錢(qián)青. 2000. 埃達克巖(adakite)的地球化學(xué)特征及其構造意義. 地質(zhì)科學(xué),35251-256
                          62. 王焰,張旗,錢(qián)青,劉小明,張洪培. 2000. 白銀礦田成礦地質(zhì)背景和物質(zhì)來(lái)源討論. 海峽兩岸第二次地學(xué)研討會(huì ),117-122(論文摘要)
                          63. 王焰,錢(qián)青,劉良,張旗. 2000. 不同構造環(huán)境中雙峰式火山巖的主要特征. 巖石學(xué)報,162):169-173
                          64. 張旗,錢(qián)青,王焰. 2000. 蛇綠巖巖石組合及洋脊下巖漿作用. 巖石礦物學(xué)雜志,19: 1-7
                          65. 張旗,錢(qián)青,王焰,韓松,賈秀琴. 2000. 北祁連蛇綠巖的特征及北祁連洋盆的規模. 海峽兩岸第二次地學(xué)研討會(huì ),45-48(論文摘要)
                          66. 張旗,王焰,錢(qián)青. 2000. 北祁連早古生代洋盆是裂陷槽還是大洋盆-與葛肖虹討論. 地質(zhì)科學(xué),35121-128
                          67. 錢(qián)青,孫曉猛,張旗,韓松,賈秀琴. 1999. 北祁連九個(gè)泉蛇綠巖及其上覆巖系的巖石地球化學(xué)特征和地球動(dòng)力學(xué)意義. 地質(zhì)論評, 45(增刊): 1038-1046.
                          68. 錢(qián)青,王焰. 1999. 不同構造環(huán)境中雙峰式火山巖的地球化學(xué)特征. 地質(zhì)地球化學(xué),2729-32.
                          69. 徐平,賈秀琴,錢(qián)青,韓松,張旗. 1999. 云南金平縣鎂鐵-超鎂鐵巖巖床群的地球化學(xué)特征. 地質(zhì)科學(xué),34233-241.
                          70. 張旗, 錢(qián)青, 王焰. 1999. 造山帶火成巖地球化學(xué)研究. 地學(xué)前緣, 6: 113-119
                          71. 張旗, 錢(qián)青, 王焰,賈秀琴,韓松. 1999. 蛇綠巖地球化學(xué)研究. 地質(zhì)論評, 45 (增刊): 101-107.
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